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Questions tagged [multisig]

With multi-signature transactions you can require than multiple parties sign a transaction. In order to be able to spend the funds approval is required from a chosen number of those parties.

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Signature aggregation in multi signature threshold setup

I set up a 3/4 multi-signature threshold wallet for testing purposes, I figured that when Alice makes a transfer transaction and signs it with her shares of the spend key, she needs to send this to ...
sepehr damavandi's user avatar
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Any known implementation of Monero MPC mutlisigs?

I am looking for a whitepaper/science doc/source code that explains/implements MPC multisig for Monero. Would appreciate any piece of inforamtion
Max's user avatar
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Multisig: Can you add another party after finalize_multisig

Let's say i'm creating a 2/3 multisig but i only have 2 people, is it possible to create the multisig with only 2 people, then later i add the third person? and/or can you edit a multisig and change/...
Ceddy Muhoza's user avatar
1 vote
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MMS: Replacing pybitmessage with I2P tunnels

Conceptually speaking, is it possible to replace pybitmessage requirement in Monero Multisig System in favor of an I2P tunnel ? If not, what additionnal feature(s) does pybitmessage provides over an ...
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar
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Multisig MMS usage

Is the mms available through the JSON RPC? I was having luck without using the mms by using the JSON RPC multisig calls, by subclassing monero-python's JSONRPCWallet, up until creating a transaction. ...
ciferecaekzisto's user avatar
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What signature scheme does Monero use for multisig?

How do multisig transactions work in Monero? Does it use a threshold signature scheme? Or is it like bitcoin where there is an M-of-N Multisig Operation?
Darius's user avatar
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Multisig wallets cannot spend non rct outputs

I'm experimenting with multisig wallet on private testnet. I have followed this tutorial: How to Use Monero Multisignature Wallets (2/2 & 2/3) but when I try to transfer from multisig wallet I get:...
Daniel's user avatar
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GUI MMS - a graphical monero multisig app

We all know Monero Multisig is still a work in progress and most online guides are quite tricky to follow for the average user. A relatively promising project is the Multisig Messaging System (MMS) ...
Anelito's user avatar
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How to compute ringct multisignature key images? (Disambiguation of MRL005)

I'm looking at the multisignature scheme provided by MRL005 Section 4.4, and some things are unclear to me. I've attached a picture below of the expression for which I'm seeking some clarification. ...
justlearning's user avatar
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Deposit before multisig setup is complete?

Is there any point during the creation of a multisig wallet that funds can be deposited into the wallet or is it only safe to make deposits after the final step (The exchange)?
Paragon512's user avatar
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Multisig requires new wallet or new address?

I'm following the information here but hoping to save some troubleshooting time. It says "First, the wallet to be converted to multisig must be empty. It is best to use a brand-new walllet for the ...
Paragon512's user avatar
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Multisig seed recovery wallet

Okay, so I recovered a multi-sig wallet from seed using the monero-wallet-cli. The multi-sig was already created (scheme 2/3), I used my original wallet seed and then completed the recovery with the ...
Luis Herrera's user avatar
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What are the different commands for `balance [detail]` in monero-wallet-cli

Playing around with multisig subaddresses, I found we can create as many subaddresses as we want in any "account". I can have several accounts with several subaddresses for each account, that's pretty ...
Luis Herrera's user avatar
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Determining the private view key by observing the exchange of MultisigV1 strings

If someone were to observe the exchange of MultisigV1 strings during multisig wallet creation, can they use these to discover the public address or secret view key of the multisig wallet? If so, how?
knaccc's user avatar
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How do multisig wallet seeds work?

If I create a 3/3 multisig wallet and then type seed, the seed shown is 528 hex characters. What does this seed consist of, and does it allow full restoration of that participant's multisig wallet?
knaccc's user avatar
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Can a new participant be added onto a multisisg 2/3 scheme?

Once a multisig wallet is created with a specific scheme, can a new participant be added, or does a new multisig wallet need to be made? The same question for if a participant can be removed?
Luis Herrera's user avatar
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Will the Multisig Messaging System improve Monero security and performance?

I'm trying to understand the incoming MMS (Multisig Messaging System) in Monero. Reading the MMS User Manual, I am thinking that MMS could improve both the security and performance in the next Monero ...
cialu's user avatar
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How can someone verify funds in a XMR wallet usint public viewkey?

I know that to create a view only wallet you have the following option using the secret view key: ./monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-view-key wallet-name Standard address: 4jkshetduseokd... ...
Luis Herrera's user avatar
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Multisignature - get one signed transaction, send another, use first signed transaction

The nature of my problem is the following: I, side A, need to get a multisig transaction signed by side B to send it to side C later on, store that signed transaction (not broadcast it yet), then sign ...
h173k's user avatar
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Multisig one to many transaction

Is it possible to sign one to many transaction in multisig 2/2 wallet? I want functionality where both sides can sign transaction that split the wallet without a need to create gap that requires a ...
h173k's user avatar
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Cold multisig wallet

I'm trying to sign a multisig transaction offline following multisig and offline guides. I got stuck when I tried to transfer funds, because the online view only wallet can't create multisig ...
Ales's user avatar
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How do I multiply 2 public keys?

I want to make DH-like key exchange calculating something like this: b = H(b0B1B2) But the problem is multiplication between two ec-points is not defined on ec-curve. I know monero makes some ...
milo's user avatar
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Offline Signing 2/3 Multisig

Interested in weather offline signing for 2/3 Multisig wallets is possible in this setup. I have three computers Airgapped from the internet, and a USB. I imagine i can pull down some outputs for ...
Koo's user avatar
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Is there a easy to follow tutorial on how to get multi sig working for Monero v12 via console? [duplicate]

Monero v12 is out and there's multi sig, but I'm unsure how to go about using this on the command line. Is there an easy visual tutorial on how to go about using this?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Is it planned to implement Hashed Timelocked Contracts (HTLC) through the monero multisig wallet?

In other words, will be there equivalent of the command 'locked_transfer' for sending funds to multisig wallet? So a sender can return the funds by using just his signature (ONLY through the 'number ...
Alcibiades2018's user avatar
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Do multisig addresses share the same space as regular addresses and produce the same types of keys?

Let me word it another way. Can a normal Monero seed produce the same address as a multisig wallet? And, if so, would that mean that the private spend key generated by that wallet would be able to ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
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Wallet transfer/disbursement after death

One downside of good cryptographic privacy is that funds will be lost if the key is forgotton or not known. How can someone ensure funds are not lost after death? Apart from relying on a trusted ...
Toby Kelsey's user avatar
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How does Monero's multisig work under the hood?

I read Luigi's post about how multisig worked when he released the first test version, but I found it very complicated and hard to understand. Maybe it was the format, or maybe it was just more ...
user141's user avatar
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How to Use Monero Multisignature Wallets (2/2 & 2/3)

Disclaimer: this is written for the pre-release version and for testing purposes only (at the present moment). Use at your own responsibility and don't play with big amounts. To test yourself, you ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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How might someone view the balance of a multisig monero address without both its private keys?

Is it possible? Would two view keys allow you to at least see what it had received? Would one view key? Not sure how multisig would work with Monero. Perhaps there would only be one view key?
user1471's user avatar
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How can Monero best be used within a commercial business?

If a business owner wants to hold Monero and potentially use it for business transactions, using for example the GUI wallet, how would this best work? I'm thinking in terms of who would hold the ...
StrawbsUK's user avatar
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Does Multisig have any privacy drawbacks?

Does implementing multisig at the protocol level raise any privacy concerns? In other words, because several people are now involved in a trx, does that raise the probabilities of de-anonymizing the ...
pl55's user avatar
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What is the state of development of Multisig? [duplicate]

In this thread it was stated that after "RingCT ready to be released, the work on integrating RingCT with multisig can begin". Ring CT is now implemented in the testnet, so I am wondering if there is ...
user141's user avatar
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What would be the fastest way to implement Dominant Assurance Contracts (which depend on multisignature transactions) with Monero?

I think that dominant assurance contracts are a significantly overlooked or poorly explored idea for the entire cypherpunk and cryptocurrency community. I'd like for all of us to do more ...
user1471's user avatar
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How high is Multi-Sig on the list of development priorities?

.... and is there a rough ETA? ( Soon..) If this isn't being actively developed, then is there things that need to be developed before this can happen? Otherwise has there been any forum ...
user26491's user avatar
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What are the chances of Monero having a marketplace similar to Openbazaar?

I realize this would likely need multisig, but are there any plans to add Monero support to Openbazaar? Whether by the OB developers or could we get a FFS to get people working on it to PR the code to ...
thavu's user avatar
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ELI5: How is Multisig going to work in Monero?

From what I understand Monero multisig will likely be a special Monero address, similar to something like a p2sh address to address specific use cases. Will it work like a traditional multisig system ...
thavu's user avatar
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Can you have a multsig wallet with the current Monero protocol?

Can you create a bitcoin-style multisig wallet in Monero in the current protocol? You would have n participants, such that k of them can authorize a transaction.
Christopher King's user avatar
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How sophisticated will Monero's multisig capability be once RingCT is implemented and it's future plans afterwards?

A lot of people talk about the fact that once RingCT is implemented multisig will be possible, but it seems to be a very open statement, can someone give a more comprehensive breakdown of what kind of ...
ferretinjapan's user avatar
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Multi-sig flexibility

When multisig becomes available for Monero how flexible will it be? If "M" is number signatures required and "N" is the number of signatures available what is the minimum and maximum "M" and "N" ...
Javier's user avatar
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Does Monero/the CryptoNote Protocol support multi signature wallets?

I did not find a question directly asking for multi signatures and Monero. Right now there doesn't seem to be support for multi signatures in Monero. So I want to know if it is technically feasible ...
stke's user avatar
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Forum Funding System donations earmarked for projects that are never completed

What happens to Monero raised by the Forum Funding System for projects that are never completed? Are donations returned to donors (if their identity is known)? What happens to donations made by ...
guesswhoiam's user avatar
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How does ringct interact with multisig?

When the ringct branch is finished, will it make m-of-n multisig easier or harder to implement?
expez's user avatar
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