9 votes

How do you create a watch only wallet in simplewallet with the viewkey?

With your account's standard public address and private view key handy: Start simplewallet from the command line with ./simplewallet --generate-from-view-key <wallet name> (Linux/OSX) or ...
Luigi's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a monero address monitoring service?

There is none so far. You'd need to give it also your private view key, and it would have to spend some CPU resources to keep scanning. I assume that's one of the reasons nobody created such service.
JollyMort's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you create a watch only wallet in simplewallet with the viewkey?

To adjust the watch only wallet balance for spent outputs in v10.0.0: Start monero-wallet-cli and open normal wallet with write access, then run in it: export_key_images file-name-for-key-images Exit ...
Cryptonic's user avatar
3 votes

Multiple different wallets connected to same monero node

You can run multiple monero-wallet-rpc processes on the same machine (or different ones), and connect them to a single node (which can be either on the same machine again, or a different one). You don'...
user36303's user avatar
  • 34.9k
2 votes

Can I retroactively add the spendkey to a watch only wallet?

As per Jolly Mort's comment, this is currently not possible.
tficharmers's user avatar
2 votes

How to send funds with a watch-only and cold wallet set up?

This SE post asks questions about cold transaction signing that may or may not lead you to your answer. That post links to another SE post, which describes the process of cold transaction signing. ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
2 votes

Viewkey for outgoing transactions

Recently there was a post on Reddit asking almost the same question which generated quite some additional discussion (although without much positive outlook). Here's a comment by me giving an answer ...
kenshi84's user avatar
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2 votes

multiple watch-only wallet management: suggestions?

One daemon instance is enough. It can service multiple wallets simultaneously. The data stored by the daemon in the .mdb is all public knowledge (the blockchain), anyway. Wallet-specific data is ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a monero address monitoring service?

The right way is to use view-only wallet and some soft for scan and notificate youby email or sms.
Viktor Sherbakov's user avatar
1 vote

Can I retroactively add the spendkey to a watch only wallet?

It's currently not possible. There is no function to do so in the current software. I did a test where I replaced the .keys file of the view-wallet with the .keys file of its full-wallet counterpart ...
JollyMort's user avatar
  • 19.9k

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