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What are the different commands for `balance [detail]` in monero-wallet-cli

Playing around with multisig subaddresses, I found we can create as many subaddresses as we want in any "account". I can have several accounts with several subaddresses for each account, that's pretty ...
Luis Herrera's user avatar
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What is the best way to implement a deposit system with Monero's RPC calls?

I'm currently building up a service where the user can deposit multiple cryptos. One of them is Monero, and that is where I'm stuck at the moment. I use PHP for this and the following project: https:/...
FrustratedCoder's user avatar
2 votes
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When constructing a change output, does it have to be sent to the main public address?

I was thinking about how the behavior of spending Monero from the same wallet over time introduces the risk of eventually linking change outputs when they are later combined and spent. Can this be ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
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Can I identify the true input of a transaction as the spender on an explorer?

What information would I need to discern my true input to the transaction from the mixins? Can this be easily done?
John G's user avatar
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How to enable pruning in the command line of the monero blockchain in version v0.14.1?

Monero v0.14.1 has just been released with pruning. How does one activate it on the command line for ubuntu?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I generate a Trezor Monero wallet with the CLI (monero-wallet-cli)?

According to the release notes v0.14.1.0 includes Trezor support. How do I generate a Trezor Monero wallet with the CLI (monero-wallet-cli)?
dEBRUYNE's user avatar
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does current monero support submitting signed transactions from file?

I generated unsigned_monero_tx on a disconnected computer, and copied it to a connected one. I placed it in my home directory, and ran submit_transfer. This gave the error: Error: Failed to load ...
projix's user avatar
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Can someone help me understand the dynamic block size in Monero?

I can't quite figure out the purpose of the dynamic block size in Monero, or I'm just missing something. Based on the original CryptoNote code, from my understanding, you need to change a specific ...
jnra's user avatar
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Is there a way to use CLI wallet non-interactively?

I want to run a script using the cli wallet. I know can use the --password and --command arguments to the cli, but sometimes the wallet will still prompt for input (passwords/confirmation etc.). Is ...
PyrolitePancake's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I handle "WARNING: You may not have a high enough lockable memory limit, see ulimit -l"?

Upon running monero-wallet-cli after a fresh master build of Monero 'Boron Butterfly' (v0.14.1.0-5fbfa8a) I received the message: WARNING: You may not have a high enough lockable memory limit, see ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
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Background mining + monero-wallet-cli + pool?

Is it possible to launch the monero-wallet-cli for mining with the experimental background-mining feature on? And would it be possible to connect to a pool for that? Basically I just want my CPU ...
Muppet's user avatar
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Correctly retrieving the tx_pubkey from a transaction

I found, in the code, an example of a function that retrieves a public key from a transaction. The comments say that because of a previous bug, the tx may contain more than one public key. Do I ...
Oroffe's user avatar
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Doing a Send Transfer using monero-cli v0.14.0.2 with long payment id enabled, still getting errors on send

Using the below command with long payment id enabled in monero cli v0.14.0.2 and I still get an error. What is wrong? transfer 4xxxxxX 4bxxxxXX 2 Error: amount is wrong: 4xxxX 4xxxxX, expected ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How many destinations can there be for a single transaction?

Can I transfer to as many addresses as I'd like in a given transaction? Is there a technical upper bound? If there is an upper bound that is not technical, is there a reason why the upper bound was ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
-1 votes
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transfer fails with invalid output

I'm using the latest monero-wallet-cli version Monero 'Boron Butterfly' (v0.14.0.2-release) on linux. When I try to submit the transfer, it throws the following error: Error: transaction <txid> ...
thowaway2957's user avatar
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Can a new participant be added onto a multisisg 2/3 scheme?

Once a multisig wallet is created with a specific scheme, can a new participant be added, or does a new multisig wallet need to be made? The same question for if a participant can be removed?
Luis Herrera's user avatar
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Using monero-wallet-cli to do a transfer after version 0.14+

I know ring size is not required anymore so has the transfer command changed after the v0.14+ monero cli wallet update? How do you send monero using the transfer command now with payment id? Do you ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Command to transfer XMR from a subaddress via the monero-wallet-cli command?

What are the transfer options to send XMR to an address using one of your subaddresses? I just imported my private spend key via the cli. Now I have a bunch of untagged subaddresses with coins in ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Is there a bitmonero.conf file where I can hard code a --daemon-address for use when running monero-wallet-cli?

Is there a bitmonero.conf file where I can hard code a --daemon-address so I don't have to manually type it in every time I run the monero-wallet-cli?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I use long payment IDs in CLI v0.14 / GUI v0.14?

I am trying to attach a long payment ID to my transaction. However, in the GUI, there's no field to enter the payment ID. In the CLI, I get the following warning: Error: Long payment IDs are ...
dEBRUYNE's user avatar
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My Ledger Monero wallet shows an incoming transaction with a value of zero (0), how do I resolve this issue?

I withdrew some funds from an exchange to my Ledger Monero wallet. However, the incoming has a value of zero (0). How can I resolve this issue?
dEBRUYNE's user avatar
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After a fork, if a user opens an incompatible GUI/CLI, what information is presented to the user which says they are using old software?

Now we are on 0.14.x software, what would happen if someone opens a 0.11.x, 0.12.x or 0.13.x GUI/CLI? Also, when Monero forks again later in 2019, what will the 0.14.x GUI/CLI present to the user?
tficharmers's user avatar
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Possible to turn off CLI Wallet logging?

Is it possible to completely turn off logging for the CLI Wallet? I've looked around and haven't found any way of doing it. I know that there are a couple of logging parameters that can be adjusted so ...
Random84951's user avatar
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How can I churn or send an individual Monero input?

In some situations, Monero's users should avoid linkages between outputs that they control. Some users may desire more anonymity sets than single ring signatures provide. To this end, the users may ...
sgp's user avatar
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Multiple accounts in the same wallet

In many questions here, I have found people talk of 'multiple accounts' or of a wallet with multiple accounts. I examined the Monero GUI Wallet, but I don't see an option for handling multiple ...
Tilli's user avatar
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Should I use sub-addresses more?

With regards to privacy, security and performance, is it best practice to use a different sub-address for each different type of activity? For example, to use one sub-address for exchange use, one ...
Tilli's user avatar
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Accounts got deleted from the wallet

I have a wallet with more than 10,000 accounts in it. I have tried to send some amount from one address to another address within the wallet but the amount sits in the sender's ledger balance for a ...
Mohammed niyas's user avatar
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Monero wallet issue with multiple accounts [duplicate]

I have a monero wallet with more than 10 accounts. When I transfer coins from one account to another, unlocked balance does not refreshed for more than a hour. After that, I entered rescan_bc and it ...
Sarath Kumar's user avatar
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How can someone verify funds in a XMR wallet usint public viewkey?

I know that to create a view only wallet you have the following option using the secret view key: ./monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-view-key wallet-name Standard address: 4jkshetduseokd... ...
Luis Herrera's user avatar
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How do I restore / recreate my Ledger Monero wallet?

I have lost my Ledger device and/or cannot access the system with my Ledger Monero wallet files. How do I restore / recreate my Ledger Monero wallet?
dEBRUYNE's user avatar
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Run monero only in LAN

I'm want to run monerod only on my LAN. I don't want it communicate with the official blockchain. I followed this answer except that I replaced the localhost IP with my IP: ./monerod --stagenet --...
user8982's user avatar
2 votes
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API call for ring members

Is there any way that we can do an API call to the Monero daemon RPC to get all the ring members for a given transaction hash?
Sri davei's user avatar
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Is a mnemonic for view only wallet possible?

It occurred to me that one may wish to restore a wallet on a compromised computer. Perhaps they need to prove that a payment was received. Regardless of whether this is a good idea, is it possible ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
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Unrecognized TXN format, incorrect balance v0.13.0.4

this is the same error received in v0.13.0.3 GUI txn extra has unsupported format all transactions are pre fork by weeks, and is leading to an incorrect balance showing in my wallet. Re synced the ...
Grosso_'s user avatar
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Connect to remote node using moner-wallet-cli with --daemon-address with a password?

I'm trying to use my password protected remote node with the following cli command, but it doesn't work. What is the correct format to use a user/pass with the remote node in the cli? ./monero-wallet-...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Transfer stuck for 2 days with "Unconfirmed incoming transaction found in the txpool" message. Why and what can I do?

I withdrew some XMR from an exchange two days ago to test the transfer on my new own linux wallet that I run with the CLI. The daemon is running, in sync, and has incoming and outcoming connections. ...
MajorScientist's user avatar
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Consistency failure in amounts received

When I tried to send the amount from my wallet. monero-wallet-rpc throws 2018-10-20 10:58:22.492 7f6906cab780 WARN global src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:1511 Consistency failure in amounts ...
Sarath Kumar's user avatar
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Ledger Nano S Transaction Error: unexpected error: Wrong Device Status : SW=6911 (EXPECT=9000, MASK=ffff)

I'm currently using Windows & my daemon is updated to v0.13.0.2, however when I tried to send some XMR from my Ledger Nano S to my Cake Wallet, I got the following error: Error: unexpected error: ...
deathd0tcom's user avatar
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Creating a wallet in non-interactive mode using monero-wallet-cli?

I building wallet software for monero and I'm running into issues of creating wallets from monero private keys. I'm trying to import a private key as a wallet via monero-wallet-cli command, but the ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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What is the proper way of scanning a bunch of monero private keys to get an updated balance?

I have a database of monero private keys, but I want to be able to scan these keys for an updated balance and insert this balance data back into my database. What is the best way to rescan a bunch of ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Creating a wallet from the command line using monero-cli command?

I'm writing up a php script and I want it to execute a monero-wallet-cli command to create a wallet from my private key. I tried to do this via the command line with monero-wallet-cli, but its in ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Using the monero cli on ubuntu. How do I set it to use a remote node? [duplicate]

I'm using monero-cli on ubuntu and i want to have it connect to a remote node instead of downloading the entire blockchain. How can I do this? Where can I get a list of remote nodes?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Monero wallet balance

I have a monero-gui wallet: it shows my XMR balance, which is not zero. When I open monero-wallet.cli it shows my balance is 0.000. What is going on here?
freebie.1's user avatar
4 votes
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Anyway to pick which monero subaddresses one can use?

Subaddresses are pre-generated for each wallet, but how many are generated? Also would we be able to see all the available ones and pick out which ones we want to use? Say I wanted a vanity type ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How does mymonero monitor so many Monero private keys and update its balance?

I'm looking to setup a XMR wallet type service, but was wondering how does mymonero scan so many private keys to update its balance as scanning can take awhile. Is there a method of scanning multiple ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How can I change the proxy settings of the official GUI / CLI?

How can I change the proxy settings of the official GUI / CLI ?
user9177's user avatar
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Running private monero mainnet

How can I run my own monero ecosystem? I want to have my own blockchain (private Mainnet = Fresh blockchain) , defferent with monero blockchain
A.A's user avatar
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Compiling the Command Line Wallet

How do I build the command line wallet for linux? Example: monero-wallet-cli monero-wallet-rpc monerod Where can I get the source code? Thank you very much.
gosdor xda's user avatar
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Difference between "Wallet" and "Account"

By looking at Moneropedia, words Account and Wallet may seem to be interchangeable, yet there are different methods for each at monero-wallet-rpc (e.g. create_wallet and create_account). So what's the ...
sadp's user avatar
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What is the concept of Refund Transactions from the MRL?

I am searching for more information on the concept of refund transactions. I found that the MRL is working on a paper on the topic (source). Would this be something that will be used in channel ...
onefox's user avatar
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