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Questions tagged [speculation]

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Did the Silk Road coins of 110,000 Bitcoins actually moved into Monero XMR during 2018 Sept?

There were reports of the Silk Road coins being moved into Monero XMR, which caused the XMR price to go over 20%+ over a 3 day period. Was there any proof of this happening or was it the cause of some ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Calculating the break-even time for new rig

I am trying to decide whether I should starting mining XMR by doing a breakeven analysis. According to this answer, a RX 470 Gigabyte G1 4GB can get 700 H/s. That card is currently $184. If I plug ...
crypdick's user avatar
  • 431
12 votes
2 answers

If Poloniex was hacked or shutdown, what effects would that have on Monero? [closed]

If Poloniex was hacked or shutdown, what effects would that have on Monero? I suspect they have a ton of coins there, since it seems to be the largest monero exchange. Would it effect the coin in ...
john D.'s user avatar
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