Questions tagged [viewkey]

One of two sets of private and public cryptographic keys that each account has, with the private view key required to view all transactions related to the account.

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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I only see a part of the transferred amount with my viewkey

I send an XMR amount from an exchange to a cold address. Using the tool I wanted to check if the transaction went well with the viewkey. I only see about 1/3 of the amount as ...
Chandler's user avatar
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Display the contents of a wallet on a website

I want to dynamically display the contents of a Monero wallet via a simple HTTP fetch from a web page. Something like: var walletViewKey = "48732ifhsdjf8w9"; var walletContents = fetch(...
tally's user avatar
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What makes decoding the total sent amount using the viewkey potentially inaccurate?

When using the 'decode outputs' on moneroexplorer for a TX that I sent, I get this warning when it (correctly) estimates the amount that I spent: Possible spending is: spent amount (tx fee included)...
marceloneil's user avatar
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Help compute a public key by hand (in a unix shell)

I am trying to replicate "by hand" with common unix shell tools only - bc, xxd and openssl. According to documentation for ED25519, l is 2^252 + ...
hokkjoy's user avatar
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en/decode MultisigxV2R1 and get raw data / Check if "MultisigxV2R1..." correspond to known address

Is there any way to make it on my own, without using monero-cli? I'm trying to create a 2-of-2 multisig using raw private keys. not from seed My example scene are follows. Bob and Alice generate ...
Jack Cruz's user avatar
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Generating private keys

So I've been playing around with a Rust Monero library and I wrote this piece of code. fn main() { let msg = "inwardly jester boss puzzled medicate iris terminal problems epoxy atrium newt ...
Aldas's user avatar
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Removing private view key from computer after exporting from ledger?

According to How do I generate a Ledger Monero wallet with the CLI (monero-wallet-cli)? exporting the private view key when generating or using the monero wallet with a ledger device speeds up block ...
chuz4aeh's user avatar