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11 votes

Is there a network protocol specification or description outside the source code?

No, but it's on the list of things we have to do. At this juncture it would be wasted on Monero, but once / if we switch the wire protocol to something standardised like ZMTP then it will be nearly ...
fluffyponyza's user avatar
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10 votes

Full node with "8+0 connections"

8 is the number of peers that you are connected to. 0 is the number of peers that are connected to you. if you want to allow others to connect to you, you need to open port 18080 on your firewall/...
xmrdc's user avatar
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9 votes

Failure of an exchange or pool to upgrade to Monero v0.10.1 by January 5th

Miners will lose what they would have gained if the pool had been on the right fork: any block mined on the wrong fork will eventually get reorganized away. If the pool's on the wrong fork, any money ...
user36303's user avatar
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9 votes

How is Monero's network less secure than Bitcoin?

The security of a PoW network is basically the amount of money needed to attack it. Bitcoin has had a lot of money poured into miners, and Monero nowhere as much. As an idea of how much money would ...
user36303's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I enable incoming connections? (ELI5)

You should not have anything to do to allow outgoing connections, unless you're in a restrictive environment - in which case the steps to allow this are independent of Monero. If you meant incoming ...
user36303's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I figure out what nodes I'm connected to and who is sending what to who?

It's a two way connection, the IN refers to connections initiated by the peer, and OUT refers to connections initiated by your node, but communication is duplex. In that status command, the X+Y part ...
user36303's user avatar
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8 votes

Does each node have a maximum number of peers?

A node will connect to up to 8 peers by default (P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS_COUNT in src/cryptonote_config.h). I think there is no set limit of incoming connections, though if a lot of peers try to ...
user36303's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I change limit_up speed?

You can change them, either when starting monerod: --limit-rate-up arg (=-1) set limit-rate-up [kB/s] --limit-rate-down arg (=-1) set limit-rate-down [kB/s] --limit-rate ...
user36303's user avatar
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7 votes

Could a DDoS attack on the hardcoded seed nodes bring down the Monero network?

It would not bring the monero network down. At most, it would prevent new nodes from adding to the network. The seed nodes are "well known" nodes which act as the first port of call for newly setup ...
user36303's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it possible to create infinite coins in Monero since Monero is completely anonymous now?

The coinbase transactions are not anonymised (as they don't need to be), so no, situations like what you describe won't happen. The coinbase transactions will ensure the integrity of the coin supply ...
ferretinjapan's user avatar
5 votes

Does mining require a daemon that allows incoming connections (open firewall ports)?

You are confused. The 8+0 does not mean this. The difference between the two types of connections are who initiated it: your daemon, or a peer. Data can flow in both directions, regardless of whether ...
user36303's user avatar
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5 votes

How can the network or monero community reduce the txpool size?

Not really. Rapid growth in hashrate would only be slightly useful short term until the difficulty retargets which happens rather fast. This is only because you'd reduce the time between the blocks ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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5 votes

Does each node have a maximum number of peers?

You can set the number of your daemon outgoing peers (ie, peers it connects to) with the command line parameter --out-peers. The default is 8. For having incoming peers, you need to open up your ...
arnuschky's user avatar
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5 votes

Full node with "8+0 connections"

You can set the number of your daemon outgoing peers (ie, peers it connects to) with the command line parameter --out-peers. The default is 8. For having incoming peers, you need to open up your ...
arnuschky's user avatar
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5 votes

What happened at Monero difficulty from Nov 2017 to Jan 2018?

It means that the network is used by more powerful miners. Difficulty adjusts to the network hashrate (after every block, unlike Bitcoin which adjusts difficulty only every 2016 blocks, around two ...
Florian Schneider's user avatar
5 votes

What is the best way to help the Monero network?

There are many ways to help the Monero both directly and indirectly. Run a full node to directly support the network Donate to the Monero Forum Funding System Join a Monero workgroup for mining, ...
Dr-Bracket's user avatar
4 votes

Is the XMR network vulnerable to Denial-of-Service attacks?

Something like this had already happened, with no impact to the network performance. It was a prelude to the actual attack, the infamous block 202612 attack. Quoting fluffypony in the bitcointalk ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I figure out what nodes I'm connected to and who is sending what to who?

Pretty sure that's how it works. You can also use the command "status" and you'll see at the end of the line a number like "8+1" this shows the number of nodes you are connected to, and after the + ...
ferretinjapan's user avatar
4 votes

What would happen to the Monero network if a significant part would be isolated?

The isolated North American nodes would continue communicating, transacting, and mining among themselves. The world set of nodes would do the same. At this point you have two possible chains. If ...
revler1082's user avatar
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What are the differences between incoming/outgoing connections?

Your understanding is correct: outgoing connections are initiated by you, incoming connections are initiated by the peer. You can certainly have a peer syncing from you via an outgoing connection ...
user36303's user avatar
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4 votes

Is running a full node on an HDD bad for the network?

No. In any case, internet connection bandwidth and access is far more impactful to the network. Using a spinning disk, it's just you who will feel the pain during your initial full sync. Once you ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Could IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) be used with Monero?

I'm going to attempt to answer the two parts of this question, but with the caveat that the second half of my answer is certainly at least in part opinion based. Could IPFS be used with Monero's ...
bigreddmachine's user avatar
3 votes

How do I enable incoming connections? (ELI5)

You may be confused about outgoing and incoming connections. Outgoing connections refer to your node reaching out to the network to initiate connections with other nodes. Incoming connections refer ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
3 votes

No IGD port mapping

It means that UPnP is disabled on your router. What happens if I disable UPnP on my router? First of all, there is a lot of ambiguity surrounding UPnP. I assume that you mean a device that ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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3 votes

Converting the network identifier to text

I don't think the numbers encode the phrase, but it must be a reference to Futurama. In season 2 episode 7, Bender has a nightmare of random 1s and 0s appearing, and he thinks he even saw a 2! ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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3 votes

Why did the total network hash rate drop by 50% after 0.10.1 release?

The network hash rate never reached 70 MH/s (I don't think it even reached 60 MH/s, though it came close), so this points to a bug in the site you're looking at. It seems likely that this is related ...
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

How does a node maintain its anchor peer list?

Leaving aside exclusive peers, when a node starts for the very first time, it connects to the seed peer(s) to get an initial peer list. It then attempts to maintain at least 2 anchor peers (if it ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

How does Monero use DNS to discover seed nodes?

This usually works, but I broke something when moving the seeder to a new set of servers. It should be working again soon!
fluffyponyza's user avatar
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How does Dandelion work on old nodes?

Dandelion works by setting a flag in the transaction message. If the flag is set, nodes should perform the dandelion steps (ie, decide whether to continue dandelion routing or send to all peers), ...
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the communication between wallet and remote node encrypted?

No, the wallet does not provide the remote node with the view keys. I think you are confusing this with the web wallet MyMonero which requires the view key. The only thing that the remote node will ...
Gundamlancer's user avatar
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