Before I seek to write one of my own, I wanted to see if there's a CryptoNight Javascript algorithm anywhere out there. I found the CryptoNoter project, but it only contains an obfuscated binary file taht does the heavy lifting, which is banned from most browsers anyway -- https://github.com/cryptonoter/CryptoNoter/issues/34 . It would be nice if there were a JS implementation so that I could see the algorithm in action and play around with it on my local machine.

3 Answers 3


Sure there is.

Do a npm search cryptonight-hashing and take a pick :)

NAME                      | DESCRIPTION          | AUTHOR          | DATE       | VERSION  | KEYWORD
cryptonight-hashing       | node-cryptonight-ha… | =moneroocean    | 2018-10-04 | 3.0.5    | crypton
node-cryptonight-lite     | node bindings for…   | =excitableaard… | 2018-02-01 | 1.0.1    | crypton
node-cryptonight          | node bindings for…   | =excitableaard… | 2018-10-08 | 1.2.0    | crypton
node-cryptonight-old-hard | node bindings for…   | =adaxi          | 2018-10-14 | 1.1.0    | cryptonware                      |                      |                 |            |          |        
turtlecoin-multi-hashing  | ![image](https://us… | =brandonlehmann | 2018-12-11 | 0.0.18   | scrypt
multi-hashing-bbscoin     | multi-hashing-bbsco… | =randing89      | 2018-09-23 | 1.0.2    | scrypt 
cryptonight-hash          | JavaScript…          | =andrehrf       | 2018-03-30 | 0.0.4    | 

Yeah of course there is! As Cryptonight only uses CPU power and JavaScript is client side there are some:

-> Embed CryptoNight speed test (displays your hashrate etc.) : https://myseries.lima-city.de/code/miner.html

If you want to have your own miner (e.g for your website):

-> https://coinhive.com/ (registration needed)


BTW: If you want to mine via website, search no more --> Tralex Web Miner


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