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I2P option "Laptop mode"

I2P has an option called Laptop Mode. Documentation says : change router identity and UDP port when IP changes What's the reasoning for this option? Is it really about laptops? Is there any academic ...
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar
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Impact of Topological data analysis on Monero

What is Topological data analysis? Can it be used to study the Monero blockchain and degrade the privacy of transactions as claimed by Gary Le in the interview referenced by this answer?
Mohan's user avatar
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Broadcasting txs over Tor, is Dandelion++ still used?

According to Monero contributor selsta, when using the --tx-proxy option without noise_disabled: [monerod] uses a combination of Tor, noise, randomized delays and Dandelion++ to break IP <-> ...
faffexa's user avatar
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Stable coin on Tari?

Is it possible to create stable coin like DAI (Ethereum netowrk) on Tari layer? Stable coin on anonymous blockchain would be game changer!
needprayfornotaxes's user avatar
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Why did I get an 'using an untrusted daemon' warning?

I'm running a full node and I followed every security step to set up the node on my computer. Everything was going great until today when I realized that a view-only wallet created the day before was ...
qxr1111's user avatar
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What's the point of a local node for my privacy?

I am using a remote node. All the information it can get is the association of my IP with the TX ID, if I understand correctly. Paired with a TOR and selecting random nodes for each transaction, I'd ...
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RingCt: Why not just have the output & input commitments add up to 0? How does it make the sender identifiable?

In the book, Zero to Monero 2.0, there is this on Page 46 in Chapter 5 Since commitments are additive and we don’t know γ, we could easily prove our inputs equal outputs to observers by making the ...
user93353's user avatar
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ELI5: How will FCMP work?

Full Chain Membership Proofs are likely to be implemented and a real game changer for the last privacy issue in Monero trusting in a pseudo-random ring of 15 non-compromised outputs towards the full ...
janowitz's user avatar
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Clearnet local node or Tor remote node

My threat model involves state-sponsored attacks. I would host my local node over Tor, but Tor simply does not have the bandwidth to sync it in a reasonable time. Would it be better for more to use a ...
Anon's user avatar
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If I have already sent crypto to a wallet from an exchange, can I still use Monero to make my crypto anonymous?

I have a few nano ledger wallets that I use and I have sent the crypto to these wallets from centralised exchanges such as Binance. How can I make the tokens within those wallets anonymous using ...
flapster954's user avatar
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Let`s say that i sent monero from kucoin to my monero wallet. Is this transaction anonymous?

The kucoin account is registered to my official e-mail addres. Do i need to use monero mixer? Which monero mixers accept small amounts of this coin (eg $10). What are the anonymous ways to transfer ...
wever's user avatar
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Removing private view key from computer after exporting from ledger?

According to How do I generate a Ledger Monero wallet with the CLI (monero-wallet-cli)? exporting the private view key when generating or using the monero wallet with a ledger device speeds up block ...
chuz4aeh's user avatar