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14 votes

Understanding the structure of a Monero transaction

Key offsets are the set of outputs your ring is using as "fake"outputs, as well as yours. Outputs of a given denomination are ordered in blockchain order, and thus can be represented by their index in ...
user36303's user avatar
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11 votes

Why was `always-confirm-transfers = 1` not the default in version

I can't tell you why it currently (version is not enabled by default. However, about 10 days ago I filed an issue (#1058) for this on GitHub. Meanwhile, it seems there's a pull request in ...
dpzz's user avatar
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7 votes

How to make an integrated address based on a subaddress?

You don't. Subaddresses also solve the problem integrated addresses were designed for (allowing source identification in a single address). Since you can now generate a subaddress per source/client/...
user36303's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I assist in testing RingCT on the Monero testnet?

You can help by performing the most unlikely actions that should still work, keeping track of what you do, and reporting what doesn't work. Sending transactions to other addresses is the obvious case,...
user36303's user avatar
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6 votes

Can I obtain Monero testnet coins without mining?

Yes, this is possible. Someone on Reddit, made a public testnet wallet, from which you could transfer some moneroj to your own address(es), to experiment with (e.g. cold signing, etcetera). First ...
dpzz's user avatar
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6 votes

Can I obtain Monero testnet coins without mining?

If you pop into /r/monero on reddit, or on Slack/IRC #monero, you will find people who would be happy to send you testnet coins. Alternatively, it is rather satisfying to mine your own. The ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
6 votes

Creating and Splitting Transactions

So the transaction splitting function is not an anonymity thing, it's due to the dynamic block size limiter. Right now testnet is on the block median, and you're trying to create a transaction that is ...
fluffyponyza's user avatar
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5 votes

Why are do some addresses on the Monero testnet begin with '9' and others with 'A'?

Prefix is fixed in that the first (AKA network) byte is fixed to 0x35 for testnet. When encoding to base58 to get the actual address, the first 2 characters will vary depending on what follows after ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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4 votes

Generating wallet from private key

The argument is the filename to be used. It would be bad practice to enter the seed as an argument when starting the program, as your command shell could keep logs of recent commands which would then ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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4 votes

Generating wallet from private key

The generate from keys switch requires the private spend key, view key, and public address in order to recreate the wallet. The first piece of info it requested was probably a filename to save to, not ...
ferretinjapan's user avatar
4 votes

Why was `always-confirm-transfers = 1` not the default in version

This has been fixed by pull request #1225. You can compile from source to benefit now or wait for the next official release. - GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, always_confirm_transfers, ...
seek adventure's user avatar
4 votes

Problem transfering to Monero address copied from SE comment using monero-wallet-cli. `Error: wrong address`

In the first two cases you have "\n" in the address. 9z1N6pssDU3hvq9X6iqxk2g2e4tfc2WqfiMcKLR2dE8mZVjGN4yCKBD4QE8j‌<\n>​ xNMMCabNQNzDKLUnZSgu‌​EMMr4YPSBcMuJ8p
SantasLittleHelper's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to tell apart real and testnet Integrated Address

Testnet integrated addresses have 0x36 as prefix. See src/cryptonote_config.h
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

Monero setting up a testnet wallet in terminal, can't sync

You need a more recent version to use the public testnet. In particular, the public testnet is currently running v7, while only knows up to v6. At some point, the testnet will also be ...
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Monero the only CryptoNote based coin with a public testnet?

I am not aware of any other Monero forks besides the two that you mentioned. There are other CryptoNote currencies but I am not aware of any that have a public testnet. The level of community and ...
254123179's user avatar
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3 votes

Exploring Testnet's Blockchain

You can check this block explorer (according to this reddit post) : http://xmrtestbbzl275vy.onion/ tor2web proxy:
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar
3 votes

Monero Testnet Faucet

Start the daemon: monerod --testnet and then once sync'ed... Start the wallet in another window: monero-wallet-cli --testnet to create a testnet wallet, then... Back in the running daemon type: ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there test executables that Monero does not run?

There are a few. core_proxy is one. The clt and srv in net_load_tests are others. The C++ functional tests is another. I think that's the whole list.
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

Small bug with `sweep_all`

Total and fee calculation seems to happen here: // give user total and fee, and prompt to confirm uint64_t total_fee = 0, total_unmixable = 0; for (size_t n = 0; n < ptx_vector.size(); ++n) { ...
revler1082's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to have a full Monero node, a Monero testnet node, and an Aeon node all on the same VPS?

Aeon has not yet integrated LMDB so the 2GB RAM is probably not enough. Although it should work (slower) if the swap is big enough.
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar
2 votes

Creating and Splitting Transactions

Perhaps there are not sufficient other transactions to participate in a ring on testnet for the amounts that you are trying to transact. Since a ring is required, no zero mixin transactions are ...
JVP's user avatar
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2 votes

Does I2P have a test network?

No. There is no current public I2P testnet. The I2P protocol already specifies a NETWORK_ID (equal to 2 for mainnet), so it should be easy to add.
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar
2 votes

How does one change Monero's block reward for chosen blocks?

Monero does not use the height, but that doesn't mean a fork cannot. Just pass the block height to get_block_reward (in src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_basic_impl.cpp) and you're set. Don't forget to ...
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

How long are mining rewards locked on testnet?

If the rules are the same as on the main network, you need to wait 60 blocks (ca. 2 hours) to see the balance unlocked for coins that you mine. For normal transactions, the balance is locked for 10 ...
assylias's user avatar
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2 votes

Monero Javascript Library

Monero JavaScript/node.js - Monero private testnet setup - Test faucet - see Can I obtain Monero testnet ...
Zigglzworth's user avatar
2 votes

Connecting to remote daemon in testnet is not working

the current code on does not allow transfers (it's a bug which is fixed but not yet deployed there). just run your own testnet node.
m2049r's user avatar
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2 votes

blockchain.raw download for the testnet?

No. Spam for stupid length check not wanting short answers.
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

Monero Testnet Faucet

There's a testnet and stagenet faucet currently provided by
Dr-Bracket's user avatar
2 votes

What stops testnet & stagenet coins from acquiring monetary value?

I'd say they do have some value. For example, it's useful to be able to get hold of some stagenet coins in order to do some testing. Ultimately, someone had to mine some blocks to generate those coins,...
knaccc's user avatar
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2 votes

What stops testnet & stagenet coins from acquiring monetary value?

Just to pick up on your hard coded seed node list part of you question - You are misunderstanding what the hard coded seeds are for, given the links you posted. These are not the same as "validator" ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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