Questions tagged [monero-wallet-rpc]

A Monero application used to provide programatic access (via an RPC interface) to Monero wallets.

39 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can I set monero-wallet-rpc default password

I want to set a permanent monero-wallet-rpc password. Right now every time I run monero-wallet-rpc I am asked to define a password. How can I make this password be permanent?
joejoe12's user avatar
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RPC will not connect to daemon

I attempted to run the Monero RPC, but I am not able to connect to the daemon on either my VPS, which is running a synchronized daemon, or on my Windows PC. This is what happened I started by ...
Ian Whitehouse's user avatar
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Monero wallet RPC don't work

I have a huge problem with the RPC wallet. It starts ok, tried - - log-level 4 and all goes OK but it does not bind on the RPC port and I cannot send RPC commands. It just stops at Starting RPC server....
Ioan Mihai Trif's user avatar
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when transfering from sub-address index, remaining monero is moved to index 0

I received payments into a subaddress of my wallet account and created a transfer from that subaddress for a portion of the funds using the RPC wallet. However, after the transaction was created all ...
Elvis Isking's user avatar
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Transfer from multiple 'accounts' not multiple 'subindices'

Using the GUI wallet and the RPC wallet it is possible to create a transfer across sub-indices of the same account. But the subaddress documentation indicates that it should be possible to create a ...
Elvis Isking's user avatar
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wallet-rpc: "Transaction not found" but --tx-notify fired

It's so annoying it hurts. I'm running wallet-rpc on testnet using the following command: monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-host --disable-rpc-login --testnet --trusted-daemon --rpc-...
user8555937's user avatar
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Creating Monero payment buttons which convert USD to Monero, customers pays and monero sent to my wallet

I have been looking at the developers sections for a solution. Is it possible to create a payment button for Monero similar to Paypal for an e-commerce website and have the monero sent to my GUI ...
Kesta's user avatar
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Monero RPC - Failed to parse transaction from daemon

I am running the latest version of monerod and monero-wallet-rpc on my Ubuntu 16 machine. My monerod daemon is fully synced and seems to be working fine. I am using monero-wallet-rpc to run a faucet ...
Barney Chambers's user avatar
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Monero Wallet RPC stops responding to Monero Python module after some time

I wrote a program that repeatedly requests for JSON responses from a Monero Wallet RPC at some time intervals ranging from 10 seconds to a minute. Everything is running on a testnet in my local ...
John G's user avatar
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Transfer RPC 401 Unauthorized

i got error again when transfer via walletRPC.php from result is : Response Http Error - 401 Unauthorized ,it's only for transfer function, if i used ...
rendzhimaru's user avatar
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Running the GUI wallet connected to a daemon on my home network - How do I mark the daemon as 'trusted'?

I'm using the GUI wallet on my windows desktop but run a daemon on a small linux home server. I can connect to my daemon by selecting 'remote node' in my settings using the local IP of my home server. ...
MmM's user avatar
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Monero transaction rpc call doesn't return any result for the payment ID

I have a monero address (say ABC) with some balance in it.I need to initiate a transaction to the same ABC address with different payment ID (16 bit) to differentiate for a purpose. I did the ...
Ram's user avatar
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How to run Monero-wallet-rpc on windows?

I downloaded monero-cli for windows, I double clicked monerod, when its synchronised I double clicked monero-wallet-cli, I created wallet, then I clicked monero-wallet-rpc, it gets closed within a ...
Zeshan virk's user avatar
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monero-wallet-rpc no longer accepting json_rpc connections

As of a few hours ago, I'm not able to connect to json rpc. It gives a simple connection refused error. I've tried restarting it, using this command (as I'd done previously): monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-...
Fibericon's user avatar
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I can't restore my monero wallet gui

My account in my wallet is not correct. When I restore my wallet with seeds I write date when I create my wallet. Remote node was synchronized and in transaction history i see only one transaction ( ...
DarkVol's user avatar
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Minimum Amount for Opening a new Wallet

With a Monero fork, I am curious if there is a way to set a Minimum Amount for Opening or Activating a new Wallet. The idea is that people have to deposit a certain amount of coins into a wallet ...
Joshua Paul Barnard's user avatar
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Monero-Python connecting to Wallet error -13, can't find wallet

I have been trying for hours and get the basic python functions to work. I am trying to run daemon locally and using monero-wallet-rpc to connect the daemon. Any help would be greatly appreciated, ...
user3810597's user avatar
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wallet-cli generated wallet prompts "invalid password" when used in wallet-rpc

I run a small Wallet-RPC Server on a linux machine (k3s cluster on a raspberry pi 5 running rpi os lite). When I generate a new wallet on my Mac (m1 sonoma) using monero-wallet-cli and copying it onto ...
Patrick Siemen's user avatar
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Multisig: Can you add another party after finalize_multisig

Let's say i'm creating a 2/3 multisig but i only have 2 people, is it possible to create the multisig with only 2 people, then later i add the third person? and/or can you edit a multisig and change/...
Ceddy Muhoza's user avatar
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I am allowing partial refunds on my monero-integrated store, how do I prevent the fee being deducted from the balance that is left over?

I want the fee to be deducted from the refunded amount. For example, Given a fee of 1 XMR If I refund 100 xmr from a 200xmr account, I would like the refunded amount to be 99 XMR (100-1) and the ...
SynataxError's user avatar
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Test transactions during development

I want to also provide Monero as payment option on a website I have. To achieve this I will be using the JSON-RPC of wallet-rpc. The documentation is pretty clear on how to use it. However, I can find ...
O'Niel's user avatar
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Can I change the RPC timeout time? [PHP]

My wallet-rpc sometimes times out. It gets it done in the end, just not in the time that is required by the PHP walletRPC class. I was wondering if a) The transfers sent get processed anyway, even if ...
SynataxError's user avatar
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Testnet wallet rpc "not enough money" despite balance being adequate

When I call get_balance: $ curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_balance","params":{&...
SynataxError's user avatar
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Why does my testnet contuinously throw errors?

I have three private testnet nodes set up, and one wallet-rpc that connects to one of those three nodes (which are all connected to eachother as peers). I am constantly having to delete the walllet ...
SynataxError's user avatar
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error in nonero rpc wallet

im running a monero node with rpc wallet . everything was working fine but suddenly im getting an error 2023-11-17 17:27:13.400 E WRONG DATA CONVERSION: from type=d to type m 2023-11-17 17:27:13.401 E ...
rahi ahmed's user avatar
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Given the below payment model, how do I prevent my main wallet from being drained on my e-commerce store?

Via the wallet-rpc api An integrated address is generated for a one-time payment User pays to address User is refunded excess payments It is currently implemented like so: A walletRPC wrapper ...
SynataxError's user avatar
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Monerod created a transaction with no sender and 0 fee, still this transaction was confirmed

Somehow happend, that after regular request to the RPC for creating a new transaction, my local node created transaction that has no sender and 0 fee, but this transaction on current has over 6k ...
Ilya Tarasov's user avatar
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Can't start Monero RPC Node

I'm trying to start an RPC node but the command below has only works once monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port 18081 --wallet-file monero-pool --prompt-for-password --daemon-address --...
J_P's user avatar
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Transaction between accounts

After receiving funds in one monero account, I transferred to other account. After few days I see that my received account shows the same balance which I have in my transferred account. If I want to ...
Alex Smith's user avatar
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Can't get monero-wallet-rpc to accept relay_tx

I am trying using the Monero-python library and trying to create a transaction (without relaying it), and then publish the tx using the hex output using the relay_tx method on the monero-wallet-rpc ...
b567564567's user avatar
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Fetching balance for Monero Wallet with getBalance function in JavaScript doesn't work. I am using RPC method for it. Output: Showing HTTP/ error

const publicKey = req.body; try { //connect to daemon let daemon = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc("http://localhost:28081", "pinkumonero", "1234"); let ...
Enthusiast 's user avatar
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Проблемы с входом в кошелёк Gui Wallet после обновления v0.18.1.0

16.08.2022 мне были отправлены монеты, но в своём графическом кошельке GUI я их так и не увидел. На сайте монеты увидел сообщение что 13 августа прошло обновление сети ...
Марк's user avatar
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Problem using the monero-integrations/monerophp library

I downloaded the Monero CLI wallet and the monero-integrations/monerophp library. After, I ran: ./monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address \ --wallet-file testwallet --password 1234 ...
kellophoo's user avatar
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I Need Help Please With Monero GUI wallet issue

please help, I exchanged BTC to Monero using and, i am still yet to receive the funds on my xmr for two days now. I had two separate transactions, no one is reflecting on my ...
Andy's user avatar
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Monero RPC get_transfer by php monero-integrations

I try to get the transaction by calling get_transfer, but I dont know how to send the $subaddr_indice to get the right answer back i have: [subaddr_indices] => Array ( ...
pdevo's user avatar
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Using the Monero wallet RPC it takes 10 minutes to create a subaddress. What's the problem?

Using the Monero wallet RPC command create_address it takes 10 minutes to create a sub address. What's the problem?
collin's user avatar
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How to conduct E-commerce transactions, XMR to GBP and conversion to fiat without KYC registration documents

I'd be grateful for some advice and help. I’m not a web developer and have basic knowledge of html and even less of crypto language. What I want to do is sell items on a website where customers pay ...
Kesta's user avatar
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get_payments method doesn't display data

I am trying to run get_payments method of wallet rpc. Got this error Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell Warning: curl to output it to your terminal ...
Guga Todua's user avatar
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Getting balance of my address connecting to a remote node via RPC API?

I'm looking to build a Monero web wallet, but I'm not sure how to go about querying the remote Monero nodes to get an updated balance of an address. Let's say I have the Monero private keys, how do I ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar