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Questions tagged [mining]

The process of using a computer to verify transactions on the Monero network. Mining helps keep the network safe, since it is unlikely that one person or group of people can control a large portion of the total mining power. Monero is mined using the RandomX algorithm, and it is mined with both CPUs and GPUs.

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RandomX: What is the hash function used by miners like XMRig? Since using randomx_calculate_hash() from Monero source code returns different value

I'm in the process to implement Randomx on a mining pool for a different coin than Monero (we don't use a block template system, the blob can be generated as a random string if necessary). We just ...
Kevin Wad's user avatar
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how to perform RandomX tests How do I reproduce these ...
Anderson's user avatar
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Trying to mine Sumokoin with GPU using XMRig

GPU mining issues with XMRig for Sumokoin I am trying to mine Sumokoin using XMRig with a Nvidia GPU. This is my Script: cd /d "%~dp0" xmrig.exe --donate-level 1 -a cryptonight/r --no-cpu -...
AztecCodes's user avatar
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How to make unique work fast?

I want to create unique work for all my miners. Here's the algorithm I currently use: Parse the block template blob. Place unique extra data into the coinbase transaction. Calculate the merkle root. ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Is wownero pool-resistant and how does it work?

From what I gathered, pool-resistant mining seems to be nonexistant. Yet wownero does it, does it really do it to this day? How might pool-resistance be implemented in monero?
John Smith's user avatar
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Changing mining threads while monerod is already mining/running and without stopping and running start_mining command?

Is there a way to change the number of threads while monerod is already mining: so that I dont have to stop monerod and rerun the start_mining command?
Pedro Lee's user avatar
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What is current network difficulty

How can I find current network difficulty in decimal system is there any formula for it and is there any server which continuously calculate and I can get its value in real time.
Vyom00907's user avatar
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Why I am not in the current window miners even with adequate hash rate?

Currently, I am mining on the Mini P2Pool with around 7 KH/s hash rate. I got several payouts in the previous month, but I recently noticed the Current Window Miners page where those miners were ...
Péter Szilvási's user avatar
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What happens if my computer is restarted without gracefully pausing the miner in the GUI?

What happens if my computer is restarted without gracefully pausing the miner (official gui wallet miner) in the GUI?
Reddington's user avatar
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Did I configure xmrig proxy correctly on my macbook? Am I even actually mining?

I think monero is based and wanted to try to mine it to any extent that I could. I used home brew, set up xmrig, etc, and now this is what I see in my terminal. Is that good? Did I do something wrong? ...
dexmr's user avatar
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How network difficulty is maintained

How network difficulty is maintained ? Is it a function of hashrate of network if so then what is the function for it ? how does it affect the value of block hash
Vyom00907's user avatar
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How long should I wait until I see some XMR mined with Gupax?

I want to support Monero and installed Gupax linked to a GUI Monero Wallet. P2Pool and XMRig are active. I used it for the a few hours and don't see any XMR Mined. Is it normal? did I forgot something?...
i_am_legion's user avatar
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Unable to understand the difference between some keywords and functions with RandomX

I am unable to understand what the reference CPU is, the SuperScaler hash program and the VM of RandomX. How the programs are run on the RXVM. What is the role of SuperScaler.
Vyom00907's user avatar
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Ryzen 7950X3D Hashrate far below benchmark

I started mining Monero a couple of weeks ago. I hit a dead end in my research and wonder if I am doing something fundamentally wrong. I am running a rig with a Ryzen 9 7950X3D and 128 GB DDR5 RAM in &...
user1437515's user avatar
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What is relation of job target and nonce in pool mining

When I was reading some miner code I saw a piece and found it was related to the nonce's value, but I was not able find out whether it is proportional or not. If not, then what is it's relation to the ...
bokon's user avatar
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Does compiling with `-march=native` bring a measurable performance improvement for mining?

I see in other questions people are sometimes using this flag, which enables all instruction subsets supported by the local machine. Does it bring a performance improvement? Are there some benchmarks ...
Petr's user avatar
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What are the benefits of background mining compared to running it at a low CPU/IO priority?

That is using bg-mining-enable=true bg-mining-min-idle-interval=5 # seconds bg-mining-idle-threshold=200 # average idle % in /etc/monerod.conf instead of something like [Service] ... Nice=5 ...
Petr's user avatar
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Convert XMRig miner and its configurations into single executable file (.exe) for Windows?

I have setup a XMRig miner on my Windows 11 and it runs perfectly, I want to convert this XMRig miner file and its configuration( config.json) into a single executable and upload on GitHub. And later ...
Aryan Singh's user avatar
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Does mining in a pool help the network?

So basically, if you solo mine you create decentralization, but your chance to get reward is almost nonexistent. When you mine with a pool, you don't validate anything. You just hash blocks produced ...
Bogdan Mart's user avatar
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How connect to monerod via xmrig

I have a node running monerod. The "problem" i've that node with password and i don't know how to connect xmrig with login. I tried various combinations such -u -p, -O user:pass, -u user:...
Kurogane's user avatar
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How can I code monero mining algorithm from scratch?

I want to code a javascript-based monero mining algorithm from scratch. However, I couldn't find any training set, lectures, courses, books, etc. about it. How can I code a javascript based monero ...
sapphire's user avatar
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Multiple questions about sending Job to miner

So I have a mining pool that is able to call RPC methods from my node. I can connect my miners to my pool only now I am stuck at the part where I need to sent/validate work to/from the miner. I'm ...
J_P's user avatar
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What is the best Monero-mining program for MacBooks?

I have an old 2012 MacBook Pro and an 2018 Macbook laying around. Is there a program or a Tool which make it possible for me to use them for Mining? The specs are, my 2012 has 16GB Ram and a 2,7GHz ...
K_goerbi's user avatar
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Why do I need to open port 18083 when setting up p2pool mining?

Is there an explanation as to what the command below is doing? Why does this port need to be opened? --zmq-pub tcp:// from:
Funnol's user avatar
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How to correctly hash using RandomXSharp

Don't ask why but I'm trying to make an XMR miner in c# (I know this will be slower etc etc). I'm having some issues with a test case. I'm looking at reproducing the results from this block https://...
Spaceman's user avatar
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Is the RandomX only algorithm to go?

I'm bit lost with some of many stuff around the mining. I'm using xmrig to mine monero with rx/0. This is by default. As far as I was able to understand, the pool has to support algorithm I want to ...
dominikj111's user avatar
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Not reliable working time of Windows worker

my tiny monero miner ... 64bit 1.9GHz dual CPU with 3GB RAM has some mining issues on the I'm using xmrig on Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm looking for some answers for this One worker ...
dominikj111's user avatar
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How does the block version get set

I noticed that the BLOCK_MAJOR_VERSION is still set to 1 in the cryptonote_config.h. So how is the block version getting updated to 14?
Andrew Katson's user avatar
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How to mine empty blocks?

I just want to mine an empty block with a daemon I am running. Do I need to change the code significantly or is there a setting? Also do I still get a reward?
Andrew Katson's user avatar
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How to make monero-powpy compatable with xmrig-proxy running in 'nicehash' mode?

I know I have to somehow implement this spec but other than that I'm not sure. Any help/resources is appreciated.
PGBRULES's user avatar
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Is Monero an inflationary asset?

My prejudice is that because monero has utility on the dark-web for transactions it's not suitable as a store of value. That's my pre-conceived perception, at least. In trying to understand the ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
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Can't connect to monero daemon on my LAN [duplicate]

I have monerod running on a computer in my LAN, let's pretend the local IP is I want to mine with another computer on the same LAN but not have to download the whole chain. So I run the ...
Will Matheson's user avatar
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Mine to remote address with monerod

I started the mining process with: start_mining <walletaddress> 16 and, start_mining 16 <walletaddress> Both returned: Error: invalid argument: must be either 0/1, true/false, y/n, yes/no ...
Wade John Beckett's user avatar
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Cant seem to get mining started

I'm using the Low Graphics Mode GUI Daemon is synchronized Network status = Connected Wallet blocks remaining: 456 Under Solo Mining I click on 'Use recommended number of threads' which sets it to 2 ...
Roger B's user avatar
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Is mining with a smartphone possible?

I would like to know if there is a way to mine with my smartphone and if there is (any other currency) would it be useful to buy a cheap used cell phone (format everything) and let it mine for a long ...
Muller's user avatar
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Optimize XMRig Mining on ARM64 Machines

I have an ARM64 machine at 3GHz with 100+ cores and am only seeing 2000 H/s. Is there any optimization techniques I'm missing for XMRig? This is a fraction of the H/s I'm seeing on a 20 core Intel ...
ARM64_USER's user avatar
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Is Monero mining really as profitable practically as it is statistically?

I am new to crypto mining in general and I don't understand how Monero mining can be so profitable? Since mining a block takes 2 minutes I can mine 720 blocks in 24 hours. At it's current price and ...
dotmashrc's user avatar
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Can you mine XMR on RTX 3060?

I been searching in Internet but I haven't founded anything. Can you mine XMR on RTX 3060? How much hashrate will I get in a pool?
RED's user avatar
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Is an integrated graphics chip enough to handle my graphics activities? How much RAM do I need in order to avoid having memory bottleneck on my PC?

I want to buy a mini / midi PC with the purpose of it serving me as a general-purpose workstation as well as an XMR miner (CPU-only). The software that I'm going to use for most of the time is fairly ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Which is best software to mine Monero in Windows?

Is MinerGate a good and trusted software to mine Monero in Windows? How do they pay?
RED's user avatar
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Monero hashrates in the milions?

I was preparing to buy a few computers to mine monero, and we can clearly see the benchmarks on your websites. But as I explored some wallets on nanopool, I saw hashrates exceeding 10 million. Any ...
kazek's user avatar
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can a transaction never enter txpool but be included in blockchain

I understand the mempool is local to each node. I also understand the contents of the pool can thus change by node, and each miner is free to pick their tx's from their mempool for a block. My ...
kg_sYy's user avatar
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Is this possible to get one XMR?

monerod shows this when I type status: Height: 2377895/2377895 (100.0%) on mainnet, mining at 3.30 kH/s, net hash 2.68 GH/s, ... Is this possible to get one XMR?
GHui's user avatar
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How can I use XMRig to connect to monerod

I have a node running monerod. And have many nodes to run XMRig. How can I start monerod in order to connect XMRig?
GHui's user avatar
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Can I mine with XMRig and the Monero GUI at the same time?

I am a beginner and doing CPU mining on my laptop. My question is, can I mine with XMRig and the Monero GUI at the same time?
muneera's user avatar
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Miner is waiting a long time for new jobs

I have implemented a custom RandomX Pool miner with C++ which even outperforms XMRig. However after submitting a share the miner does not always get a new job instantly. Sometimes it takes several ...
FrankTank's user avatar
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RE:Monero GUI - "Start Mining" greyed out

Excuse the noobness. I have installed Monero GUI Wallet on a persistent TAILS OS USB bootable drive. I have downloaded the Monero Blockchain and fully synhronized the Wallet and Daemon. All working ...
Mr Monoro1's user avatar
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Is this an optimal setup for solo mining XMR?

I know it's possible to solo mine XMR using XMRig through some pools, but I'd like to try to solo mining on my own, with no pools involved. As I have the intention to set up a public full node using ...
Victorvg's user avatar
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In Monero RandomX, What is the condition for a hash result to be considered the winner and be rewarded?

I read RandomX design and specs from to understand the mining process. At step 14 of the algorithn description it ends up with a result hash: R = ...
Victorvg's user avatar
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Why does monerod allow mining from a pruned blockchain?

I started a new node from scratch with monerod --prune-blockchain, so when the blockchain was finished syncing, it only took up about 35GB on disk. My understanding is that one of the main tradeoffs ...
NReilingh's user avatar
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