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3 votes
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Why are pools not mining large blocks?

As I understand, Monero has an adaptive block size that allows the block size to grow as needed, but also allow miners to mine blocks larger than the max block size, though giving the miner a penalty ...
Pedro Gaspar's user avatar
15 votes
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Why will the v5 fork raise the min block size to 300,000 bytes?

Why will the v5 fork raise the min block size to 300,000 bytes? v5 is now used for an increased minimum block size (from 60000 to 300000) to cater for larger typical/minimum transaction size. I ...
Sebastian Ullrich's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the rationale behind keeping transactions in the mempool longer after they were in an orphaned block?

In a question about maximum block size and mempool behavior user36303 said: "Transactions will stay for a day in the pool before being dropped. This increases to seven days for those transactions ...
jwinterm's user avatar
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11 votes
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How many transactions can fit in a block?

Based on current average transaction sizes, how many transactions can currently fit in a block? If there is a sudden flood of transactions that exceed the answer to #1 how long can they remain in the ...
J Dog's user avatar
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