I made a transaction on local monero yesterday for some monero with my monero gui wallet on windows. It had been a few months since last bought any monero so when I purchased it my wallet wasn’t the last version ( so I downloaded it after I made my purchase. I’ve only bought monero maybe around 10 times.

my transaction ID is


when I enter it on




it finds a transaction

however, when I enter my details on


and put in the transaction id, my private key/ secret view key from my wallet, and my public address / primary materials

I get message saying "Failed to get transaction data! Perhaps MoneroBlocks is down?"

I presume since I found the transaction id data that proves that the transaction happened and that the problem is with my wallet syncing the data.

I have tried some steps to sync my wallet listed here such I am missing (not seeing) a transaction to (in) the GUI (zero balance)

such as changing wallet height to 1940000 and changing my wallet name. but still nothing I have done this multiple times.

do ye have any solutions to this problem or does monero have some sort of customer support I can talk to.

  • 1
    Which Wallet mode are you using? You can check it on the Settings page -> Info tab of the GUI.
    – dEBRUYNE
    Commented Oct 8, 2022 at 15:15
  • Im having the same exact problem. Anything work for you? Commented Jul 18, 2023 at 0:13


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