I went to the advanced section for the GUI and set the path for the node as:

nicholas@mordor:~$ ls -hal Monero/lmdb/
total 11G
drwx------ 2 nicholas nicholas 4.0K Jun  5 00:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 nicholas nicholas 4.0K Jun  5 01:17 ..
-rw------- 1 nicholas nicholas  11G Jun  5 08:11 data.mdb
-rw------- 1 nicholas nicholas 8.0K Jun  5 08:11 lock.mdb

1.) How do I confirm that the node is pruned? I have limited storage and have enabled the flag to prune the node.

2.) I think there's a "default" node elsewhere, but where?

3.) Is this even the blockchain? I was expecting something like a ".bitmonero" folder.

update: Only because the sync was stalled I removed the custom path and set to the default location. Since then the sync is about halfway complete, visually on the GUI progress bar, and that data.mdb file hasn't increased in size. Where is the default location for the blockchain and other node data? I've looked through the log but don't know quite what to filter for.

1 Answer 1


Where is the default location for the blockchain and other node data?

Generally it is in ~/.bitmonero directory.

  • I'll take another look but didn't see it. Commented Jun 28, 2023 at 23:14

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