Is there a way to generate an integrated address (monero address + payment id) using javascript or PHP? This is assuming we just need the public monero address or do we also need the public view key and spend key too?

  • Not a real answer but go ahead and check this site's javascript.
    – Maxithi
    Commented Jan 5, 2018 at 12:12
  • Can you also be more precise in your question. Which parts of the generation do you need? Do you already have the secret keys and public keys?
    – Maxithi
    Commented Jan 5, 2018 at 16:20
  • What do you mean by what parts? I thought you only need the "PUBLIC" view key and the "PUBLIC" spend key to generate them? --- That site helps alot.. thanks! Commented Jan 5, 2018 at 17:09
  • Correct. With the public view and spend key you can produce an integrated address. My question was whether you had these or if you did need to generate them as well.
    – Maxithi
    Commented Jan 5, 2018 at 17:57
  • yes i'll have the public view and public spend keys. I want to generate these on the client or server side during checkout of a shopping cart. so i can link their order to a payment id when they pay. Commented Jan 5, 2018 at 18:10

1 Answer 1


You can generate an integrated address if you just have the monero public address. See here: https://dustinlemos.com/integrated-address-demo/

enter image description here

Source from that site:

    <title>Integrated Address Demo</title>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
      <script src="js/crc32.js"></script>
      <script src="js/mnemonic.js"></script>
      <script src="js/biginteger.js"></script>
      <script src="js/config.js"></script>
      <script src="js/base58.js"></script>
      <script src="js/sha3.js"></script>
      <script src="js/cn_util.js?2"></script>
    <script src="js/addresses.js"></script>
    <h1>Integrated Address Demo</h1>
      <input id='input-address' type="text" style="padding: 5px; width: 700px;" placeholder="Enter a standard (netbyte 12) XMR Address" />
    <button id='generate'>Generate Integrated Address</button>
      <strong>Address:</strong> <span id='address'></span><br />
      <strong>Payment ID:</strong> <span id='payment-id'></span><br />
      <strong>Integrated address:</strong> <span id='integrated-address'></span>
        $('#generate').on('click', function() {
          var address = $('#input-address').val();
          var result = generateIntegratedAddress(address);

addresses.js file:

//This file was created using code from luigi1111's address tools
//located at https://xmr.llcoins.net/
//see copyright below

//functions for various XMR/Cryptonote stuff
//(c) 2016 luigi1111
//can't imagine this is useful for anything but this site, but
//Licensed under the MIT license:

//requires cn_util.js, mnemonic.js, sha3.js, and their requirements

generateIntegratedAddress = function (walletAddress) {
    var addr58 = walletAddress;
    var pubSpend2 = {};
    var pubView2 = {};
    var pubAddrHex = {};
    var pubAddrChksum = {};
    var pubAddrForHash = {};
    var pubAddrHash = {};
    var pubAddrChksum2 = {};
    var xmrAddr = {};

  if (addr58.length !== 95 && addr58.length !== 97 && addr58.length !== 51 && addr58.length !== 106){
    throw "Invalid Address Length!";
  //Get the netbyte
  var addrHex = cnBase58.decode(addr58);
  if (addrHex.length === 140){
    var netbyte = addrHex.slice(0,4);
  } else {
    var netbyte = addrHex.slice(0,2);
  //viewkey + pID stuff
  if (netbyte === "13"){
    throw "Invalid Address (netbyte 13): you must use a standard XMR address (netbyte 12)";
  if (netbyte === "11"){
    throw "Invalid Address (netbyte 11): please use a standard XMR address (netbyte 12)";
  } else if (addrHex.length === 140){
    pubView2.value = addrHex.slice(68,132);
  } else {
    pubView2.value = addrHex.slice(66,130);
  if ((netbyte !== "11" && netbyte !== "13") && addrHex.length !== 138 && addrHex.length !== 140){
    throw "Invalid Address Length!";
  var addrHash = cn_fast_hash(addrHex.slice(0,-8));
  pubAddrHex.value = addrHex;
  if (addrHex.length === 140){
    pubSpend2.value = addrHex.slice(4,68);
  } else {
    pubSpend2.value = addrHex.slice(2,66);
  pubAddrChksum.value = addrHex.slice(-8);
  pubAddrForHash.value = addrHex.slice(0,-8);
  pubAddrHash.value = addrHash;
  pubAddrChksum2.value = addrHash.slice(0,8);

  if (addrHex.slice(-8) != addrHash.slice(0,8)) {
    throw "checksum invalid!"
  // *** Generate random payment ID
  var pID = rand_32().slice(0,16);
  xmrAddr.value = toPublicAddr("13", pubSpend2.value, pubView2.value, pID);
  return {
    // "publicViewKey": pubView2.value,
    // "publicSpendKey": pubSpend2.value,
    "integratedAddress": xmrAddr.value,
    "paymentId": pID

function toPublicAddr(netbyte, pubsk, pubvk, pid){
  if (pubvk === undefined){pubk = "";}
  if (pid === undefined){pid = "";}
  if ((netbyte !== "13" && pid !== "") || (netbyte === "13" && pid === "")){throw "pid or no pid with wrong address type";}
  if (netbyte === "11"){pubvk = "";}
  var preAddr = netbyte + pubsk + pubvk + pid;
  var hash = cn_fast_hash(preAddr);
  var addrHex = preAddr + hash.slice(0,8);
  return cnBase58.encode(addrHex);

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