It seems some work is being made on monero-core and I wanted to check out the most recent builds. However the repository ( lists build instructions as TODO. Is there a makefile someone could point me to? Running 64bit Linux.
1 Answer
Yes, written instructions for installing Monero on your system can be found here with a video tutorial including GUI setup and testing here
# update Ubuntu's repository
sudo apt update
#install git to download latest Monero source code from github
sudo apt install git
# install dependencies to be able to compile Monero
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev miniupnpc libunbound-dev graphviz doxygen libunwind8-dev
# or git and all dependencies in one command
# sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev miniupnpc libunbound-dev graphviz doxygen libunwind8-dev
# download the latest bitmonero source code from github
git clone
# go into bitmonero folder
cd bitmonero/
# apply patch for using Onion Blockchain Explorer (optional)
# curl | git apply -v -
# compile the release version.
make # or make -j number_of_threads, e.g., make -j 2
# alternatively `make release` can be used instead of `make`. This compiles
# the source code without compiling unique tests which is faster, and can
# avid problems if there are compilation errors with compiling the tests
The Monero binaries should now be located in ./build/release/bin
# launch the Monero daemon and let it synchronize with the Monero network
# launch the Monero wallet
Once the above is complete, prepare the source code:
git clone
cd monero-core
Compile QT:
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qt5-default qtdeclarative5-dev qml-module-qtquick-controls qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel