How many CryptoNote based currencies exist today?
Have ring signatures appeared in any cryptocurrencies that are not based on CryptoNote?
How many CryptoNote coins are not using a CryptoNight based PoW?
There's less than a couple dozen CN based currencies. See
Shadowcash tried to implement ring signatures on a Bitcoin code base. See
To my knowledge, no non-CN coin uses Cryptonight. -- Oops, I misread that last question, see lethos3's answer to that one below.
CryptoNote coins that do not use standard CryptoNight:
Boolberry - Uses Wild Keccak
instead of CryptoNight;
Pebblecoin - Used a POW algorithm named Boulderhash
in the POW mining phase, it required 13 GB of RAM to mine but it has since switched to DPOS;
AEON - Uses a modified Cryptonight algo named Cryptonight-Lite