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4 votes

Where can I find Monero public RPC nodes I can connect to?

Since Monero, you can use the public_nodes command in monero-wallet-cli. It will query your daemon, as the list is now shared over the P2P network. This can be used in tandem with the ...
user36303's user avatar
  • 34.9k
2 votes

Adding misc text values onto the get_info page of a public node

The only way to add custom values would be to edit the source code and recompile. There are however good reasons why such a feature is not made easily available - fingerprinting. In fact, quite the ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
1 vote

Wallet RPC error (internal error: "wallet.keys" is opened by another wallet program)

E Wallet initialization failed: internal error: "wallet.keys" is opened by another wallet program You can only have your wallet files open by one process at a time. So kill the process you ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
  • 19.4k
1 vote

Enable Loki Network Node for public access and also to view /get_info using loki.conf file

As of lokid 8.1.3 the preferred setting is now: rpc-public= which replaces the older: rpc-bind-ip= rpc-bind-port=22023 restricted-rpc=true confirm-external-bind=true quartet and ...
Jason Rhinelander's user avatar

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