Questions tagged [orphaned-block]

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What happens to a transaction inside an orphan block

Cold anyone help me to understand what happens to the transactions inside an orphan block. Will all that transaction be lost?
Mohammed niyas's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

ring size three transactions in txpool after v6 fork

There have been 3 transactions sitting in the txpool since the beginning of the v6 fork activation about 97 hours ago. Each of these 3 transactions (examples 1, 2, and 3) has a ring size of 3 which is ...
Seth Abrams's user avatar
2 votes
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Keep mining to replace an already published block

If two miners find a valid block for the same height, the block with the largest difficulty is selected and the other one is rejected by the network (orphaned), regardless of their discovery timestamp....
assylias's user avatar
  • 2,208
6 votes
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Longest orphaned chain

In the history of Monero, what was the longest chain of orphaned blocks? Can I easily find the answer by inspecting the blockchain?
assylias's user avatar
  • 2,208