I'd like to create a script which handles incoming payments to my wallet and once a payment has been confirmed 10 times it saves the payment id to a file.
I've read the RPC documentation, specifically get_bulk_payments. I just want to make sure I understand some key concepts and fill in some gaps in the documentation. Feel free to answer if you know any of the following points:
The results from a get_bulk_payments call includes a block_height value, is this the first mined block this transaction appears in?
Assume that calling get_bulk_payments with a min_block_height of 1010 returns a payment with block_height 1000. This means there have been 10 confirmations?
If a payment returned from get_bulk_payments has an unlock_time != 0 does this mean I can't spend this amount immediately? If so, someone could (say maliciously) put an unlock_time for a year or more. I don't want to record this payment just yet if that's the case.
I'm guessing that payments can have an unlock_time not equal to zero, but the time or blockheight value is in the past so it is spendable immediately.
If there are 2 or more payments with the same tx_hash is it possible they have different unlock_time values?
Thank you!