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7 votes

Is there a sample JavaScript code showing how to generate a monero address from a string of characters?

There is Javascript code to generate Monero addresses from an arbitrary string, yes. See This page contains code originally ...
user36303's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I avoid Javascript poisoning when using

Yes. In the mean time, a Chrome application have been released to largely reduce the security limits of MyMonero (that come from the concept of a web wallet rather than errors from the developer). ...
Clement J.'s user avatar
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6 votes

How to implement a java script version of monero CPU miner

The site itself says they've used WebAssembly to compile C code to Javascript. This means you'd need to be competent in C in order to attempt this feat. If you work through the numbers though, the ...
knaccc's user avatar
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3 votes

sc_reduce32 returning wrong private view key

const decSeed = BigInt('0x'+hexSeed); //convert the hex seed to a dec BigInt: 11543724318435336731650421271699387718989312826353117660615550988399570687489 You didn't interpret the hex here as little ...
knaccc's user avatar
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How does one craft a Monero transaction locally, sign with their private key and then broadcast using javascript?

Monero transactions are much more than some simple data that is signed with a private key. You need outputs to spend, mixin outputs from the blockchain, lot's of math for RingCT etc. This is one of ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
2 votes

How to perform a simple verification of a Monero address with a regular expression?

This is better: 4[a-zA-Z|\d]{94} And payment ID: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}
Asdax's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any Monero specific programming language "libraries" available?

For python, you can use MoneroPy. It is still pre-beta and under development, but has pure python implementations for wallet account creation, TX Extra parsing, integrated address encoding and ...
bigreddmachine's user avatar
2 votes

Monero Javascript Library

Monero JavaScript/node.js - Monero private testnet setup - Test faucet - see Can I obtain Monero testnet ...
Zigglzworth's user avatar
2 votes

how to use coinhive java script with GPU?

Coinhive runs on your CPU only. Although it's technically possible to write javascript code that runs on GPU it's not standard and it's not the approach taken by coinhive. If you have GPUs there are ...
assylias's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the difference hashing power when running the JS Monero Miner via a browser vs Running solo Mining with the cli?

They claim "65% of the performance of a native Miner", and this seems to be roughly the case on my PC. This is definitely a pooled mining setup, and they're running their own pool. Which means if you ...
knaccc's user avatar
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How to mining 24/7? (Coinhive)

Coinhive is a javascript-based miner. Since Javascript is web-based, you have to keep the page open in order for it to stay active.
Chris Tanner's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a Javascript implementation of the CryptoNight algorithm?

Sure there is. Do a npm search cryptonight-hashing and take a pick :) NAME | DESCRIPTION | AUTHOR | DATE | VERSION | KEYWORD cryptonight-hashing | ...
Mogens TrasherDK's user avatar
2 votes

How to Generate monero wallet on server-side(node.js) or locally?

Alright, solved generating monero wallets problem like that (using Meteor.js): Downloaded this AWESOME repo: Unpacked this repo to the node_modules ...
Oysho Boy's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a javascript implementation to generate your Monero subaddresses without giving out your private-spend key?

Yes, you can use this Javascript NPM package to generate subaddresses:
knaccc's user avatar
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I can't reproduce a hash sent from a miner [javascript]

Recall from this answer, the pool adds various data to the reserved space and it stores/caches the block template it used to create the hashing blob it sends to the miner. Therefore, your lines: ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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2 votes

How to create a transaction offline using javascript?

Creating and signing a Monero transaction in javascript without using the wallet RPC interface is far from trivial. You'd need to: Have a way of scanning the blockchain to find outputs you own, which ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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2 votes

JS implementation of ge_fromfe_frombytes_vartime

According to the CryptoNote Whitepaper, the hash-to-point algorithm is based on this paper.
koe's user avatar
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2 votes

Wordpress :: mining with user's CPU

The viability of browser based CPU mining on Bitcoin is zero. Bitcoin is not even profitable to mine on dedicated CPUs or GPUs these days, let alone in a browser. Bitcoin mining requires specialized ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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2 votes

ed25519 problem with libsodium implementation S_a + S_b = (s_a+s_b)*G

This: sodium.crypto_core_ed25519_add(sumPrivate, s_a, s_b); //sumPrivate = s_a + s_b is wrong. crypto_core_ed25519_add adds points, not scalars. For adding scalars you should use ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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2 votes

Monero public key generation

See RFC8032 for an explanation of how the sign of a point is encoded into the most significant bit of the last byte. By doing getY() you're attempting to do your own encoding, and not setting this bit....
knaccc's user avatar
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1 vote

How to access to monero rpc from https javascript

You are getting a CORS error: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://server.ip.address:38083/json_rpc. (Reason: CORS request did not ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

How to create a transaction offline using javascript?

monero-javascript now supports this use case specifically. See
woodser's user avatar
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1 vote

How to create a transaction offline using javascript?

mymonero has javascript code to create transactions which you can reuse (some surgery needed). Some of it runs binary blobs compiled from C++ though, which may not be what you want. See https://...
user36303's user avatar
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1 vote

How to generate a unique deposit address for a Monero wallet

To create a subaddress, you need the wallet private keys. Assuming you have these, you can create them in javascript using this package, as an example. You cannot do this having only the public key, ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

Any quick way for me to test my browser's hash rate for CryptoNight v2?

Given that Monero is now on CNv4, I doubt very much you're going to find a "quick" way to test this. You'd need to find or setup a version of the chain running the older version, setup a mining proxy, ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

How does one craft a Monero transaction locally, sign with their private key and then broadcast using javascript?

This can now be done with monero-javascript which supports local, offline transaction signing.
woodser's user avatar
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1 vote

Unable to connect to monero-wallet-rpc from code

You are trying to use digest authentication in your javascript but the wallet RPC uses basic authorization.
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

How to check balance of monero paper wallet from nodejs?

There are several nodejs packages for working with wallets. They essentially just wrap the JSON-RPC methods on the daemon / wallet RPC interfaces. You don't actually need a wrapper though as you can ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a library similar to bitcore?

You'll find some examples over at However, Monero's blockchain does not offer as much information like Bitcoin's blockchain and you will fail to query balances of ...
janowitz's user avatar
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Income from CoinHive Monero ads

From Coinhive's front page: Will This Work On My Site? Technically yes, economically probably not. If you run a blog that gets 10 visits/day, the payout will be miniscule. For the captcha and ...
Left SE On 10_6_19's user avatar

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