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6 votes
2 answers

Is there some way to prove how long my Monero have been in my wallet?

I am using simplewallet. Is there some way to prove how long these funds have been in my account? Question adapted from here.
sgp's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

What privacy issues did Monero have and still has?

Has there been any scientific research regarding the promised privacy and security of Monero? Have there been attacks on the Monero network in the past? If so, what has been done to combat those? ...
James Cameron's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

How much information is passed from the daemon to simplewallet when scanning for a wallet's transactions?

When simplewallet is connected to a local daemon, the data throughput is mostly irrelevant because communication is done completely locally. But I am curious about how much data/information is ...
bigreddmachine's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to change password on a wallet created with simplewallet?

I have created a wallet using simplewallet, but I am not satisfied with the password. How do I go about changing the password on the wallet? (I am running monero.linux.x64.v0-9-4-0)
LovelyDay's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Simplewallet shows zero balance after recovering XMR paper wallet (using Mac)

I have made two paper wallets and can recover neither. I use the Monero Test app to check balance once I have sent the Monero to the paper wallet (made with offline generator). Then I launch ...
Kuriously's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Recovery from seed not working on monero.mac.x64.v0-9-4-0

Whenever I proceed according to these instructions: And type: simplewallet –restore-deterministic-wallet It just returns: -bash: ...
Just a guest's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What software is included in the Monero Core?

What software is included in the Monero Core?
Lumo5's user avatar
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8 votes
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What will happen to my wallet during next hard fork?

I read the following announcement on a mining pool website: HardFork V3: 23 days from now What will happen (if anything) to my actual wallet during this hardfork update? Will it change address? ...
Alessandro Da Rugna's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why does rescanning the blockchain fail with "Abort trap: 6"?

After importing a wallet in simplewallet, issuing the rescan_bc command consistently results in the following "Abort trap: 6" error on my computer: [wallet 4*****]: rescan_bc Starting refresh... ...
dpzz's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How do I import a large number of private keys into a wallet?

I have a list of my private keys I generated, and I want to import all of them into SimpleWallet. I have the Spend key, view key, address, and mnemonic from MoneroAddress' generations. I can format ...
infinitecolor's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How do I connect monero-wallet-cli to a remote node?

In the post What privacy or security trade offs are associated with not running your own full node? the privacy ramifications of connecting monero-wallet-cli to a remote node are discussed. However, I ...
bigreddmachine's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is there a risk that cold storage wallets containing non RingCT outputs will be unspendable in the future?

If I fund a wallet today and don't touch it for 5 years, is there a risk that I won't be able to spend my funds? Is it advisable to move funds around to a new wallet with each hard fork?
revler1082's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

basic_string::resize crash [duplicate]

My simplewallet (W-XP) also crashes when loading a pre-existing wallet. This happens whether running against my local node or remote node. Deleting the wallet's cache enables it to load, but in watch-...
coqui33's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Wallet initialization failed: basic_string::resize

I just transferred a demo wallet from to simplewallet, refreshed the wallet using the public node and saved it. Afterwards, when trying to set auto-refresh to 1 it ...
James Cameron's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

unable to see wallet balance using simplewallet restore

So I have been trying to restore my wallet using the seed and simplewallet, it asks for a wallet name, then a password and finally my seed, it says my wallet has been opened. Then I set refresh and ...
user406's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Problems with creating name and regularly accessing view-only wallet for cold storage

Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I've created a couple view-only wallets using , and have been coming across some problems: 1) ...
floam412's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How will the world learn of Monero? [closed]

I do my part in sharing the Monero technology with those I know, of whom I think may be interested. However, when I was introduced to Monero a few months ago, I found quite a bit of misinformation ...
Cryptocasher's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer
649 views balance verification, wallet restoration, and usage precautions

I have used the website to generate a wallet, sent some funds using I kept my spend and view key, my wallet address and mnemonic. All this was done offline except for ...
josh's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

If I send money with Simplewallet, it'll show that I've both sent and received funds. Why?

Whenever I send funds with XMR and use the refresh command to check my balance, Simplewallet will show a number of transactions, some adding money to my account and some withdrawing money from my ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Formal Verification of Monero code

This answer mentions a plan to eventually formally verify Monero code. Which approach will be used for that verification process? The cited wikipedia page mentions model checking, deductive ...
nicetrader's user avatar
6 votes
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Simplewallet: How do I get the tx_id needed for check_tx_key and get_tx_key?

I tried to use the transaction hash, but that seems to be something different than tx_id. For example with this: get_tx_key <my-transaction-hash> I got an error "no tx key found for this txid"....
villabacho's user avatar
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Simplewallet: Can I print the current values of the options that can be set by the "set" command?

I did not see something like a "get" command, and for example "set auto-refresh" without an argument does not show the current status of auto-refresh. Am I overlooking something?
villabacho's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can I restore my account using just the keys file?

Can I restore my account without seed and wallet file, using just the keys file? and do I need to know the password if you can restore from key file?
Romanero's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to force someone to rescan their wallet?

I'm asking in the context of Poloniex having to rescan their wallet conveniently at the time of Monero's all time high in volume, reference:
jwinterm's user avatar
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Is it possible to trace an output in the Monero blockchain?

In MRL-0004, it's said: Bob wishes to send 0.75 XMR to Alice, and will pay 0.01 XMR in fees. The Monero that Alice receives, 0.75 XMR, will be delivered as two new unspent transaction outputs ...
mwdddgcs's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How long do I have to wait for monero-wallet-cli to be synchronized again?

So from time to time I use my monero-wallet-cli together with the monerod. I start up monerod and wait until its up to date. Then I start up the monero-wallet-cli but its empty. Now I have to use ...
onefox's user avatar
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8 votes
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Should I worry about dust in my wallet?

MRL-0004 talks about how if I get sent a weird amount of XMR like 103.32111111, I'll have a weird output of .00111111 in my wallet, and assuming there will be no other outputs of the same amount in ...
mwdddgcs's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Wallet RPC API wallet creation

I decided to build a python GUI wrapper around monerod and monero-wallet-rpc. Following and
nthterm's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Aeon minimum mixin

Aeon does not have a mandatory minimum mixin like Monero does. Despite the feature being relatively easy to add, there is no mention of doing so in the current development roadmap. What advantages ...
dontmindme's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why do incoming transfers appear in my wallet later than in block explorer?

ok, so I'm running the standard monero client ( simplewallet ). Twice now I have received incoming transfers from The shapeshift interface notified me at the moment the xmr transfer ...
fullofstars's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What technique(s) should be used to secure funds in my wallet(s)?

So I know that there might not be a straight forward answer besides having a cold and hot wallet available that you can access with your own daemon and simplewallet. But I feel like there might be ...
floam412's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to have simplewallet start scanning from a certain block instead of the beginning of the blockchain when refreshing a new wallet?

Say I generate a new wallet, and I know for sure that I don't have any transactions appearing prior to block 'X'. Is it possible to instruct simplewallet to start the scan at a certain block? I'd ...
revler1082's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How did Monero Research Lab members learn about Monero?

Did the original Monero core team reach out to cryptographers in order to seek review of the original CryptoNote whitepaper? Or did the mathematicians hear about CryptoNote from some other means and ...
opensourceprivacy's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Simplewallet password confirmation during wallet creation

I like to use very strong passwords, but occasionally make a typo when entering them. Is there a setting I can use so that simplewallet will force me to enter my desired password twice (and ensure ...
Mary Johnson's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Are there any Monero specific programming language "libraries" available?

I understand that simplewallet has a raw JSON RPC interface available, but are there any specific "helper" libraries available for a relatively modern programming language(PHP, Python, Java, ...
choffman's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How can i sweep out a whole wallet to another address?

Since currently it's not possible to manage multiple addresses easily with one simplewallet instance, I would like to fire them up on the go. I am on windows with the binaries bitmonerod and ...
onefox's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How do you import a wallet from the private keys into simplewallet? [duplicate]

Is there a way you can import a wallet into simplewallet from the private spend key and private view key? I know you can import the view key to create a view wallet, but I can't see how to import the ...
Christopher King's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What programming language(s) are used in building Bitmonerod, Simplewallet, Kovri, and the Monero GUI?

What programming languages are being used to build Bitmonerod, Simplewallet, Kovri and the Monero GUI? Are multiple languages used within the same application? What is the level of programming ...
Patrick Alexander's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Research on difficulty algorithm

A new difficulty algorithm is said to be researched in, with a new MRL paper underway. I see nothing new on about ...
user36303's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why do I need to refresh my wallet?

If I run a full node on the same computer as simplewallet why do I need to "refresh" my wallet to see new incoming and outgoing transactions? Will the new official GUI now in development eliminate ...
Julio's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What does "transaction failed" mean in simplewallet?

When I opened my account in simplewallet, it said that my transaction failed even though I saw them in a transaction pool on a block explorer. What does the message mean in simplewallet?
Ginger Ale's user avatar
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16 votes
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What happened at block 202612?

Why was this block hardcoded in the source-code? What happened with the Monero blockchain in the block 202612?
user avatar
10 votes
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private spend key versus mnemonic seed

What is the difference between a private spend key and mnemonic seed? Can both be used to sign a transaction? Are there any things that I can derive from one but not the other?
J Dog's user avatar
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3 answers

Hashrate correlation by time of day

Looking at historical Monero hash rate data it appears as if the hashrate is often the highest near 0:00 GMT and lowest near 12:00 GMT What credible explanations are there for this pattern? What ...
Luke Benton's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Can simplewallet auto refresh?

Sometimes after I send a transaction, I like to use the "refresh" command so that I can see how many blocks (confirmations) have occurred for my transaction. Similarly, when I am expecting to receive ...
Javier's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Mymonero and simplewallet mnemonic seed compatibility

Mymonero and simplewallet use different numbers of seed words. Are they compatible? Can seed words created by Mymonero be used to recover a wallet with simplewallet? Can seed words created by ...
Susan's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How does ringct interact with multisig?

When the ringct branch is finished, will it make m-of-n multisig easier or harder to implement?
expez's user avatar
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