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Questions tagged [hard-fork]

Any alteration to Monero which changes the block structure (including block hash), difficulty rules, or set of valid transactions

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Will the upcoming Seraphis upgrade change anything with regard to the blockchain size and the pruning of the blockchain?

Will the upcoming Seraphis upgrade change anything with regard to the blockchain size and the pruning of the blockchain?
John Smith's user avatar
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How to get 18.1 to get working on Monero GUI

Im having a hard time getting the new 18.1 hardfork release to work on Monero gui. Please any help would be awesome. I logged in and it said download new version. i accepted but cannot seem to figure ...
joeneedstokno's user avatar
1 vote
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Monero testnet forked on block 1982800; how is it possible and what are the implications for mainnet?

I have a testnet node running on At the moment the node reports the following tip: print_height 1999140 print_block 1999139 timestamp: 1654876411 (2022-06-10 15:53:31) previous hash:...
emesik's user avatar
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Are non-contentious hard forks a potential hindrance to the development and/or usage of the lightning network on top of Monero?

Let's say I open a private channel to someone today. After several years of using the channel I want to close it. Would I be able to do it with a client that was in the meantime upgraded with a couple ...
John Smith's user avatar
0 votes
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How would I create a hard fork in my fork of monero?

I added a version 15 in the hardforks.cpp file in the src/hardforks/ directory and compiled it. I launched the newly compiled daemon and it does not show the version 15 as actually existing. Are there ...
user avatar
1 vote
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What is the 3rd and 4th value in the hardforks.cpp?

I know what the first two values are. Version and then block height. But then there is a third value with nothing then the fourth value which contains a very long number, I do not know what it means. ...
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-1 votes
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Monero GUI not recognising my Ledger X can I get it to remember?

I set up my Ledger X successfully back in May 2020 and decided against setting up a password for simplicity's sake. I recently updated to the new MUI - Oxygen Orion in preparation for the ...
Rooster9001's user avatar
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What happens if we send using an unencrypted payment ID after the new v0.15 upgrade?

With the upcoming v0.15 update for Monero, unencrypted payment ids are going to be removed. But what happens if someone sends to a Monero address using one of these payment ids? Would the coins be ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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After a fork, if a user opens an incompatible GUI/CLI, what information is presented to the user which says they are using old software?

Now we are on 0.14.x software, what would happen if someone opens a 0.11.x, 0.12.x or 0.13.x GUI/CLI? Also, when Monero forks again later in 2019, what will the 0.14.x GUI/CLI present to the user?
tficharmers's user avatar
2 votes
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Will I need to update wallet and miner after the next upcoming (March 2019) fork?

I have read about the next upcoming fork planned for the block 1788000 (around the 9th of March). After that block, will I need to update the Monero daemon, the wallet, or both? And what about the ...
Tilli's user avatar
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How to switch the algorithm according to hard fork height?

When a hard fork is scheduled, how does the program recognize the hard fork? And how to make the whole network recognize the new algorithm?
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Why there are four parameters for hard fork?

static const struct { uint8_t version; uint64_t height; uint8_t threshold; time_t time; } It is easy to understand version and height, but it is hard to understand threshold and time. And ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Hard fork versions

Where can I find explanation about the different versions(from 1 to 9)? Is there a way to change the version to RingCT's version on testnet (started from scratch - block 0) without causing troubles ...
adsl's user avatar
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Was there evidence of any ASICS after the new POW upgrade in october 2018?

There was obviously ASICS made prior to the 2018 March POW fork, but was there evidence of this for the 2018 October fork?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How hard would it be replace the PoW checks for something else?

How hard would it be replace the PoW checks for something else? (e.g. checking signatures for some PoA scheme, i guess those checks would replace the check_hash calls?)
842687's user avatar
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Troubleshooting GUI After April 6 2018 Upgrade (Still Popping Blocks)

So it's been a while since I opened up the GUI, and forgot to prepare for the April 6 update. I opened up the GUI on Aug 8 2018. The daemon started up, and began to sync, for about 12 hours. It ...
Ricknad0's user avatar
1 vote
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Errors setting up a Monero pool

I'm having issues running the daemon on Linux Ubuntu 16.04. I have download the blockchain.raw then imported it, then I've gone to run ./monerod and I'm getting this: 2018-07-28 09:45:39.690 ...
Madman1's user avatar
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How can I be notified of important updates/news to the Monero software?

Monero forks twice a year at roughly predictable times. However, it is easy to forget about it, and you end up forked off if you don't update your software in time. How can I be notified of these ...
user36303's user avatar
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Which is the more reliable coin after April 2018 network upgrade?

As far I understand monero is now divided as monero and monero classic/original/0 . So which is the more reliable coin? I do have a linux node in which an old version of monerod was installed. To ...
SMJ's user avatar
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What was the difference in hashrate power when the March 2018 anti-ASIC Hardfork occurred?

What was the percentage drop in hashrate during the 2018 march anti-ASIC hardfork before and after the fork? Finding this number, can we estimate how many ASIC's were produced? This is assuming ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
6 votes
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What effect has the increase of minimal ring size from 5 to 7?

How will the scheduled increase of ring size in the current hard fork v7 affect security/privacy, transaction size/fees and verification time? Is there a reason why exactly 7 and not 10 or maybe 20?
marcrypt's user avatar
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What exactly has been changed in PoW algorithms in the v7 fork?

I have read the official announcement about the current PoW change and also seen the discussion on GitHub but this is very long and very technical. Could someone summarise what exactly has been ...
marcrypt's user avatar
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Force daemon to a specific hard fork version

I want my node to stay on the v6 hard fork and reject all new blocks from later versions. Is there a command to force my node to stay on that specific hard fork version or do I need to compile and run ...
Alexander Poschenrieder's user avatar
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Monero April 6 Hardfork guide?

I mine Monero, and use the GUI wallet. I know updating the miner should be pretty straight forward, but the wallet? Will I keep the old blockchain? Where will I find the update? Should I move my ...
livermushman's user avatar
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V7 hard fork inputs sorting

I've seen that the new hard fork requires the inputs to be sorted. I already had some transactions rejected from my testnet node due to this rule. So, the question is: How are the inputs supposed to ...
Alexander Poschenrieder's user avatar
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How to set up a node to V7 Hard fork in testnet?

I need to test an app running a node in V7 on testnet, avoiding Bulletproofs so i can have a clean v7 blockchain. I have a node based on Master's code running on testnet but in some point starts to ...
Alexander Poschenrieder's user avatar
3 votes
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Block height and notification procedure for v7+ forks

Has the block height for the v7 fork been decided upon yet? What procedure will be used to provide notice exchanges, mining pools and merchants about the upcoming fork. Starting with v7 will their ...
Video Game Champ's user avatar
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Why can't a pool find block after the hard fork

I know that it's my problem, but I don't have any idea what happened. Here are my pool stats(private pool): Here are the stats before the fork: Early on, all was good. A few days before the hard ...
Igor Dyakonov's user avatar
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What happens to transactions sent via old software after hard fork?

If I am using Monero binaries v0.10.3, and try to send transactions after the hard fork on September 15, 2017, will those transactions just be ignored by miners?
user3443's user avatar
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Block height for v6 fork

What is the block height and approximate date for the v6 Monero fork? Has there been a decision to change the targeted block height based on discussions to keep the fork near Sept 21st despite a ...
Sam's user avatar
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Backward compatibility and updates

The current plan is for bi-annual updates (hard forks) "for the forseeable future". What is the policy or plan for: Backward compatibility for existing daemons and wallet versions? For how ...
Toby Kelsey's user avatar
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What changes are planned for the September 2017 hard fork?

I am having trouble finding information about which of the following will be included in the September 2017 hard fork: Fluffy blocks Minimum / uniform ringsize ZMQ (Zero MQ) ? Is there a reliable ...
GooseBear's user avatar
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Any thought on the Minergate hard fork of Dashcoin? Is it a 51% attack?

You can read the whole thing on the Dashcoin thread on I'll keep things short. Since Dashcoin is a copy of Bytecoin, it was effected by the same bug found by the Monero team back in ...
Gary Chen's user avatar
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How would a transition from cryptonight PoW to cuckoo cycle work?

What would be the smoothest transition for changing the PoW? Miners would need to be given a heads up to install new software but how would the switch over happen in practice? The block before the ...
samwellj's user avatar
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When did Monero switch to 2 minute blocks?

When Monero was launched, it used a 1 minute block time. In the question Why was the block time changed from 1 to 2 minutes?, reasons for the switch were discussed. When, however, did this switch ...
bigreddmachine's user avatar
15 votes
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Why will the v5 fork raise the min block size to 300,000 bytes?

Why will the v5 fork raise the min block size to 300,000 bytes? v5 is now used for an increased minimum block size (from 60000 to 300000) to cater for larger typical/minimum transaction size. I ...
Sebastian Ullrich's user avatar
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At what point will Monero forego forced hardforks

One of bitcoin's greatest strengths is it's resistance to change that is not truly endorsed by the majority. At what point will Monero mimic bitcoin's censorship resistance in the form of truly ...
gdoober's user avatar
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Hardfork - Pool Failed to parse block

I run a small pool with some friends on a fork of the cryptonote pool. I continue to receive "failed to parse block" errors after the hardfork and I cannot seem to figure out what to do. Last time I ...
sk1tt1sh's user avatar
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Why does Monero not softfork like Bitcoin does?

Are hardforks just safer than softforks? Bitcoin seems to like softforks for some reason.
samwellj's user avatar
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RingCT migration to Borromean Ring Signatures and testing

With the recent discovery of a bug in the original ringCT code, and the subsequent update from using ASNL to Borromean Ring Signatures, how much testing has been done since that change, and what kind ...
user141's user avatar
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Why is 10.1 a mandatory upgrade?

So 10.1 is the version that includes all updates necessary for the next hardfork in january 2017. But as far as i understood the hardfork cycle, one version below the hardfork version will still work ...
onefox's user avatar
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What caused the mandatory update for the hardfork in early January 2017?

As far as I know, the plan for hard forks is to always release the code for a hard fork approximately six months into the main repository as a point release before the hard fork code activates. ...
jwinterm's user avatar
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Failure of an exchange or pool to upgrade to Monero v0.10.1 by January 5th

According to the release notes: The main thing to know is that you should 0.10.1. Otherwise, you will get booted off the network. If you are mining, make sure the pool you are mining on has ...
John Adamson's user avatar
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Reason for 9 month period between v4 and v5 forks

From this question it is clear that the v4 hard fork was advanced to January 2016 (from March 2016) so that RingCT could be activated sooner. The v5 hard fork scheduling (for September 2016) was ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Peers often report unknown top blocks. How can I find more reliable peers?

The daemon regularly reports top blocks that are years in the past. For example (IP addresses are anonymized): 2016-Oct-23 06:13:27.789171 [P2P2][ OUT] SYNCHRONIZED OK 2016-Oct-23 ...
ProkhorZ's user avatar
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When will the mandatory minimum mixin be increased?

Currently a minimum mixin of 2 is mandatory. It is my understanding that the mandatory minimum mixin will be increased to 4 at some point. When will that happen?
nioc's user avatar
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Should we synchronize blockchain from scratch after every scheduled hard fork?

Should we synchronize blockchain from scratch after every scheduled hardfork or just update the binaries and synchronizing blockchain from where it was synced with pre hardfork binaries?
Febo's user avatar
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I am running blockchain 0.9.4. Why is it not syncing?

I know that you can send coins from 0.9.4 to 0.10.0. If I am still running 0.9.4 will it sync with 0.10.0 blocks? I am trying to sync my 0.9.4 chain and it does not seem to be syncing any new blocks....
silver-saguaro's user avatar
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Hard Fork Replay Attacks? [duplicate]

When the Ethereum fork happened a few months ago, users were cautioned to protect against so called "replay attacks". A replay attack, as far as i understand it, is when a transaction occurs on one ...
user2800217's user avatar
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Can I send coins from 0.9.4 to 0.10.0?

I've got a 0.9.4 downloaded on a computer I no longer want to use. Can I send those coins to the 0.10.0 chain?
silver-saguaro's user avatar