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I want my money to be private and to use it as needed each month to pay bills etc

How do I get a Monero account? What is the transition process from a bank account to Monero? Do I transfer my bank account to a Monero account? Or do I write a check? Do I pay my bills with ...
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Is Monero more or less complicated than Bitcoin to integrate into exchanges? [closed]

When an exchange wants to add Monero to their list of coins, it has a brand new code to work with considering most coins are forks from Bitcoin. Is integration of Monero on exchanges or with things ...
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Difficulty in integrating and supporting Monero

Is integrating and supporting Monero more difficult for exchanges and merchants than supporting currencies based on the Bitcoin codebase? Other than a relative lack of familiarity with the CryptoNote ...
Game Changer's user avatar
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