Coding a wallet for my website. I built a testnet and stagenet wallet. Both versions same issue so I think it's me. Utilizing for test coins and the node address.
I start the wallet RPC like:
/home/testuser/monero-x86_64-linux-gnu-v0.16.0.3/monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address --trusted-daemon
--rpc-bind-port 12388 --disable-rpc-login --log-level 2 --wallet-file /home/testuser/testwallet --prompt-for-password --testnet
This is up and running with no issues and getting new blocks received. I also tried using monero-x86_64-linux-gnu-v0.15.0.1
as I thought that could be the problem. I send coins from, see the payment ID on xmrchain and confirmations. The wallet, started above, sees it almost instantly:
2020-08-29 18:23:39.557 D Decrypted payment ID: <...>
2020-08-29 18:23:39.557 D Payment found in pool: <...> / <d939...7182> / 1000000000000
It shows that it got an incoming transaction but only that one time, never again.
The problem is the coins on both testnet and stagenet never show in my wallet. This is after 10 transactions and 2 days of trying.
My wallet shows the response:
Refresh done, blocks received: 0, balance (all accounts): 0.000000000000, unlocked: 0.000000000000
My script to check incoming deposits:
def checkincomming(lastchecked):
Get rpc incomming deposts
:param lastchecked:
rpc_input = {
"method": "get_bulk_payments",
"params": {"payment_ids": False,
"min_block_height": lastchecked}
# add standard rpc values
rpc_input.update({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0"})
# execute the rpc request
response =
auth=HTTPDigestAuth(rpcusername, rpcpassword))
response_json = response.json()
return response_json
x = checkincomming(lastchecked=1540301)
What am I doing wrong?