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22 votes
2 answers

What privacy issues did Monero have and still has?

Has there been any scientific research regarding the promised privacy and security of Monero? Have there been attacks on the Monero network in the past? If so, what has been done to combat those? ...
James Cameron's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

What happened at block 202612?

Why was this block hardcoded in the source-code? What happened with the Monero blockchain in the block 202612?
user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

What is StringCT?

I saw some recent comments about RuffCT/StringCT, which is a supposed improvement to RingCT. What is RuffCT/StringCT, and how is it different than RingCT? What improvements (if any) will this bring to ...
sgp's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How does ringct interact with multisig?

When the ringct branch is finished, will it make m-of-n multisig easier or harder to implement?
expez's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

What will the Monero Research Lab be working on in the future, after RingCT has released?

Will they be looking more into quantum proofing the Monero protocol or Cuckoo Cycle testing etc?
thavu's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How did Monero Research Lab members learn about Monero?

Did the original Monero core team reach out to cryptographers in order to seek review of the original CryptoNote whitepaper? Or did the mathematicians hear about CryptoNote from some other means and ...
opensourceprivacy's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Hashrate correlation by time of day

Looking at historical Monero hash rate data it appears as if the hashrate is often the highest near 0:00 GMT and lowest near 12:00 GMT What credible explanations are there for this pattern? What ...
Luke Benton's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is there MRL-0007? What topic is it about?

I see from a previous post that MRL-0001~0005 are complete and published while MRL-0006 and MRL-0008 are still ongoing, but I've never heard anything about MRL-0007. Is there such a thing? If so, what ...
kenshi84's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Aeon minimum mixin

Aeon does not have a mandatory minimum mixin like Monero does. Despite the feature being relatively easy to add, there is no mention of doing so in the current development roadmap. What advantages ...
dontmindme's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How will the world learn of Monero? [closed]

I do my part in sharing the Monero technology with those I know, of whom I think may be interested. However, when I was introduced to Monero a few months ago, I found quite a bit of misinformation ...
Cryptocasher's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Has RingCT been reviewed by the other Monero Research Lab members?

Shen Noether has created RingCT and I trust that he has done so in a safe and correct manner, but it never hurts to have more eyes on the crypto. RingCT is currently in testnet and being rigorously ...
thavu's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Should I worry about dust in my wallet?

MRL-0004 talks about how if I get sent a weird amount of XMR like 103.32111111, I'll have a weird output of .00111111 in my wallet, and assuming there will be no other outputs of the same amount in ...
mwdddgcs's user avatar
  • 195
8 votes
1 answer

MRL RingCT research in the Ledger Journal

I understand that Ledger: is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes full-length original research articles on the subjects of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as any ...
seek adventure's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Formal Verification of Monero code

This answer mentions a plan to eventually formally verify Monero code. Which approach will be used for that verification process? The cited wikipedia page mentions model checking, deductive ...
nicetrader's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Issue with unforgeability proof of ASNL in RingCT paper

In the RingCT paper, proof of theorem 5.1 (The Aggregate Schnorr Non-linkable ring signature is unforgeable under the discrete logarithm assumption), it is assumed by contradiction that there exists ...
user141's user avatar
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6 votes
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Where to find a computation example of the monero traceable ring signature mechanism in a small finite field?

In the following coindesk article, The math behind bitcoin, you can find a beautiful example of the ECDSA keypair generation, signature and signature verification algorithms in use in bitcoin. They ...
erik's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to trace an output in the Monero blockchain?

In MRL-0004, it's said: Bob wishes to send 0.75 XMR to Alice, and will pay 0.01 XMR in fees. The Monero that Alice receives, 0.75 XMR, will be delivered as two new unspent transaction outputs ...
mwdddgcs's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to know when I get paid from mining Monero

I just started to mining Monero, using Claymore v3.8. Via CPU. With my very weak knowledge of mining, I just want to see a "payment" so can be sure that I am not mining for nothing. I am using ...
GLHF's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Monero Applications Development

I'm a software engineer (Mobile/Native) with interest in cryptocurrency. I would be interested in taking pet projects for monero, but, i've read recently that the jaxx guys halted the monero's ...
bmartins's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Editing Monero Papers

I have been reading some of the papers available on Monero, and they contain a lot of typos and other small errors. It would be great if we could fix and clarify them. Don't get me wrong, I greatly ...
user141's user avatar
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5 votes
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Literature suggestions to understand the cryptography used in Monero?

For a computer scientist familiar with theoretical aspects of the field and a solid understanding of mathematical foundations, but no background in cryptography, what are recommended books or papers ...
villabacho's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Monero Research Lab - Talent Acquisition. Whom would/do they want?

The MRL, to my knowledge, is made up of four anonymous/pseudonymous academics, who primarily specialize in mathematics (mathematical sciences and algebraic geometry). Are there other specialties that ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the concept of Refund Transactions from the MRL?

I am searching for more information on the concept of refund transactions. I found that the MRL is working on a paper on the topic (source). Would this be something that will be used in channel ...
onefox's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Research on difficulty algorithm

A new difficulty algorithm is said to be researched in, with a new MRL paper underway. I see nothing new on about ...
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the size of the set of spent key images in Monero?

For research purposes, I want to know the following: What is the exact size of the set of already spent key images and how it can be checked? Do we need to download the Monero blockchain to get the ...
trijia's user avatar
  • 73
3 votes
1 answer

How does Ring Confidential Transactions work?

Can someone explain to me how RingCT works and how the recipient gets the actual amount from the encrypted amount in a RingCT transaction?
Sajitha Liyanage's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

An academic "hello world" on Monero

I'm a graduate student looking to improve my skills in real-world applications of cryptography and online anonymity. Reviewing all of the new blockchain and alt-coin variants, I believe that Monero is ...
SRC's user avatar
  • 321
3 votes
1 answer

Missing Monero Funds

I made a transaction on ShapeShift. The transaction was successful but I never received my funds in my wallet. I’ve already talked with ShapeShift customer and they said the best thing to do is to ask ...
dcrew's user avatar
  • 111
2 votes
1 answer

Help-Sent Monero From Changelly and did not received funds

I am a total Tech NOOB. I set up the Monero GUI wallet yesterday and moved BTC to Changelly to convert to XMR. Changelly shows the transaction record but something went wrong did not get the funds in ...
Vincent Dowd's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Will Monero suffer the transaction fee problem like Bitcoin?

Currently, BTC has a problem with small transfers, i.e sending £1 will cost £4 which is just ridiculous. Will XMR ever have the same problem? I know LTC have sloved this issue and Bitcoin cash has ...
99Con's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How Monero transactions related with mixins

Can anyone explain me is there a relationship between transaction outputs with the number of mixins using in the transaction? I meant If someone sends 12XMR to someone else with 5-mixins how many ...
Sajitha Liyanage's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How the sender recover the transactions that he spent?

In order to compute the balance of his own wallet, (I assume that) a client needs to retrieve: 1- The transaction that he is the receiver.(By scanning the whole block-chain and compare with his own ...
user1387682's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to compute ringct multisignature key images? (Disambiguation of MRL005)

I'm looking at the multisignature scheme provided by MRL005 Section 4.4, and some things are unclear to me. I've attached a picture below of the expression for which I'm seeking some clarification. ...
justlearning's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Get Transactions from payment ID

I know how to generate payment id and how payment id works. But how can i get all transactions for a payment id from monero wallet CLI. Is there a way to do that? And command for that will be greatly ...
MoneroFinder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Explore Monero Blockchain in Ubuntu

Can someone tell me step by step approach to explore Monero Blockchain in Ubuntu? From the beginning. Is there any way explore it with the terminal to see inside each block? Like what is the index of ...
Sajitha Liyanage's user avatar