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5 votes

How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 "Wolfram Warptangent" on Ubuntu?

Find the correct download on the official Monero website and go to your downloads folder. Open the terminal and use this command: sha256sum monero-linux-x64-v0.10.3.0.tar.bz2 If you receive the ...
Jun Li's user avatar
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3 votes

What is "aes_round" in the Monero hashing algorithm?

An AES round uses the three functions (SubBytes, ShiftRows and MixColumns). The Wikipedia article on AES has a high-level description of the algorithm and links to the AES standard, reference source ...
glv's user avatar
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How do miners attempt to avoid duplicating nonces of other miners? Do they try?

There's no need to worry about duplicating nonces between miners/pools because they construct the block header, which contains the merkle root of all txs in the block, one of which is the coinbase tx ...
jwinterm's user avatar
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How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 “Wolfram Warptangent” on Windows?

Windows also has a built-in command-line tool to check hashes. First, using Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder to which you downloaded Then, shift + right-click ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 “Wolfram Warptangent” on Windows?

With Powershell Get-FileHash cmdlet: PS> Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 The full check could be: PS> '...
filhit's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 "Wolfram Warptangent" on Ubuntu?

Jun Li's answer is correct. You can also use the '-c' (for check) option to sha256sum to verify the hash without manually comparing hash strings, but you have to extract the hash line from the hashes....
Toby Kelsey's user avatar
2 votes

How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 “Wolfram Warptangent” on Windows?

Download and install the Quick Hash GUI Open the program, select SHA256 then select file and find in your downloads folder If you receive the following output you will ...
Jun Li's user avatar
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2 votes

What's the scratchpad for?

The scratchpad is filled with pseudo-random data based on the state (using rounds of the AES block cipher). Check for a detailed description of the algorithm (...
glv's user avatar
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Which keccak algorithm does Monero use in its initial has function?

Monero uses keccak-256, where 256 refers to the bit length of the hash produced. Note that SHA-3-256 is slightly different, and so will not produce the same result as keccak-256. This library will ...
knaccc's user avatar
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Security model for new auto update feature in GUI v0.16.0.2 'Nitrogen Nebula'

The security features were listed in the initial announcement post of the auto-updater: We added the following security features: 3 out of 4 DNS server must indicate a new update is available. The ...
dEBRUYNE's user avatar
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2 votes

RandomX slow hash "miners" parameter

What is the miners parameter for? How many threads to use for dataset initialization. Also it signals the intent to use full memory mode (for fast mining). Can I start several processes that ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I tell what difficulty my solution is?

You can find the difficulty of a submitted hash (which is just a big endian hex encoded string) by dividing the base difficulty (2^256-1) by your hash. As such, nodejs-pool (the most common pool ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

which function can be used for verifying hashes in RandomX

"Light mode" just means don't alloc and init a 2080 MiB randomx_dataset (just use a randomx_cache, which is 256 MiB). So don't use the flag RANDOMX_FLAG_FULL_MEM when calling ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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How to calculate the achieved difficulty of a mined block

Why is there a difference there? The difficulty displayed on block explorers is the difficulty the hash has to be greater than, not what difficulty the hash is.
jtgrassie's user avatar
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How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 “Wolfram Warptangent” on FreeBSD?

The process for Linux and FreeBSD is similar to that for macOS, described here: How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 “Wolfram Warptangent” on macOS? For FreeBSD, use the command sha256sum <...
bigreddmachine's user avatar
1 vote

How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 “Wolfram Warptangent” on macOS?

On macOS: Downloading the file. I will assume it is located in the normal "Downloads" directory, and it's name is monero-mac-x64-v0.10.3.1.tar.bz2. Other names/locations are fine but you'll ...
bigreddmachine's user avatar
1 vote

Anyone know if CoinHive uses the new Monero hashing algorithm?

They announced support on Twitter back in April:
jtgrassie's user avatar
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How do I figure out how much a share is worth in the PPLNS world?

Shares are not equal. One persons "share" may have X difficulty and anthers has Y difficulty. Each share is associated the difficulty of an accepted hash. PPLNS favors miners that stay on one pool (as ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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Downloaded monero v12 GUI How do I verify the hash of the download on Ubuntu command line?

Do it against the downloaded file. I used the command: sha256sum <my_file_here> It will then spit out a hash string. Copy this string and then do a find on that same webpage to see if it ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote

How does a Monero pool confirm/reject a submitted nonce?

The hash_accepted field is the response from the proxy server for when a hash is acknowledged by the server the hashes field is the number of hashes the worker has submitted in the past. When the ...
Joss Bird's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I verify the SHA256 hash of 0.10.3 "Wolfram Warptangent" on Ubuntu?

The hashes.txt file seems to be badly formatted and has 2 spaces between the filename and the hash, making the sha256sum command look for the wrong file (it's prepended with a space). If everything is ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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