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13 votes

Error restoring from .keys file

Your Monero is safe. There was a load-from-keys bug with v0.8.8.6 Download the current Monero release or build from source and you will be able to recover using your .keys file and password After ...
prodigious's user avatar
11 votes

My dog ate the USB key with 10000 monero wallet. Are they lost forever?

When you create a new wallet, the software gives you a "mnemonic seed". It's a list of words that can be used to regenerate your wallet file and rescan the block chain to find your transactions. By ...
glv's user avatar
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10 votes

What encryption algorithm is used for the wallet.keys file?

ChaCha8; the key derivation is done with CryptoNight. Specifically note L1429 which ...
Luigi's user avatar
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9 votes

My dog ate the USB key with 10000 monero wallet. Are they lost forever?

A Monero wallet can be recovered in a few ways: Recovering from the mnemonic seed that you should have written down when you made the wallet. See more instructions here. Recovering from the view key ...
sgp's user avatar
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7 votes

Cloud storing wallet.keys encrypted files

Your wallet.keys file should be perfectly safe in the cloud as long as your passphrase to unlock it remains secure. You are correct about the use of Chacha8 to protect the file. As long as the file ...
guesswhoiam's user avatar
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7 votes

Why does md5sum of .keys file change with each restore from mnemonic seed?

The encryption used by the keys file is randomized. It uses a key derived from your password, and an IV (initialization vector) which is randomly selected. This is designed to prevent an adversary ...
user36303's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does md5sum of .keys file change with each restore from mnemonic seed?

The wallet.keys file has the date embedded so the md5sum will change every time you restore with --restore-deterministic-wallet Yes your wallet is deterministic. The new md5sum is no cause for ...
254123179's user avatar
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5 votes

Error restoring from .keys file

Remove (or rename) the file "wallet". It's a cache file that will be recreated, and tends to become corrupt. It will be made into an actual database at some point, to avoid these problems. Note that ...
user36303's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the walletname.unportable file?

This file is a copy of the cache file (walletname) as it was when the cache file format changed to use a more portable data storing library. It was kept as a safeguard in case the new format proved ...
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

If you don't have a mnemonic seed, how do you access wallet on a new device?

Open your wallet and type "seed" into the wallet command line. That will display the seed for that wallet. That is the easiest way to go. Alternatively you can just copy these files from your Monero ...
pl55's user avatar
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2 votes

If you don't have a mnemonic seed, how do you access wallet on a new device?

You may always generate a mnemonic seed with your opened cli wallet. You need to copy the three wallet files in your monero directory.
maoam's user avatar
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2 votes

Zero to Monero: What are base keys?

The curve generator is just another name for the curve's base point, which is denoted as G. In Z2M 3.1, each "base key" J is simply a curve point you are going multiply by a scalar k (a ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

Keys file can't restore - "couldn't open wallet: internal error: failed to deserialize keys buffer"

I renamed it to "monerowallet.keys" A wallet has two files. One without an extension (which has things likes settings, labels etc), and another file that is named the same but with the ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

Why can I not recover my Monero wallet?

You can restore a wallet by either using the keys, .keys file, the password or the 25-word mnemonic seed. You can learn more about reading these answers: How can I recover a wallet using the mnemonic ...
cialu's user avatar
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1 vote

When using the android and iOS monero wallets. How does it not send the private spend key to the node to scan the blockchain?

Monero has two private keys, the private spend key and the private view key. The private spend key is needed for determining whether an output that you own has been spent, creating a key image for ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
1 vote

Failed to update txpool transaction metadata on local Monero daemon

This error is not a problem. While it might happen for several reasons, the most likely is benign: monerod attempted to relay a transaction from the txpool to other peers, but then failed to record ...
user36303's user avatar
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