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how to perform RandomX tests How do I reproduce these ...
Anderson's user avatar
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Which is best the way to integrate Monero into an exchange based on OpenCEX Sourcecode

I'm currently building a test version of an exchange based on OpenCEX by Polygant and would like to integrate Monero. In your experience, what would be the best and most stable way to integrate it?
Evogear's user avatar
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Test transactions during development

I want to also provide Monero as payment option on a website I have. To achieve this I will be using the JSON-RPC of wallet-rpc. The documentation is pretty clear on how to use it. However, I can find ...
O'Niel's user avatar
  • 101
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Can't get monero-wallet-rpc to accept relay_tx

I am trying using the Monero-python library and trying to create a transaction (without relaying it), and then publish the tx using the hex output using the relay_tx method on the monero-wallet-rpc ...
b567564567's user avatar
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Facing an error when working with (monero node tracker) This is the monero node tracker. After following the steps to make the project work, I am facing an attribute error where the function ...
Mogambo's user avatar
1 vote
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Broadcasting txs over Tor, is Dandelion++ still used?

According to Monero contributor selsta, when using the --tx-proxy option without noise_disabled: [monerod] uses a combination of Tor, noise, randomized delays and Dandelion++ to break IP <-> ...
faffexa's user avatar
  • 11
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Is network upgrade v15 still happening on Jul 16?

The release of 0.18 node software was supposed to occur on Jun 16, but I haven't seen any indication that occurred. What is the current status of the network upgrade and the software release?
Norm's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I check if a subaddress is valid in javascript

I'm currently using this as a way to check if Monero addresses are valid in my application. However, it does not check sub-addresses and I'm trying to filter integrated addresses out. I can't find any ...
provsalt's user avatar
2 votes
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List of things that were proposed and rejected for bitcoin but implemented in Monero

This is a follow-up question based on this answer: Many things proposed and rejected for Bitcoin have found a place in Monero (privacy for starters). That ...
Prayank's user avatar
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GUI MMS - a graphical monero multisig app

We all know Monero Multisig is still a work in progress and most online guides are quite tricky to follow for the average user. A relatively promising project is the Multisig Messaging System (MMS) ...
Anelito's user avatar
  • 131
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How to compute ringct multisignature key images? (Disambiguation of MRL005)

I'm looking at the multisignature scheme provided by MRL005 Section 4.4, and some things are unclear to me. I've attached a picture below of the expression for which I'm seeking some clarification. ...
justlearning's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the size of the set of spent key images in Monero?

For research purposes, I want to know the following: What is the exact size of the set of already spent key images and how it can be checked? Do we need to download the Monero blockchain to get the ...
trijia's user avatar
  • 73
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Connect to remote node via xmr-core js lib

Is there a possibility to use xmr-core to connect to a remote node? And handle transactions without hdwallet? Or the library is only for using it with hdwallet?
Bart's user avatar
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Why does a node try all grey peers to create a connection?

I am currently analysing the source code of Monero. If a node makes a new connection, it first checks what fraction of its current outgoing connections are to nodes in its white list. If it is above ...
Jan Telov's user avatar
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Is this Monero python implementation complete & trustworthy?

I am trying to develop a variant of Monero. Considering the size and the complexity of the original Monero implementation in C++, I figured it might be easier fork this Python implementation of Monero....
Shak's user avatar
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5 votes
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What is the concept of Refund Transactions from the MRL?

I am searching for more information on the concept of refund transactions. I found that the MRL is working on a paper on the topic (source). Would this be something that will be used in channel ...
onefox's user avatar
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Getting transaction hash / ID from the raw data

Is it possible to get the hash/ID of the transaction having its raw signed hex value only?
martikyan's user avatar
1 vote
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How GPU gets its mining work and nonce range?

I tried to study source of both xmr-stak and xmrig to understand how it communicates with the kernel running on GPU, but both these softwares are too huge to understand (too many objects calling each ...
Marki555's user avatar
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Steps to Fork Monero

I am a newbie to Monero development. I am trying to understand what steps I would need to take to to Fork Monero, make some changes to number of coins etc and create a wallet. Can anyone outline the ...
James's user avatar
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How do I compile monero with debugging symbols?

I've tried make debug but when I try to set a breakpoint in gdb I see this: Reading symbols from build/release/bin/monerod...done. (gdb) b tx_pool.cpp:225 No source file named tx_pool.cpp. Make ...
jcktm's user avatar
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Create monero browser mining module

I am a young programmer, still in college, interesting in creating a universal plug-in in python that I can apply to a few applications I have created. I would like to develop a python3 module that ...
zencrypt's user avatar
1 vote
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Get Transactions from payment ID

I know how to generate payment id and how payment id works. But how can i get all transactions for a payment id from monero wallet CLI. Is there a way to do that? And command for that will be greatly ...
MoneroFinder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Explore Monero Blockchain in Ubuntu

Can someone tell me step by step approach to explore Monero Blockchain in Ubuntu? From the beginning. Is there any way explore it with the terminal to see inside each block? Like what is the index of ...
Sajitha Liyanage's user avatar
2 votes
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How Monero transactions related with mixins

Can anyone explain me is there a relationship between transaction outputs with the number of mixins using in the transaction? I meant If someone sends 12XMR to someone else with 5-mixins how many ...
Sajitha Liyanage's user avatar
3 votes
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How does Ring Confidential Transactions work?

Can someone explain to me how RingCT works and how the recipient gets the actual amount from the encrypted amount in a RingCT transaction?
Sajitha Liyanage's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How the sender recover the transactions that he spent?

In order to compute the balance of his own wallet, (I assume that) a client needs to retrieve: 1- The transaction that he is the receiver.(By scanning the whole block-chain and compare with his own ...
user1387682's user avatar
3 votes
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How does check_hash work in difficulty.cpp?

I'm trying to dig into the monero codebase and understand how hashes are validated to be the solution for the current block. The below code returns true if the hash is valid, but I'm trying to ...
jtnw's user avatar
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I can't setup a monero pool on current software

I know this is the wrong place, but I need help setting up a pool with the current versions of node.js and the other requirements. Every reference I found is 3 - 4 years old and github code years old ...
Andrew Admire's user avatar
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An academic "hello world" on Monero

I'm a graduate student looking to improve my skills in real-world applications of cryptography and online anonymity. Reviewing all of the new blockchain and alt-coin variants, I believe that Monero is ...
SRC's user avatar
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Will Monero suffer the transaction fee problem like Bitcoin?

Currently, BTC has a problem with small transfers, i.e sending £1 will cost £4 which is just ridiculous. Will XMR ever have the same problem? I know LTC have sloved this issue and Bitcoin cash has ...
99Con's user avatar
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What is the impact on performance of the Monero network by using Kovri

I understand that following implementation of Kovri there is a an affect on overall performance. Is anyone able to elaborate on this?
Zigglzworth's user avatar
6 votes
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How to know when I get paid from mining Monero

I just started to mining Monero, using Claymore v3.8. Via CPU. With my very weak knowledge of mining, I just want to see a "payment" so can be sure that I am not mining for nothing. I am using ...
GLHF's user avatar
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Help-Sent Monero From Changelly and did not received funds

I am a total Tech NOOB. I set up the Monero GUI wallet yesterday and moved BTC to Changelly to convert to XMR. Changelly shows the transaction record but something went wrong did not get the funds in ...
Vincent Dowd's user avatar
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block 202612 , how been findet this value?

how been findet this value bool get_block_longhash(const block& b, crypto::hash& res, uint64_t height) { // block 202612 bug workaround const std::string longhash_202612 = "...
tseries's user avatar
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EXCEPTION FOR BLOCK 202612 , from what's it bassed and where it was fixed? [duplicate]

who can asnwer me this for litle qustion , i find this at code // EXCEPTION FOR BLOCK 202612 const std::string correct_blob_hash_202612 = "...
tseries's user avatar
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How does one change Monero's block reward for chosen blocks?

For what I mean, see this example in bitcoin-based coins. We can do this: CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams) { int halvings = nHeight / ...
mraksoll's user avatar
15 votes
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What is StringCT?

I saw some recent comments about RuffCT/StringCT, which is a supposed improvement to RingCT. What is RuffCT/StringCT, and how is it different than RingCT? What improvements (if any) will this bring to ...
sgp's user avatar
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5 votes
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Using Monero as a C Library

I am looking to build an offline wallet for Monero. However, most of my tooling is in Perl and C. If Monero was written in C, I could just call the C functions from my Perl modules. I think it is ...
Joel D's user avatar
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11 votes
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What is the proper Freenode IRC channel for my needs?

There are so many monero related IRC channels. Which one should I use for which topic?
Ginger Ale's user avatar
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Why is AEON wallet not working on Bittrex?

Withdrawals and deposits for AEON are disabled on Bittrex, while trading works. Is there actual maintenance going on? Are developers in contact with Bittrex? When do you expect this problem to be ...
Martin's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is the 'pseudoOuts' of 'rctSig' the commitment on input amounts for simple RCT

It seems that the genRctSimple function will make a different input commitment for each input amount (line 675-683 in file src/rct/rctSigs.cpp). And summation of these input commitments = output ...
sammy00's user avatar
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Build/Install Instructions for MyMonero App on Android using node/npm

I would like to test the MyMonero App on Android in its current state of development. Please provide instructions for how to use node/npm to build the app and install in on Android. Assume I have a ...
seek adventure's user avatar
5 votes
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How to create my own miner?

I am thinking to create my own miner for Monero just for research purpose and understand how is the mining process. First of all, I red the cn008 document and I understand almost everything but I don'...
bipe15's user avatar
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Why do the current mobile MyMonero builds use Cordova 6.5.0?

After testing Apache Cordova 7.0.0 why did MyMonero devs decide to remain with 6.5.0? Specifically what is the distinction between how the two versions handle plugins that made 7.0.0 more problematic ...
Smart Kid's user avatar
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Determining the real transaction/balance with view key only

An open source web lightwallet was posted on Reddit the source is It would be able to check the balance of your wallet with only the address and view key (...
Gundamlancer's user avatar
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Missing Monero Funds

I made a transaction on ShapeShift. The transaction was successful but I never received my funds in my wallet. I’ve already talked with ShapeShift customer and they said the best thing to do is to ask ...
dcrew's user avatar
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9 votes
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How is code reliability improved?

It seems that blockchain code written in C++ is prone to obscure but serious bugs such as recently seen in Zcoin. I know that rewriting Monero in a safer language is not practical in the short-term, ...
Toby Kelsey's user avatar
5 votes
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Monero Applications Development

I'm a software engineer (Mobile/Native) with interest in cryptocurrency. I would be interested in taking pet projects for monero, but, i've read recently that the jaxx guys halted the monero's ...
bmartins's user avatar
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8 votes
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Failure when using XMR Stak CPU Miner on Linux

I recently set up XMR-Stak-CPU Miner on my Linux system, and, as listed as a common occurrence in the README (located here), the program failed with the "MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mmap failed" exit code. I ...
CodeRead's user avatar
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MRL RingCT research in the Ledger Journal

I understand that Ledger: is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes full-length original research articles on the subjects of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, as well as any ...
seek adventure's user avatar