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7 votes

Can I change limit_up speed?

You can change them, either when starting monerod: --limit-rate-up arg (=-1) set limit-rate-up [kB/s] --limit-rate-down arg (=-1) set limit-rate-down [kB/s] --limit-rate ...
user36303's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there any remote node list to connect simplewallet?

Check out for a current list and instructions.
jwinterm's user avatar
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What is the purpose of running a Monero node?

Purpose is to independently transact yourself, and verify the blockchain state yourself. If you don't need to transact or check transactions, you don't need to run a node. If you don't run a node, ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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What is the purpose of running a Monero node?

The purpose of running a Monero node is to use Monero, the cryptocurrency. The monero node is a p2p program which keeps the blockchain in sync with the network at large. It is your connection to the ...
user36303's user avatar
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5 votes

What is a remote node?

Since Monero has a separate daemon monerod, which synchronises with the network, a command line wallet monero-wallet-cli and a GUI wallet monero-wallet-gui to generate keys, sign transactions etc. ...
janowitz's user avatar
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4 votes

Peers often report unknown top blocks. How can I find more reliable peers?

Having a partially synced chain does not mean unreliability. It might be that these nodes are syncing the chain, as you presumably did at some point too. Banning these nodes would mean noone can start ...
user36303's user avatar
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Is there any benefit to the network by running multiple full nodes from one location?

It's even harming the network, since every full node will be synching the whole blockchain from other nodes and using their bandwidth without giving more back to the network than one full node at this ...
janowitz's user avatar
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How to nodes discover other nodes?

Monero wallet's daemon monerod initially and when all recent peers are offline tries to connect to one of the hard coded seed nodes, currently these are: ...
janowitz's user avatar
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Does the ARM v6 have enough power to be a Monero node?

Thanks to Monero Reddit people, I solved the issue. This is the link to the discussion. The issue was related to timezones because the timezone of the system was set on wrong timezone, one hour ...
cialu's user avatar
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Mitigating Risks of Forking Monero

the link to the original code base is maintained Depends what you mean by "link". There is a link to the original code that is maintained whether you fork publicly on GitHub or whether you clone to a ...
knaccc's user avatar
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MoneroWorld Remote Nodes Not Working

MoneroWorld is not dead. Unlikely a ports issue, it's all outbound. You are connecting to it then trying to start_mining and herein lies your issue - you are trying to mine on a remote public node. ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Should one disable the Windows firewall for the Monero Wallet GUI?

To connect to one of moneroworld nodes, one has to establish an outgoing connection. Default firewall policy is to allow outgoing connections and block incomming connections. So you don't need to ...
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar
3 votes

Can a full Monero node be restricted to run only at specific times?

You can use cron to start and stop monerod at the times you want. Best is to run monerod with the --detach flag to run as daemon, then run without it but the exit command when you want to stop it: ...
user36303's user avatar
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Opening Port 18080 for Incoming Connections on Router

The methods to open ports are specific to the router you have. You don't need physical access to the router, just access to the routers web admin interface. So, I suggest you search for your specific ...
cialu's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to see all the transactions coming through my Monero node?

Yes. You will need to increase the log level in the daemon. E.g. set_log +daemon.rpc:DEBUG should suffice.
jtgrassie's user avatar
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What ports should I forward on my router to be most useful to the network?

As I answered to your previous question, you do not need to forward any ports for the p2p interface. This is the interface nodes use to send each other data, such as blocks. transactions and peerlists....
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Can an ISP swap out Monero's default peers? Would this be detectable?

Since those peers are hardcoded into the Monero software, could a malicious ISP intercept initial communications by redirecting traffic to those peers? Sure, to another valid Monero node. Traffic ...
Bill McGonigle's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any remote node list to connect simplewallet?

In addition to, there is also an automatically updated list of remote nodes on (i.e. nodes on this list should always work). DISCLAIMER: I am the author ...'s user avatar
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Is there any remote node list to connect simplewallet?

There are more open nodes listed here:
Ginger Ale's user avatar
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How can you minimize risks to your privacy when using a remote node?

If it's only about sending moneroj, one could generate locally a signed transaction and forward it through a service like using tor/i2p/vpn to hide the originating IP.
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar
2 votes

Why isn't communication between wallet and daemon encrypted?

I'm not qualified to answer this but I'll provide this in answer in the hopes that someone more qualified will step in. There is no reason why you shouldn't connect to a remote node, but any node you ...
Michael Walton's user avatar
2 votes

What are the 'Login (optional)' fields for in the GUI settings?

These fields are used to connect to a daemon requiring a username and a password (when the monerod daemon was started with the --rpc-login option).
glv's user avatar
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Number of confirmations and node location

Newly received coins can be spent after 10 confirmations. I case two conflicting transactions are sent to the network by two clients managing the same wallet, the first to arrive at the node that ...
glv's user avatar
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What is a remote node?

The simplest way to explain what a remote node is would be to say that it's any node that is not local. If you are running a node at your home or place or business, you are running a local node. ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
2 votes

Lost monero money after switching wallets

What probably happened is that you hit a bug which skips early scanning, but skips too much. If this is indeed the reason, you can fix it by doing this: exit the GUI rename the wallet cache, eg ...
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

Backup and Disaster Recovery for Monero Fork

Once you have lots of people using your cryptocurrency, you can back up nothing at all (I'm talking about not backing up your seed nodes. If you have a wallet, you'll want to keep the mnemonic seed ...
knaccc's user avatar
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Can't connect to my full node outside my local network

--rpc-bind-ip [IP ADDRESS] Binds the daemon to an IP address. You need to use your External IP if you plan to access this daemon from outside your local network, or an Internal IP if you only want it ...
cialu's user avatar
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How to Generate monero wallet on server-side(node.js) or locally?

Alright, solved generating monero wallets problem like that (using Meteor.js): Downloaded this AWESOME repo: Unpacked this repo to the node_modules ...
Oysho Boy's user avatar
2 votes

What are some reliable public monero nodes one can connect to using their Monerujo app? has a listing of nodes you could use, updated every 20 minutes. If you like to use DNS: To understand the risks, read this reddit thread and ...
cpb2's user avatar
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Running a Monero Node on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) with no incoming connections

If you run a node and do not open inbound connections, then you cannot relay other users transactions or relay blocks. So having a full node in this scenario wont be helping the network. However, it ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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