15 votes

How will the temporal output alignment of ring partners (mixins) be addressed?

There are three main ways to fix this. The first one is to attempt to select outputs which are unrelated, if possible. This only works if you are sending an amount of monero that can be represented ...
user36303's user avatar
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7 votes

How are outputs chosen on the blockchain for ring signatures in a transaction?

You must choose mix inputs of the same amount as the one you are spending. Other than that there are no restrictions, though it's not a good idea to choose a really recent output (less than 10 blocks ...
Luigi's user avatar
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Having more control of output selection

If you have log level 2 IIRC, the whole transactions are dumped to the log. Output selection is random, within "priority" levels. Priority levels are determined by which outputs are related to ...
user36303's user avatar
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6 votes

How will the temporal output alignment of ring partners (mixins) be addressed?

One option would be modifying the selection algorithm so that it selects ring partners in a similar date range to your own outputs. Then all of the transactions in your ring would be from the same ...
Alexde's user avatar
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5 votes

How will the temporal output alignment of ring partners (mixins) be addressed?

I'm not sure how this can/will be addressed in the future, but a few ways to avoid the issue now are: Mine some coins in addition to buying them. If you mine even a half a coin per week, that slow ...
jwinterm's user avatar
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5 votes

How is the Monero wallet picking outputs for transactions to spend?

There is a lot of code indeed. Since you mention temporal alignment, I assume you mean selection of the real outputs (as opposed to fake ones). The code is in src/wallet/wallet2.cpp, and the ...
user36303's user avatar
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5 votes

Selection of outputs with RingCT

Essentially, RingCT increases the number of usable outputs to mix with and reduces the need to use multiple outputs for transactions. The first part is easy - because RingCT hides the amount, all ...
Ginger Ale's user avatar
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4 votes

Global index of output

You cannot. It will be set when the transaction is mined.
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

Question about incoming/outgoing merging of transaction identity

Accounts are groupings of subaddresses for presentation purposes. There is also the side effect that when you spend out of an account, any outputs received at any subaddresses within that account may ...
Ginger Ale's user avatar
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Ring signatures and the long view

This issue is a known problem. A solution is discussed here: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/1673. A solution hasn't been created yet but the general plan is, as you suggested, to use ...
Cyber Ghost's user avatar
3 votes

Can the same input appear in a block multiple times?

Both cases are possible. Filler.
user36303's user avatar
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3 votes

How are the other inputs chosen with MyMonero?

Note: I am currently maintaining the Mymonero backend. Mymonero currently selects outputs at random over the complete set of possible outputs. So guessing the real output is not necessarily trivial. ...
Lee Clagett's user avatar
3 votes

How do I change input selection after my wallet provides an unfavorable choice?

For your particular case: use the latest version of monero-wallet-cli, and set min-outputs-count 1000. This will tell the wallet to not include a second unneeded input. However, your transaction will ...
user36303's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I chose my own outputs to mix in a transaction?

In theory, you could choose yourself if the software supported it but I don't see much benefit in doing so. In practice, the current monero-wallet-cli has 2 different transaction building algorithms ...
JollyMort's user avatar
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2 votes

How will outputs be migrated to RingCT, in the transaction building level?

If you have unspent outputs from non-rct transactions, they are mixed with other non-rct transaction outputs in the same manner as before (an attempt is made to find a mixin number of other outputs of ...
Lee Clagett's user avatar
2 votes

How are the other inputs chosen with MyMonero?

I am not sure what is the method used by MyMonero but the reason to be diferent of the core its because its developed separately, the devs are not the same.. Tecnacly you could choose the inputs to ...
Pedro Gaspar's user avatar
2 votes

How is the Monero wallet picking outputs for transactions to spend?

Just adding the codes to the functions referred to by @user36303 for those who don't know how to access it. get_output_relatedness: // This returns a handwavy estimation of how much two outputs are ...
user141's user avatar
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1 vote

How to use custom output when signing?

In the Monero CLI wallet you have a couple of options: If you received the two transactions to different (unique) subaddresses you can use the transfer command specifying the optional address index ...
jtgrassie's user avatar
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1 vote

Ring signatures and the long view

This particular problem does not apply, since half of the fake outputs are selected from the last 1.8 days or so. The rest are taken from the rest of the blockchain. So as the chain grows, the recent ...
user36303's user avatar
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