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Get Transactions from payment ID

I know how to generate payment id and how payment id works. But how can i get all transactions for a payment id from monero wallet CLI. Is there a way to do that? And command for that will be greatly ...
MoneroFinder's user avatar
2 votes
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How Monero transactions related with mixins

Can anyone explain me is there a relationship between transaction outputs with the number of mixins using in the transaction? I meant If someone sends 12XMR to someone else with 5-mixins how many ...
Sajitha Liyanage's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Help-Sent Monero From Changelly and did not received funds

I am a total Tech NOOB. I set up the Monero GUI wallet yesterday and moved BTC to Changelly to convert to XMR. Changelly shows the transaction record but something went wrong did not get the funds in ...
Vincent Dowd's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Monero Applications Development

I'm a software engineer (Mobile/Native) with interest in cryptocurrency. I would be interested in taking pet projects for monero, but, i've read recently that the jaxx guys halted the monero's ...
bmartins's user avatar
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