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25 votes

I am missing (not seeing) a transaction to (in) the GUI (zero balance)

First and foremost, to put your mind and ease and to verify that your transaction was correctly sent to your address, use this guide to verify your transaction: How do I, as a recipient, verify that ...
dEBRUYNE's user avatar
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19 votes

What's the difference between "balance" and "unlocked balance"?

According to your wallet (not the protocol) you have to wait 10 blocks (roughly 20 minutes) before you can spend newly received xmr. The is a measure for increased untraceability. Explanation : As ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I check the balance of a Monero paper wallet?

The procedure is a bit more involved for Monero, but you can do this in two ways: The easy one off solution is to gather the standard address you sent to, the txkey for the transaction (you said you ...
user36303's user avatar
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5 votes

View only wallets only shows incoming transactions only. How to see outgoing aswell?

First and foremost, a view-only wallet with merely the private view key will only be able to see incoming transactions to its corresponding public address. A more theoretical explanation can be found ...
dEBRUYNE's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I stop locking my balance when executing transactions?

It's not a case of how much is in your wallet, rather how many outputs you own. If you only have 1 output, when you do a transfer, the recipient get's a new output with part of your spend output and ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
3 votes

Lower the Locked Balance Limit

Yes, change this line and recompile. It's a wallet thing, not consensus. There are caveats: You'll probably be the only one with changed config so someone could use it to fingerprint your TXes If a ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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3 votes

What all information we can gather from a Monero wallet address?

No. No. Naturally, you can only know about what you sent to that address. You can't know whether that address ever received anything else from the side. When the target spends what you sent to them, ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I check the balance of a Monero paper wallet?

This answer is for checking the balance of a Monero paper wallet with no other software other than an internet browser. (1) You need to save the transaction id provided every time you send Monero to ...
Corbin's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the difference between "balance" and "unlocked balance"?

"Balance" refers to the total number of coins owned by a wallet. "Unlocked Balance" refers to the total number of coins that have been owned by the wallet long enough in order for them to be spent. ...
bigreddmachine's user avatar
3 votes

How can I check my balance in mining pools that dont have an login/account option? like XMRpool

So problem solved - I did a stupid mistake. I did everything acording to this tutorial, which I find well done (for noobs like me), but I wanted to mine in ...
kukuricka's user avatar
2 votes

How can I check the balance of a Monero paper wallet?

You can use a view-key only wallet (you will need to note down the viewkey when creating the wallet). Keep in mind though that currently you cannot tell if a transaction is spent without generating ...
Fireice UK's user avatar
2 votes

Anyway to watch my own monero address without installing the full monero wallet?

You can download the official GUI and set up a view-only wallet, without downloading the entire blockchain. You would still have to sync your wallet with the network. This doesn't take a long time. ...
Jona's user avatar
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2 votes

GUI Wallet History Intact but Zero Balance?

Unfortunately the only way to trace what happen to your balance is through command line. First, check if you are fully synchronized by typing the following command in the monerod.(The black window ...
Gundamlancer's user avatar
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2 votes

Simple website to check Monero balance

Is it possible to (readonly) check the balance of a Monero address with only providing the address and ViewKey (no Payment Id or SpendKey or whatever), and without first installing/syncing software ...
Endogen's user avatar
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2 votes

Check balance of an address by Monero RPC

The per_subaddress field of the result returned by the get_balance method contains the balances of the addresses. There is also the get_accounts method that gives the balance for each account. ...
glv's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get the balance of an integrated address?

An integrated address is just a normal address with an embedded payment ID. Thus you use the usual get_balance RPC method, or balance detail CLI command. As they have a payment ID, you can also make ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
2 votes

How can I distinguish between transactions (send vs. receive)?

If a transaction includes a key image in a ring which corresponds to one of the outputs you own, then it is a transaction you sent. If no key image in a tx corresponds, then it is not a transaction ...
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

Get updated balance from multiple wallet files using the CLI Monero wallet

Yes. Using monero-wallet-cli you can run the command balance detail, which will show you your wallets balance and each balance received at each subaddress. Typically for non-interactive usage you'd ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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2 votes

Monero coins locked after sending money

New outputs are locked for 10 blocks (unless the sender selects more), which is about 20 minutes on average. If all your monero is in a single output, then sending it will lock your entire balance for ...
user36303's user avatar
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1 vote

How is Poloniex keeping track of their user's Monero balances when they do not use any Payment ID's?

Last I was aware, Poloniex issues users with a Monero integrated address, which embeds a payment ID in the address. You can easily verify this by the address length - integrated addresses are 106 hex ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

Monero missing from pool payout to exchange wallet

You need to take this up with the pool that sent your transaction and prove the tx was never mined. You can check various nodes (, via the RPC interface, to prove the ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I stop locking my balance when executing transactions?

If you want to have multiple Outputs in your wallet you can use the "sweep_all" command in the monero-wallet-cli sweep_all [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<priority>] [<ring_size>] [...
user8746222's user avatar
1 vote

Monero wallet balance still zero after transfer

If setup is correct, typically how long before the coins should arrive? One to five minutes. Would there be any issue with my server and wallet being offline at the time? As long as the daemon (...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
1 vote

Building a service to hold Monero private keys. I need to update user's balance every 1-3 hours

The only way I can see to speed this up is to write some code that does parallel crypto ops at a lowish level, roughly where the calls to is_out_to_acc_precomp are made. You can then save all the tx ...
user36303's user avatar
  • 34.9k
1 vote

Why does imported wallet not show correct balance?

Don't import it, just create an entirely new wallet on MyMonero and just send all your coins from CakeWallet to MyMonero. This gives you the following benefit: You won't have to rescan the entire ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote

Monerod and wallet fully synced, not recognizing transactions made before the fork as valid

Your transaction has an ADDITIONAL_PUBKEYS tag in the tx_extra field. This means it was a transaction with at least two destinations, at least one of which was a subaddress. These warnings mean that ...
knaccc's user avatar
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1 vote

How CryptoNote derived coins get balance from secret keys?

In CryptoNote you can't just get a balance for an address since CryptoNote uses one time addresses or stealth addresses. Because of that, in order to get your balance you have to scan all ...
onefox's user avatar
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1 vote

How to speed up balance scanning of addresses?

Yes, CPU performance does affect scanning time, but so too does Disk I/O speed, and having a sufficient amount of RAM. By the sounds of it you want to set up your own remote node to connect to from ...
Haafingar's user avatar
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1 vote

Best method of sweeping monero private keys without rescanning the blockchain for a balance?

To be able to make a transaction, the wallet must know how much it contains. The approach for you would be to only scan from when the user made the transaction by specifying a restore height or date....
Maxithi's user avatar
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1 vote

Outputs on show that I have a balance but command line says no balance

Chances are your node isn't synced with the blockchain or your wallet isn't refreshed with blockchain data. You can refresh your wallet against either your own node or some open remote node. There ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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