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Wolfram Warptangent, Point Release 10.2.1 performance improvements

There were several changes: This patch splits block and transaction data getters in two: one which retrieves the data, and the other also doing ...
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

What settings for ZFS dataset containing blockchain directory?

The recordsize must be the same as the system's VM page size, which is usually 4KB on most systems. For blockchain data, compression is a waste of CPU. Cryptographic data is inherently incompressible.
hyc's user avatar
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Why does my monerod always consume all the RAM?

It eats up all the RAM because it uses a very large memory mapped database (up to about 20 GB for now), and nothing else seems to need the RAM. If you really want to limit it, you could check ulimit (...
user36303's user avatar
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How do I handle "WARNING: You may not have a high enough lockable memory limit, see ulimit -l"?

I have 131072 kB and don't get any locking issues here. It may be much more than needed. If you don't know what to do, I suggest trying twice what you have now, and see if that fixes the warning. If ...
user36303's user avatar
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What are the system requirements for an Aeon full node?

It looks like it isn't using LMDB yet, because I only have a 3.5 GB blockchain.bin file in the ~/.aeon directory. I brew the software from HEAD, it says aeon v0.9.6.0(). With regard to memory, as far ...
dpzz's user avatar
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What are the system requirements for an Aeon full node?

I'm running it on a micro instance on AWS with 1 GB of RAM. I did sync with 8 GB, and then commented out the autosave of the blockchain and recompiled and moved to a micro instance and added a bunch ...
jwinterm's user avatar
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What settings for ZFS dataset containing blockchain directory?

Compression gets you a little bit with the Monero blockchain: # zfs list -o name,used,lused tank/xmr NAME USED LUSED tank/xmr 155G 166G The actual txns aren't compressible but the ...
Bill McGonigle's user avatar
1 vote

How do I handle "WARNING: You may not have a high enough lockable memory limit, see ulimit -l"?

In case this helps anyone, I had to change the limits by adding a line to /etc/security/limits.conf. For <domain> I put my username for the linux user that is using the wallet, for <type> ...
ebrahim's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does my monerod always consume all the RAM?

It looks like docker stats is incorrectly reporting memory utilization. Check with htop
relik's user avatar
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