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14 votes

What is Kasisto?

Kasisto is a web app enabling you to receive person to person Monero payments in small cafes, bars or shops. It will accept unconfirmed payments which makes it pretty much instant, but also means you ...
amiuhle's user avatar
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8 votes

Difference between "Wallet" and "Account"

Accounts were created as part of the subaddress scheme. A wallet has a seed. From this seed, the primary address private spend and view keys are derived. From these private keys, subaddresses are ...
knaccc's user avatar
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8 votes

Funds received from subwallet are not showing

Monero "looks ahead" 200 subaddress indices from the highest subaddress index that it observes it has received an incoming payment to. Therefore if you ever issue more than 200 subaddresses in a row ...
knaccc's user avatar
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7 votes

How to communicate programmatically with the Monero CLI wallet using php?

In order to communicate via php with a Monero wallet you have to run Monero Wallet RPC. monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port 18082 --disable-rpc-login --wallet-file /path/walletfile If you are using a ...
SerHack's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the easiest way to get a notification for incoming transaction?

Using the --tx-notify parameter to monero-wallet-cli/monero-wallet-rpc, you can run an arbitrary program when the wallet receives a transaction. The option takes a command line as parameter. The ...
user36303's user avatar
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5 votes

Run monero-wallet-rpc in background in Ubuntu?

If you can't find a flag and you run linux, you can use the usual way of sending an application to the background. Start the application in the background: ./monero-wallet-rpc & Additionally, ...
assylias's user avatar
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5 votes

As of, how do you use monero-wallet-rpc?

If you previously ran simplewallet in CLI mode (or 0.10's monero-wallet-cli in RPC mode) then you would simply transition to using monero-wallet-rpc with the same flags. As always, running the binary ...
fluffyponyza's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the monero-wallet-rpc/deamon-rpc?

monero-wallet-rpc is one of the command-line applications that ships with Monero. It enables developers to make HTTP based requests to interact with a Monero wallet. An example could be to implement ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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4 votes

Multiple Users Per Node Via JSON RPC

A "node" is the monerod daemon. It can support arbitrarily many wallets connecting to it concurrently. A wallet generally supports only one user at a time.
hyc's user avatar
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4 votes

Where can I find Monero public RPC nodes I can connect to?

Since Monero, you can use the public_nodes command in monero-wallet-cli. It will query your daemon, as the list is now shared over the P2P network. This can be used in tandem with the ...
user36303's user avatar
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4 votes

Generate a wallet file from a spend key in the command line using the CLI wallet in a "non-interactive" way for scripting purpose

You should use --generate-from-json for this. The input fields in the JSON file are: version: integer, should be 1 filename: string, path/filename for the newly created wallet ...
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

Monero Testnet Faucet

Start the daemon: monerod --testnet and then once sync'ed... Start the wallet in another window: monero-wallet-cli --testnet to create a testnet wallet, then... Back in the running daemon type: ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Multiple different wallets connected to same monero node

You can run multiple monero-wallet-rpc processes on the same machine (or different ones), and connect them to a single node (which can be either on the same machine again, or a different one). You don'...
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

wallet rpc call login parameter format please?

As @kenshi mentioned, --digest needs to be added to the curl command. The default behavior for curl is to attempt basic authentication, then abort. I have personally attempted curl with monero-wallet-...
Lee Clagett's user avatar
3 votes

Are there certain characters unsuitable for passwords?

There are no forbidden characters. However, you might have difficulty with characters such as \r and \n, since they're interpreted as "I'm done" when you type a string, and as terminator when reading ...
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

monero-wallet-rpc not working for curl

Try to enable http digest authentication: curl --digest -u user:password -X post -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":"0", "method":"getbalance"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' ...
glv's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a monerod config file to change certain settings when you run monerod in linux?

You can create one in any directory you have permissions to access and name it anything (such as monero.conf). Add any of the options used on daemon startup, but leave off the leading double-dash (--)....
MountainX's user avatar
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3 votes

Consistency failure in amounts received

Did you send funds from your wallet back to that same wallet? This warning message might reflect an inability, when observing the blockchain, to distinguish between the amount sent and the change. ...
knaccc's user avatar
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3 votes

I cannot start monero-wallet-rpc. I receive the error: no connection to daemon

Firstly, you have to be running monerod for monero-wallet-rpc to work. Next, if you start monerod with --stagenet, you have to start the wallet with --stagenet also. If you create a wallet for ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

How to restore Monero RPC Wallet from seed

A command has been added to restore from a seed, the documentation is just a little outdated. The parameters are: uint64_t restore_height; std::string filename; std::string seed; std::string ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Error using monero-wallet-rpc: No wallet file

I was running the command with the wrong parameters. I should have used --wallet-file instead of --wallet-dir when running monero-wallet-rpc. My corrected command: ./monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-...
Barney Chambers's user avatar
3 votes

Is automated churning of XMR bad for privacy?

Is this bad for privacy? Yes. Performing a churn (or any transaction for that matter) at regular intervals is bad for privacy (for yourself and others to some degree). You are essentially helping to ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Time from the block added to the pool to time it gets executed

Firstly, blocks don't get "added to the pool". A wallet instructs a daemon to broadcast a transaction which gets added to the transaction pool. A miner constructs a block template by bunching ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Can the monero-wallet-rpc handle multiple requests at the same time?

The wallet RPC server is not really designed for high traffic, concurrent connections. It only operates on one wallet at a time and runs single threaded. I.e. it assumes only one person is using it at ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Suggestions on how to consistently get more outputs?

Take a look at a response to issue #2351: You can send 50 monero 20 times in one tx to yourself (make sure you have set merge-destinations to 0 first). This will break up the 1000 output. Also ...
Mogens TrasherDK's user avatar
3 votes

Can I look for incoming transactions with only my private view key?

Running ./monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-view-key <private view key>, you can generate a view only wallet file. Then you can run ./monero-wallet-rpc --wallet-file view-only-wallet --rpc-...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the difference between transfer_split and transfer?

transfer, the older of the two commands, creates a single transaction. This can fail if you try to create a transaction with too many destinations / the transaction becomes too large. transfer_split ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Security concerning private keys on monerowallet rpc on hosted server if taking monero payments

The secret view key allows one to see outputs going to the address corresponding to that key. It does not allow spending them. If that secret view key is on a machine, whoever has physical access to ...
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

Multisig requires new wallet or new address?

Each multisig wallet can only have a single address for incoming funds. This address will be different from any of the usual addresses created by a wallet prior to multisig conversion. You cannot ...
knaccc's user avatar
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3 votes

Advantages of using monerod over Tor

Anonymity networks make sense for remote nodes, not local. The monerod runs in the data center and wallets @home or mobile phone. Here & here you can find some public .onion nodes. Your linked ...
boldsuck's user avatar
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