I know that it is possible to create an unsigned transaction using the wallet RPC (with the command transfer). Is it possible to sign this transaction with just javascript (without using the wallet RPC)? For example using the libsodium library?

1 Answer 1


Is it possible to sign this transaction with just javascript (without using the wallet RPC)? For example using the libsodium library?

Not with libsodium, but with monero-ecosystem/monero-javascript it's possible.

See: monero-ecosystem/monero-javascript/blob/master/docs/developer_guide/view_only_offline.md

// create offline wallet
let offlineWallet = await monerojs.createWalletFull({...});
// sign tx using offline wallet
let signedTxHex = await offlineWallet.signTxs(unsignedTx.getTxSet().getUnsignedTxHex());

monerojs.createWalletFull does not need RPC access.

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