I'm trying to connect multiple wallet-RPC to the same monero node. I have started two separated terminals in order to test the setup and started it with the following command:
./monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port 18082 --wallet-file /path/to/my/wallet/wallet-viewonly --password "" --disable-rpc-login --daemon-host node.moneroworld.com:18089
Then on two web pages, I'm showing the addresses to see that they are connected to RPC. What is happening is that no matter which wallet-rpc first got connected this address is shown on the page.
So, I have two addresses, two pages and two terminals for monero-wallet-rpc. The expected result is when both terminals are connected on both pages to see those addresses. Instead on both pages is shown same address -> the first connected to the node.
Can I run multiple wallet-rpc's and connect them to the node on the same machine? How can be accomplished this?
--rpc-bind-port 18083
. Still first connected to the daemon is shown on both pages. Very strange.