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11 votes

What are Borromean signatures?

I happened to have read Greg Maxwell's paper recently, so here I try to lay down my interpretation in a bit abstract manner: Before talking about the Borromean scheme, let us recapitulate the current ...
kenshi84's user avatar
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5 votes

RingCT migration to Borromean Ring Signatures and testing

Sadly, most people will not help test on testnet. The changes pass all tests, and some low volume of transactions is flowing. The kind of bug that was found by RandomRun isn't a type of bug that can ...
user36303's user avatar
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Confused about the RingCT protocol

(1) I understand that currently, the range proofs are done with Borromean signatures, isn't it? Not ASLN? ASNL had a flaw, so it was changed to Borromean: What was the problem with ASNL forgery? (...
JollyMort's user avatar
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4 votes

Confused about the RingCT protocol

Indeed the protocol uses Borromean signatures for range proofs. A RingCT signature contains all the info allowing everyone to check the validity of the amounts, and allowing the recipient to recover ...
glv's user avatar
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2 votes

What is key64 data type supposed to represent?

typedef key key64[64]; [ref] So it's an array of 64 key's. And a key is a struct that holds 32 bytes [ref]. Quoting the comment for the key struct: // Can contain a secret or public key
jtgrassie's user avatar
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How Ed25519 curve relates to Borromean Ring Signature scheme?

Monero currently uses MLSAG ring signatures for the ring of possible outputs being spent. Borromean ring signatures are currently used only for the 'range proofs' which demonstrate that output amount ...
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