I have a few subaddresses with small amount transactions. How do I view only these transactions that were sent to this subaddress? I already switched to the account account switch 1, but when I do show_transfers it shows everything.

1 Answer 1


How do I view only these transactions that were sent to this subaddress?

[wallet]: help incoming_transfers 
Command usage: 
  incoming_transfers [available|unavailable] [verbose] [uses] [index=<N1>[,<N2>[,...]]]

Command description: 
  Show the incoming transfers, all or filtered by availability and address index.

  Output format:
  Amount, Spent("T"|"F"), "frozen"|"locked"|"unlocked", RingCT, Global Index, Transaction Hash, Address Index, [Public Key, Key Image] 


incoming_transfers index=1

Shows all incoming transfers to subaddress index 1.

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