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Questions tagged [txpool]

all transaction data (not yet confirmed) in a block that has been identified by Monero nodes

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8 votes
1 answer

How long are unmined transactions kept in the memory pool?

Since the RingCT hard fork, there's quite a backlog of transactions in the memory pool, even a single transaction sitting there for 40 hours already. Are unmined transactions "returned to sender" ...
dpzz's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Why will the v5 fork raise the min block size to 300,000 bytes?

Why will the v5 fork raise the min block size to 300,000 bytes? v5 is now used for an increased minimum block size (from 60000 to 300000) to cater for larger typical/minimum transaction size. I ...
Sebastian Ullrich's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

What security risks are associated with accepting Instant Transactions?

If a merchant decides to accept a Monero payment the moment it appears in the memory pool (before confirmation) what risks are being assumed? Based on the probability of these risks being exploited, ...
Pedro's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How many transactions can fit in a block?

Based on current average transaction sizes, how many transactions can currently fit in a block? If there is a sudden flood of transactions that exceed the answer to #1 how long can they remain in the ...
J Dog's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Does Monero use replace-by-fee?

Replace by fee is a proposed mechanism for bitcoin (that has not been adopted) by which 0 confirmation transactions can be "undone" by submitting a transaction with a higher fee. Technically, this ...
Christopher King's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to query the memory pool?

Block explorer shows the contents of the memory pool. Does monerod, monero-wallet-cli or another CLI utility allow to query the Monero's memory pool? If so, how?
dpzz's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Will 2 minute block times discourage retail merchant adoption?

Waiting an average of two minutes for a transaction confirmation is a long time when there is a line of people at a checkout counter. This is particularly true when compared to nearly instant Visa/...
1010101 Lifestyle's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What causes transactions to exit the Memory Pool?

How does a Monero Node know how to drop transactions from the memory pool? Besides of course when a transaction gets into a block..
JohnHanks's user avatar
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