So i am trying to authenticate myself to the monero-rpc-wallet, the server requires me to use digest authentication.
If my username is: Alladin and password: open sesame
The www-authenticate header looks like this:
WWW-Authenticate: Digest qop="auth",algorithm=MD5,realm="monero-wallet-rpc",nonce="hHQVNuEdyZszjmEPwS/jkQ==",stale=false
Digest qop="auth",algorithm=MD5-sess,realm="monero-wallet-rpc",nonce="hHQVNuEdyZszjmEPwS/jkQ==",stale=false
And my java code to implement it looks like this:
connection.addRequestProperty("Authorization", "Digest [don't know what goes here]");
The place where i put "don't know what goes here", can someone go through the steps in showing me what i need to put in there?
If i figure this out i can build a nice java library that communicates with the wallet-rpc that has authentication built it. Right now i am able to build the library without this authentication because i don't know how to do it, but would much prefer to have the added security of authentication.