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Questions tagged [monerod-commands]

questions about available commands for monerod (previously called bitmonerod)

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Changing mining threads while monerod is already mining/running and without stopping and running start_mining command?

Is there a way to change the number of threads while monerod is already mining: so that I dont have to stop monerod and rerun the start_mining command?
Pedro Lee's user avatar
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Facing an error when working with (monero node tracker) This is the monero node tracker. After following the steps to make the project work, I am facing an attribute error where the function ...
Mogambo's user avatar
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In monerod, is --add-peer necessary when using --tx-proxy to discover anonymous peers?

From it seems you don't have to specify --add-peer: If desired, peers can be manually specified: --add-exclusive-node ...
comminutus's user avatar
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What's the difference between --no-igd and --igd disabled in the monerod options?

I'd like to explicitly forbid UPnP port mapping. Does setting --igd disabled have the same effect as setting --no-igd? From : --no-igd: Disable ...
comminutus's user avatar
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What is a fakechain?

The output of monerod --help and monero-blockchain-import --help show a --keep-fakechain option: --keep-fakechain Don't delete any existing database when ...
Flux's user avatar
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How might one stop pruning when started in monerod?

How do I gracefully stop blockchain pruning done by monerod? I have started monerod to update the blockchain and when it finished syncing it I decided to try to save some disk space as the database ...
Mazaka's user avatar
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How to keep Monero daemon from crashing during initial sync?

I found that my Monero GUI wallet keeps crashing during the initial blockchain synchronization, and when I start off from where it crashed, data.mdb in C:\ProgramData\bitmonero\lmdb has been corrupted ...
geomancer's user avatar
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Using the rpc_access_data method Daemon RPC

Monerod command: monerod --rpc-bind-ip --restricted-rpc --confirm-external-bind --public-node --rpc-payment-address xxxxx --rpc-payment-credits 250 --rpc-payment-difficulty 1000 Curl request:...
t-900's user avatar
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"Error: Problem fetching info-- rpc_request:" when running monerod as service

I have set up monerod to run as a service so it is easier to manage. Service file: [Unit] Description=Monero Full Node [Service] User=monero Group=monero WorkingDirectory=/mnt/...
slightly_toasted's user avatar
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Is there a command line tool like bx to bitcoin that I can use with cryptographs

I would like to generate key pairs from seeds manually. However, Monero uses several special methods like Keccak hash function or CRC32 etc., which bx does not provide... Is there a command line ...
Mooooo's user avatar
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Why is the content of tx different between monero-utils-deserialize and print_block?

I built a private testnet with reference to When I used monero-utils-desirialize to check the public tx key, I noticed that the displayed tx content ...
remiremy's user avatar
3 votes
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Suggestions on how to consistently get more outputs?

I've got a service that frequently runs out of outputs. For this service, sending a heavily split transaction back to my wallet is not practical. Ideally, I would want something like the my return ...
Dr-Bracket's user avatar
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How to enable pruning in the command line of the monero blockchain in version v0.14.1?

Monero v0.14.1 has just been released with pruning. How does one activate it on the command line for ubuntu?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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transaction verification failed on monero-blockchain-import

I am new to monero. I'm running version: Monero 'Boron Butterfly' (v0.14.0.2-release) on Arch Linux I started with the following steps: wget -c --progress=bar
MountainX's user avatar
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Is there a transaction time lock mechanism in Monero?

In Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies, we can create and sign a transaction that will not be valid until after a certain period of time. This is often used to lock down money used in a protocol ...
Zarquan's user avatar
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How to get the time at which a transaction was added to the pool?

Can we get information about when a transaction was added to the pool and also when it was mined into a block? Is there a demon RPC to get that. Or is it generally stored in the block header?
Sri davei's user avatar
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Get public key of tx that currently in txpool

Can someone tell me how I can get list of public keys of the transactions, which are currently in the txpool and has not yet been mined? That is, I am interested in how to get this information out of ...
Oroffe's user avatar
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Error calling RPC method create_wallet with curl

I have a remote node setup with RPC enabled and restricted_rpc set to false. I am trying to create a new wallet remotely, but I'm getting the response: Error: method not found curl -u 123:abc--digest ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How do I convert my old v0.13 node to a v0.14 pruned node when I already have the full 65gb downloaded?

I run monerod via the Ubuntu command line. I'm on v0.13 and I want to prune my Monero node's database and take advantage of the v0.14 features. How can I do this? What command do I need to type?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Running a Monero Node on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) with no incoming connections

Is there any point in having monerod daemon running all the time without any open ports for incoming? Does it still help the Monero network by providing a node or is it pointless? I am unable to ...
dastrev's user avatar
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allow access to the daemon for everyone

I want to make my daemon accessible to anyone, is there an additional command besides this? --confirm-external-bind --rpc-access-control-origins are there other additions that I have to use? the ...
gosdor xda's user avatar
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Understanding get_block Blob data?

I am trying to understand what is contained in the blob portion of the rpc response to get_block. In the daemon rpc docs for block 912345 the blob response is: "...
Satoshi Nakamonero's user avatar
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Location of merkleroot per block / block header

Is it possible to acquire the merkleroot per block with rpc command or core command? Why is the merkleroot not included in the block header in the cns003.txt? I see the transaction hashes are ...
Satoshi Nakamonero's user avatar
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What is the importance of 'save' command in monerod?

I am trying to sync the wallet using monerod (and was also playing with the commands) when i came to notice a "save" option when i type 'help'. what is the use of it or is there any use of it because ...
Ilovelearning's user avatar
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Meaning of monerod status command output

I use Monero 'Lithium Luna' (v0.12.3.0-release) CLI only. I would really like to know the meaning of a status command output line like this: Height: 146124/146124 (100.0%) on stagenet, mining at 36 H/...
rocksteady's user avatar
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Automate mining on windows

I am running mining on Windows 10 Pro in Microsoft Azure using MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit. My process to mine currently is: OPEN a MSYS2 terminal (lets call this MSYS2 A), navigate to appropriate directory ...
James's user avatar
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Error starting monerod

When running ./monerod --offline I get the following output. Running on Windows 10 Pro in Microsoft Azure using MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit The error messages are in bold. monerod does not run. 2018-07-04 ...
Spencer's user avatar
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More detailed explanations for the db-sync-mode parameters? (i.e. safe, fast, fastest; sync, async; and nblocks_per_sync)

Can someone give more detailed explanations on what the various db-sync-mode parameters actually do in monerod and monero-blockchain-import, and why one might select each of them? (i.e. safe, fast, ...
mmortal03's user avatar
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Getting notified about a new block on the Monero blockchain

Is there any method, other than polling, to subscribe to new blocks being published on the Monero network? I want to get notified whenever a new block is published on the network on my app.
Darth vader's user avatar
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Setting up monero blockchain explorer on unbuntu 16.04

I am trying to setup Monero blockchain explorer on Ubuntu 16.04 by following this github repo. I have checkout monero v0.12.1.0 but I am facing this error while running make command /usr/bin/ld: /...
Owais Aslam's user avatar
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monerod block height is 1,500,000 - How do i pop off 100,000 blocks and start syncing at 1,400,000 instead?

What is the monerod command to pop off a certain amount of blocks? Say I am at block 1.5 million and I want to start from 1.4 million instead. What is the monerod command for this?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Explore Monero Blockchain in Ubuntu

Can someone tell me step by step approach to explore Monero Blockchain in Ubuntu? From the beginning. Is there any way explore it with the terminal to see inside each block? Like what is the index of ...
Sajitha Liyanage's user avatar
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How to set up a node to V7 Hard fork in testnet?

I need to test an app running a node in V7 on testnet, avoiding Bulletproofs so i can have a clean v7 blockchain. I have a node based on Master's code running on testnet but in some point starts to ...
Alexander Poschenrieder's user avatar
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How to create multiple addresses in a single wallet using Monero-JSON-RPC?

I have few questions related monero payment gateway. 1.) If I want to create more than one address in single wallet using JSON-RPC, then how to do it? I have created integrated address but it does ...
kiran malvi's user avatar
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How can I stop Monero wallet safely?

How can I stop Monero wallet safely? I can't stop the wallet using exit command. When I check network connections by using: netstat -pnt It always shows some monero connection details. Can anyone ...
Albert's user avatar
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What are spans (as seen in the output of sync_info)?

Running sync_info inside the monerod prompt outputs something similar to this (IPs and other information redacted/modified for privacy reasons): Height: ., target: 1486690 (.%) Downloading at . kB/s ...
Florian Schneider's user avatar
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Monerod rpc method getblock - blob data Using the monerod json rpc, we can get the blob data for a specific block. curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc"...
Vaibhav Chiruguri's user avatar
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Monero cli transfer command set lower transaction fee

Using the monero cli with the transfer command. transfer 48aBif46.....Ab1d .001 How can you set a custom transaction fee? What if I made the transaction fee .000001 or even zero?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Monero v0.11.1.0 CLI Permission denied

Hi I'm on a Mac and am upgrading my monerno CLI wallet version to v0.11.1.0. I copied the guide here how to upgrade monero wallet to v0.11.1.0 but when I type this on terminal window ./moneroD I get ...
user1424508's user avatar
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Mining from monero-wallett-cli

I have a question about mining with moderod. If I mine from monerod, I must specify wallet address and cpu core to use, but if I mine from monero-wallet-cli, a 'start_mining' command is enough. So, ...
cialu's user avatar
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xmr-stak-cpu on Ubuntu 14.04 compilation issue

I'm trying to install xmr-stak-cpu on Ubuntu 14.04 following steps described in the installation TXT file: But executing make ...
Index's user avatar
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Safely stopping Monero daemon sync (monerod)

I finally got the blockchain syncinc good... I am just wondering if there is a special way to stop the blockchain sync so you can do it again later from where you stopped it? last time I did this, it ...
GarudaAiacos's user avatar
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Who gets monero transaction fees?

I am running a monero node and I would like to know where do the Monero transaction fees go ? Do I need to set something into the monerod node setup to receive transaction fees ?
Laurent's user avatar
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How can I see my hash rate?

I am solo mining using monerod. When I run './monerod show_hr', I am told 'Hash Rate Logging is on', but I can't find the files. Where are they stored in Ubuntu 14.04? Also, is it possible to ...
user592440's user avatar
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Connecting Monero Light Wallet on Tails with Remote Node

I have downloaded Monero Command Line Interface on Tails and I tried connecting it to a remote node with this command as described here: Command: sudo ...
Novice's user avatar
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Problems with daemon syncing past block 1341326

I just noticed that my daemon has not been able to sync past block 1341326. A little investigation shows my node reporting that I'm behind by so many blocks, and then randomly it will say that I'm so ...
gdoober's user avatar
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What does the "default" priority (priority = 0) do in monero-wallet-cli?

Here's a paste selection from the set command in monero-wallet-cli. priority [0|1|2|3|4] - default/unimportant/normal/elevated/priority fee With priority set to 0, what does that actually mean in ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
4 votes
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Running monero service on WIN10 with custom --data-dir

After few hours of trying, I'm unable to run: monerod --start-service --data-dir x:\mydir\monerodir Prior this, service is installed with monerod --install-service and this part goes fine. Also, I'...
Dragutin's user avatar
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Export Last N block

It is possible to export the first N blocks using option --block-stop in monero-blockchain-export. Is it possible to export the last N blocks ?
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar
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Question on understanding monerod command Flush_txpool and the bug that resulted

Now that I've been running a node consistently now, I've been trying to understand the commands given listed in 'help'. Recently, I noticed a tx id that has sat in the mempool for over a day. First, ...
Morgan's user avatar
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