Questions tagged [monero-wallet-rpc]

A Monero application used to provide programatic access (via an RPC interface) to Monero wallets.

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monero-wallet-rpc no longer accepting json_rpc connections

As of a few hours ago, I'm not able to connect to json rpc. It gives a simple connection refused error. I've tried restarting it, using this command (as I'd done previously): monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-...
Fibericon's user avatar
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I can't restore my monero wallet gui

My account in my wallet is not correct. When I restore my wallet with seeds I write date when I create my wallet. Remote node was synchronized and in transaction history i see only one transaction ( ...
DarkVol's user avatar
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Minimum Amount for Opening a new Wallet

With a Monero fork, I am curious if there is a way to set a Minimum Amount for Opening or Activating a new Wallet. The idea is that people have to deposit a certain amount of coins into a wallet ...
Joshua Paul Barnard's user avatar
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Monero-Python connecting to Wallet error -13, can't find wallet

I have been trying for hours and get the basic python functions to work. I am trying to run daemon locally and using monero-wallet-rpc to connect the daemon. Any help would be greatly appreciated, ...
user3810597's user avatar
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wallet-cli generated wallet prompts "invalid password" when used in wallet-rpc

I run a small Wallet-RPC Server on a linux machine (k3s cluster on a raspberry pi 5 running rpi os lite). When I generate a new wallet on my Mac (m1 sonoma) using monero-wallet-cli and copying it onto ...
Patrick Siemen's user avatar
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when transfering from sub-address index, remaining monero is moved to index 0

I received payments into a subaddress of my wallet account and created a transfer from that subaddress for a portion of the funds using the RPC wallet. However, after the transaction was created all ...
Elvis Isking's user avatar
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Transfer from multiple 'accounts' not multiple 'subindices'

Using the GUI wallet and the RPC wallet it is possible to create a transfer across sub-indices of the same account. But the subaddress documentation indicates that it should be possible to create a ...
Elvis Isking's user avatar
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Multisig: Can you add another party after finalize_multisig

Let's say i'm creating a 2/3 multisig but i only have 2 people, is it possible to create the multisig with only 2 people, then later i add the third person? and/or can you edit a multisig and change/...
Ceddy Muhoza's user avatar
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I am allowing partial refunds on my monero-integrated store, how do I prevent the fee being deducted from the balance that is left over?

I want the fee to be deducted from the refunded amount. For example, Given a fee of 1 XMR If I refund 100 xmr from a 200xmr account, I would like the refunded amount to be 99 XMR (100-1) and the ...
SynataxError's user avatar
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Test transactions during development

I want to also provide Monero as payment option on a website I have. To achieve this I will be using the JSON-RPC of wallet-rpc. The documentation is pretty clear on how to use it. However, I can find ...
O'Niel's user avatar
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Can I change the RPC timeout time? [PHP]

My wallet-rpc sometimes times out. It gets it done in the end, just not in the time that is required by the PHP walletRPC class. I was wondering if a) The transfers sent get processed anyway, even if ...
SynataxError's user avatar
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Testnet wallet rpc "not enough money" despite balance being adequate

When I call get_balance: $ curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_balance","params":{&...
SynataxError's user avatar
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Why does my testnet contuinously throw errors?

I have three private testnet nodes set up, and one wallet-rpc that connects to one of those three nodes (which are all connected to eachother as peers). I am constantly having to delete the walllet ...
SynataxError's user avatar
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error in nonero rpc wallet

im running a monero node with rpc wallet . everything was working fine but suddenly im getting an error 2023-11-17 17:27:13.400 E WRONG DATA CONVERSION: from type=d to type m 2023-11-17 17:27:13.401 E ...
rahi ahmed's user avatar
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Given the below payment model, how do I prevent my main wallet from being drained on my e-commerce store?

Via the wallet-rpc api An integrated address is generated for a one-time payment User pays to address User is refunded excess payments It is currently implemented like so: A walletRPC wrapper ...
SynataxError's user avatar
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My balance of a address on my wallet RPC does not change [duplicate]

I am currently using Monero RPC with the stagenet. I have two addresses. Using a Monero stagenet faucet, I received 10 XMR, and everything works because my balance for the first address is 10,000,000,...
mxrvin.thiele's user avatar
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Monerod created a transaction with no sender and 0 fee, still this transaction was confirmed

Somehow happend, that after regular request to the RPC for creating a new transaction, my local node created transaction that has no sender and 0 fee, but this transaction on current has over 6k ...
Ilya Tarasov's user avatar
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How to connect monero-wallet-rpc with my local node?

My monero node is fully synced. I'm using Ubuntu. In my monero config file I added: Rpc-bind-ip= Rpc-bind-port=18081 Rpc-login=myusername:my password Then I started monero with ./monerod. On ...
rahi ahmed's user avatar
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Can't start Monero RPC Node

I'm trying to start an RPC node but the command below has only works once monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port 18081 --wallet-file monero-pool --prompt-for-password --daemon-address --...
J_P's user avatar
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Your application is still a FATAL WARNING. Still ERROR! [duplicate]

Your application is still a FATAL WARNING. What is it about. I don't keep money there, don't use it. Comodo removes your app without asking. I see messages that RiskWare from Malwarebytes. log frag. ...
Rockets GmbH's user avatar
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Transaction between accounts

After receiving funds in one monero account, I transferred to other account. After few days I see that my received account shows the same balance which I have in my transferred account. If I want to ...
Alex Smith's user avatar
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transfers created with do_not_relay=true but not broadcasted block outputs

I'm using the wallet RPC method transfer to create transactions, with do_not_relay set to true. Sometimes I have to abandon this transaction (not submitting/committing it), but the outputs get marked ...
boopsnbeeps's user avatar
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C# Manage Monero keys

Looking at the resources for developers on Monero official website, I found csharp-monero-rpc-client library. It suggests interaction with monero-wallet-rpc process. But not all methods are ...
D .Stark's user avatar
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API for manipulating raw, unsigned transactions

I'm trying to create something which involves messing with (unsigned) transaction data, using the Rust library monero-rs. All I need to do is import an unsigned transaction, access the contents, then ...
Neatness2253's user avatar
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Can't get monero-wallet-rpc to accept relay_tx

I am trying using the Monero-python library and trying to create a transaction (without relaying it), and then publish the tx using the hex output using the relay_tx method on the monero-wallet-rpc ...
b567564567's user avatar
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Simulating a double spend transaction on Monero (Creating an intentionally invalid tx)

I want to create an end-to-end test in order to validate that an application doesn't let you spend before an incoming transaction confirms. I'm trying to broadcast an invalid tx to the Monero network ...
Alice's user avatar
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Fetching balance for Monero Wallet with getBalance function in JavaScript doesn't work. I am using RPC method for it. Output: Showing HTTP/ error

const publicKey = req.body; try { //connect to daemon let daemon = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc("http://localhost:28081", "pinkumonero", "1234"); let ...
Enthusiast 's user avatar
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Monero wallet rpc deducts 10 XMR from address when I call the transfer function (incorrect amount)

When I try to call the transfer function over RPC with php-curl. It sends the incorrect amount out of my subaddress. Following code: function send_xmr($from, $to, $xmr) { $piconero = bcmul($xmr, '...
Ray Orole's user avatar
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How to get the balance of my monero wallet remotely?

I need to be able to display the balances of a bunch of Monero wallets/accounts which I've created locally, on a remote VPS. The private keys of those accounts will remain on my local computer only. I ...
Kum's user avatar
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Set a fixed fee at transaction creation in the wallet RPC

I started using the Monero RPC to create transactions. For the moment I use the transfer function from the wallet RPC to send Monero to another wallet. But I'm wondering if there is any way to create ...
moneroDrivers's user avatar
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Monero's wallet RPC validate_address is not working using PHP or CURL

All the other RPC methods are working for me, except the validate_address one, which always returns an error. I tried both curl (CLI) and PHP, neither of them work, they return the same error: {"...
Main USSE's user avatar
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Monero Wallet RPC seemingly stuck on sync?

I'm currently experimenting with the wallet RPC. I'm using version on stagenet with a remote daemon (tried multiple ones). When I open (or restore) a wallet, the (what I assume) syncing or ...
Alyx's user avatar
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Why is it impossible to sign/verify a message with a subaddress?

When I want to sign a message/file, the wallet (gui/cli/rpc) only asks for the message, so it is impossible to sign it with a subaddress. When I verify the signature, I must insert the main address. ...
Kzar's user avatar
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Проблемы с входом в кошелёк Gui Wallet после обновления v0.18.1.0

16.08.2022 мне были отправлены монеты, но в своём графическом кошельке GUI я их так и не увидел. На сайте монеты увидел сообщение что 13 августа прошло обновление сети ...
Марк's user avatar
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Monero RPC Help

I'm having an issue with using the Monero RPC. My node is all setup and working and using monero-wallet-cli I can create a wallet, send funds etc, however when I try to use the RPC I get the following ...
MathewB9978's user avatar
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How do `rpc-bind-ip` and `restricted-rpc` and `rpc-login` interact?

Let's say that I were to pass --rpc-bind-ip to monerod, and also --restricted-rpc (along with the external bind confirmation), what would the outcome be? What does the second command do when ...
Bryan's user avatar
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How to sign a transaction using javascript

I know that it is possible to create an unsigned transaction using the wallet RPC (with the command transfer). Is it possible to sign this transaction with just javascript (without using the wallet ...
Ivan Ivanov's user avatar
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Have I lost a coins?

I created a GUI wallet and while the synchronization was in progress, I created a subaddress and transferred half a coin to it. But there were problems with synchronization while the blockchain was ...
sol's user avatar
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Wallet RPC error (internal error: "wallet.keys" is opened by another wallet program)

I try to connect to a remote node with monero-wallet-rpc. Every guide that has been shown was how to connect via monero-wallet-gui or monero-wallet-cli. I specifically need monero-wallet-rpc. ...
Anton Fisher's user avatar
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How to create a RPC wallet from the console?

How do I create a wallet to simply confirm receipt? nicholas@mordor:~/monero_console$ nicholas@mordor:~/monero_console$ ll total 461 drwxrwxr-x 3 nicholas nicholas 5 Dec 27 10:04 ./ drwxr-x--- ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
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Creating addresses on an exchange

I have a question, how are addresses for users created on an exchange? As a subaddress or as a new wallet? If you take an example like LocalMonero, how are the addresses made there?
wiefix's user avatar
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Problem using the monero-integrations/monerophp library

I downloaded the Monero CLI wallet and the monero-integrations/monerophp library. After, I ran: ./monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address \ --wallet-file testwallet --password 1234 ...
kellophoo's user avatar
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Error: sv/gamma are too large

I got this error with monero-wallet-rpc when trying to send 16 addresses monero with monero-pool. 2021-09-01 22:57:34.147 E sv/gamma are too large When I tried to manually send the transaction in the ...
provsalt's user avatar
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monero-nodejs Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Right now I am using and am getting the following error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete (node:net:1138:16)...
Abdullah Hanif Chaudhary's user avatar
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How to create a "Monero Wallet" for my each user in my website?

I am creating a website where I want to accept Monero as payment method. I want to create a monero wallet for my each signed up user. Like say for example, when a user logs in, his BTC, ETH, XMR and ...
Abdullah Hanif Chaudhary's user avatar
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wallet-rpc: "Transaction not found" but --tx-notify fired

It's so annoying it hurts. I'm running wallet-rpc on testnet using the following command: monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-host --disable-rpc-login --testnet --trusted-daemon --rpc-...
user8555937's user avatar
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Transaction ID has invalid size

I'm trying to get information regarding a transaction from testnet, so I'm sending a JSON request to monero-wallet-rpc: {"id":"0","jsonrpc":"2.0","method&...
user8555937's user avatar
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How to calculate address balance with daemon RPC calls?

Say you are trying to program monero-wallet-cli for the first time. You've got a Monero daemon running that affords you this API: ...
jafarlihi's user avatar
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Transaction weight/size understanding

According to Monero source code there are two metrics for the transaction size: Size Weight
mahnunchik's user avatar
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I don't get a JSON response from the TRANSFER method

I want to transfer money using the transfer method. I run the method and get JSON: { "error": { "code": -17, "message": "not enough money" }, &...
ARTISUC's user avatar
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