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Was there evidence of any ASICS after the new POW upgrade in october 2018?

There was obviously ASICS made prior to the 2018 March POW fork, but was there evidence of this for the 2018 October fork?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How hard would it be replace the PoW checks for something else?

How hard would it be replace the PoW checks for something else? (e.g. checking signatures for some PoA scheme, i guess those checks would replace the check_hash calls?)
842687's user avatar
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What exactly has been changed in PoW algorithms in the v7 fork?

I have read the official announcement about the current PoW change and also seen the discussion on GitHub but this is very long and very technical. Could someone summarise what exactly has been ...
marcrypt's user avatar
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How would a transition from cryptonight PoW to cuckoo cycle work?

What would be the smoothest transition for changing the PoW? Miners would need to be given a heads up to install new software but how would the switch over happen in practice? The block before the ...
samwellj's user avatar
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