Here is the example of result report by XMR-STAK:
Difficulty : 13214
Good results : 6330 / 6331 (100.0 %)
Avg result time : 10.0 sec
Pool-side hashes : 83681055
Top 10 best results found:
| 0 | 73934015 | 1 | 70496651 |
| 2 | 42197234 | 3 | 37331106 |
| 4 | 25657807 | 5 | 23286815 |
| 6 | 15785406 | 7 | 14788188 |
| 8 | 13255493 | 9 | 7888863 |
Would be nice to know what exactly these lines mean:
- Avg result time
- Pool-side hashes
- Top 10 best results found