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Questions tagged [cuckoo-cycle]

New proof or work algorithm being researched by Monero Research Labs

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4 votes
1 answer

What other benefits does Cuckoo Cycle have over cryptonight, is it quantum computer proof?

I have read Which reasons were discussed for potentially changing the proof-of-work algorithm? but aside from being more asic 'resistant' and faster to verify what other reason should monero change ...
samwellj's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Which reasons were discussed for potentially changing the proof-of-work algorithm?

Which reasons were discussed for potentially changing the proof-of-work algorithm to something else in the future (Cuckoo cycle in particular)?
binaryFate's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

What will the Monero Research Lab be working on in the future, after RingCT has released?

Will they be looking more into quantum proofing the Monero protocol or Cuckoo Cycle testing etc?
thavu's user avatar
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