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Questions tagged [shapeshift]

website that allows instant conversion of one cryptocurrency to another without the need to create an account

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1 answer

Altcoins to Monero payment buttons for website?

I tried to implement a monero payment button onto my website via shapeshift and changelly, but neither of them support this payment button widget. Apparently changelly supports XMO (monero original) ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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XMR not showing up in my gui wallet after refreshing wallet

I exchanged some BTC through ShapeShift, but my monero-wallet-gui never got the Monero. I followed the instructions here, and it didn't work. I did verify that I got the transaction confirmed and it ...
Gabriel Kunkel's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I send monero, even if it doesn't appear in my wallet?

I exchanged some BTC through ShapeShift, but my monero-wallet-gui never got the Monero. I followed the instructions here, and it didn't work. I did verify that I got the transaction confirmed and it ...
Gabriel Kunkel's user avatar
2 votes
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Using a Subaddress on ShapeShift for receiving

I would like exchange BTC to Monero on ShapeShift and i want to know if i can use a subaddress to receive Monero?
noob99851's user avatar
1 vote
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Transferred Monero from Shapeshift, want to send to different address

I used Shapeshift to convert BTC to XMR, and then had the XMR send to my Monero Desktop Wallet. This was the first time I used this. I noticed I had to sync, before the balance will show, but I don't ...
charles's user avatar
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Scam Shapeshift site

Looks like I have been scammed by the fake Shapeshifter site, it was a substantial amount, 69 Monero. It was the google search result of not This is really going to ...
ootoobin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How private is this transaction sequence?

I buy BTC on Coinbase, let's assume that my BTC wallet address is publicly tied to my real identity. I use ShapeShift to convert the BTC to XMR. I receive the XMR in a wallet I've never used before ...
Sam Stern's user avatar
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I exchanged some BCC and LTC to my Monero GUI Wallet via Shapeshift, and my funds wont show

I am fairly new to the Crypto Currency world and have some experience trading and exchanging various AltCoins to one another using different services and apps without any hiccup. Last night, I ...
Ted's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Forgot to use Payement ID when transferring eth to Monero

I forgot to send a Payment ID from Eth to Monero (via ShapeShift) and now the monero doesn't show up in my wallet (I use Monero's own wallet). ShapeShift says it is up to the monero wallet support to ...
Sjoon's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Does a Monero wallet require payment id by default?

I'm about to use and deposit some Monero to get BTC. Does a Monero wallet (generated through have a payment id by default? I'm running it on simplewallet now and I ...
Oscar M.'s user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Why is my ShapeShift transaction being denied?

I'd really like to to exchange BTC for XMR. I'm attempting a transaction via to according to this guide:
iyrin's user avatar
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15 votes
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How can I use Monero to pay a Bitcoin accepting merchant?

Can I use Monero to pay a Bitcoin accepting merchant in a untraceable manner? If so what is the process?
254123179's user avatar
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