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Slow blockchain sync

I'm trying to figure out why my Monero node is syncing so slowly. I have experience syncing other PoW nodes before (like BTC, for example), but it was never this slow (I've spent over 2-3 weeks at ...
Tadej Gašparovič's user avatar
3 votes
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Is Monero affected by the year 2038 / 2106 problem?

Unix timestamps usually are stored as a 32 bit integer, either signed or unsigned which will overflow either in 2038 or 2106. How are timestamps currently stored in Monero's codebase and blocks?
janowitz's user avatar
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blockheight unconfirmed

I'm using the new GUI and made a deposit on it from an exchange. 32 hours ago it was approved from the exchange. Since then i'm waiting to see the amount on my wallet. I can see it in the history, but ...
Nepp0's user avatar
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Does using a remote node provide risks to anonymity?

If I were to use a remote node for monero GUI (latest version), would I risk privacy issues? If so, what can be done to minimize these issues? Thanks in advance.
Jay's user avatar
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XMR Blockchain NOT syncing beyond a particular Block 1400001

On my windows 10 it took many days and bandwidth (150 GB) to download XMR blockchain which stands at 29 GB. When I login to lite portal and I can see my balance as 0.835. But in Monero ...
Jas Singh's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can I set up the GUI or daemon to use a non-standard blockchain location in Windows?

In Windows, it's comfortable to double-click the link/icon to a program (as opposed to using the command line). The problem is that the default links/icons for the GUI or daemon (monerod) don't let ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar