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4 votes

How does one burn and provide a proof-of-burn in Monero?

There is a tradition in Monero that when you want to come up with a public key for which there is no known private key, you calculate that public key as H = hash_to_point(G), which in hex is ...
knaccc's user avatar
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4 votes

How to generate a Monero wallet programatically?

In bash, just: monero-wallet-cli --create-address-file --password password123 --mnemonic-language English --generate-new-wallet ./new.wallet You can enumerate new.wallet with a variable. Just wait ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 494
4 votes

Does the coin support HD wallets, and if so, which derivation scheme?

Bitcoin's HD (hierarchical deterministic) wallets use subsequent addresses derived from your private key / seed to send your change to and improve privacy a bit. You can still follow the funds and ...
janowitz's user avatar
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4 votes

Generate a wallet file from a spend key in the command line using the CLI wallet in a "non-interactive" way for scripting purpose

You should use --generate-from-json for this. The input fields in the JSON file are: version: integer, should be 1 filename: string, path/filename for the newly created wallet ...
user36303's user avatar
  • 34.9k
3 votes

Pregenerate 1000 subaddresses from your monero private key?

I made an offline command-line tool, subaddress-derive-xmr, that derives any number of subaddresses from mnemonic, seed, or priv-view-key + pub-spend-key. Usage would look like: $ ./subaddress-...
danda's user avatar
  • 187
3 votes

Pregenerate 1000 subaddresses from your monero private key?

Is there a way to pre-generate 1000 subaddresses from your monero private key? Generating subaddresses from a private view key explained in this answer and on the monerodocs site here. And then ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
3 votes

How to generate a Monero wallet programatically?

You have a couple of options. One option is to have a running wallet RPC: monero-wallet-rpc --wallet-dir . --rpc-bind-port 18085 --disable-rpc-login Which you can then call its create_wallet method ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Which two strings I need to get from tx_json, if I want to determine whether output is mine or not?

The full math you have to do is: D = P - Hs(8aR || i)G, where i is a varint representing the index of the output. You then check whether D matches your main public spend key or any of your subaddress ...
knaccc's user avatar
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How to check a detached daemon without a wallet?

You just run commands like monerod status which connects to the detached process and runs the command (status in this example). You can also use the daemons RPC get_info. But, how can I check the ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
3 votes

Will I need to update wallet and miner after the next upcoming (March 2019) fork?

Yes, as we have done before for the other forks, you'll need to update daemon, wallet, and miner. As you can see here, the upcoming fork will bring to Monero a new PoW algorithm: the CNv4, ...
cialu's user avatar
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2 votes

How does address recovery work?

First off, the node does not do anything about addresses, the wallet does. The node never gets your secret keys. Next, the Monero wallet will always cache/calculate the next 200 addresses for the ...
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

How to open a Monero CLI wallet by specifying the wallet name?

Use the parameter: --wallet-file <file name here>. E.g. monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file MyWallet (assuming you have a wallet file named "MyWallet" in the current working directory)
jtgrassie's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the difference between simplewallet, wallet and wallet2?

What is the difference between simplewallet, wallet and wallet2? simplewallet.[cpp|h] is the source code for the command-line wallet monero-wallet-cli. wallet2.[cpp|h] is the source code for the ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
2 votes

JS implementation of ge_fromfe_frombytes_vartime

According to the CryptoNote Whitepaper, the hash-to-point algorithm is based on this paper.
koe's user avatar
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2 votes

Monero coins locked after sending money

New outputs are locked for 10 blocks (unless the sender selects more), which is about 20 minutes on average. If all your monero is in a single output, then sending it will lock your entire balance for ...
user36303's user avatar
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1 vote

Can you lose your mined XMR from a pool?

It clearly says this in the Terms and conditions page. "Accounts which are inactive for longer than 365 days may be deleted. Any remaining balance will be treated as a donation to the Pool." ...
nssy's user avatar
  • 26
1 vote

Wallet Balance Incorrectly Displays 0, missing Transaction Keys?

Downloading the chain is pointless. Restoring the wallet from seed will wipe the transaction keys. A double spend like this after a restore from seed/keys can be caused by an outgoing transaction ...
user36303's user avatar
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Logic behind selecting even square root for fe_sqrtm1 = sqrt(-1)

If you follow your link it shows this code: 35     /* sqrt(x) is such an integer y that 0 <= y <= p - 1, y % 2 = 0, and y^2 = x (mod p). */ 36     /* d = -121665 / 121666 */ 37     const fe ...
Rob's user avatar
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1 vote

Does Monero still use chacha for wallet encryption?

The wallet cache uses chacha20 for cache encryption. The KDF used is still the original Cryptonight (one round by default, overridable with --kdf-rounds).
user36303's user avatar
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How do I get a testnet wallet in Monero GUI?

You can select Testnet as network parameter in the wizard (setup) of the GUI (under Advanced options). See this part of the Monero GUI guide and corresponding screenshot.
dEBRUYNE's user avatar
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How to run Monero as a private chain or a similar mode?

The following page comprehensively documents how to run a private testnet: This allows you to run a private network of nodes (and wallets), which is ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
1 vote

How can I add Monero to wallets such as Atomic/Exodus/Coinomi using the ERC-20 Eth contract address?

Coinomi supports every ERC20 token. If the one you want to store isn't already on the "Add tokens - Ethereum" list in the app you can follow the instructions here to manually add the token wallet: ...
Fer Coinomi's user avatar
1 vote

Is it a bad idea to use CpuLimit with Monero software?

It should be fine, unless the programs stay stopped for a long time, in which cases timeouts may occur. If you're local, timeouts with a single client is more than 3 minutes IIRC, so it should be just ...
user36303's user avatar
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Using monero-php, I am getting "Method not found" when calling open_wallet

The wallet RPC and daemon RPC are different. Refer to the projects documentation on how to run both wallet and daemon RPCs. The node you reference at is a daemon RPC, not a wallet RPC, ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

Can't create new wallet via RPC

You have given a login for the daemon, but no password. monero-wallet-rpc is an unattended program, so does not prompt. You need to pass the password after the login, with a separating colon, like ...
user36303's user avatar
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1 vote

Pregenerate 1000 subaddresses from your monero private key?

During wallet generation, set "subaddress-lookahead" higher than default like previously mentioned, example 50:1000. Generate the wallet with the predetermined subaddress lookahead using the ...
interchained's user avatar
1 vote

Missing transaction. XMR sent to Monerujo wallet

Each Monero transaction contains multiple inputs/outputs. It is not expected that you own all of the outputs of the transaction; only those destined for you. The utility you used is reporting: ...
Jon Watte's user avatar
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How is Poloniex keeping track of their user's Monero balances when they do not use any Payment ID's?

Last I was aware, Poloniex issues users with a Monero integrated address, which embeds a payment ID in the address. You can easily verify this by the address length - integrated addresses are 106 hex ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
1 vote

Connect to a LOKI remote node when using the CLI wallet

You can use the following format: ./loki-wallet-cli --daemon-host
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote

Why does imported wallet not show correct balance?

Don't import it, just create an entirely new wallet on MyMonero and just send all your coins from CakeWallet to MyMonero. This gives you the following benefit: You won't have to rescan the entire ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar

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