Questions tagged [kovri]

To cover, veil, wrap (Esperanto). A secure, private, untraceable C++ implementation of the I2P anonymous network.

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48 votes
1 answer

Why was I2P chosen over Tor for native Monero integration?

Tor is currently much more popular than I2P. Why was I2P chosen (Kovri project) over Tor for native Monero integration?
Smart Kid's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to use light wallets / remote nodes with Kovri?

Kovri is a C++ implementation of I2P. I2P is an acronym for Invisible Internet Protocol. The idea behind I2P is to create an anonymous internet. To me, your average semi-educated enthusiast, this ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

How will the implementation of Kovri work from a user perspective?

This is really a multi-part question that I'm happy to trim/change/delete if it's too broad and/or speculative. Part A - Assuming an average, not-particularly-tech-savvy user is excited about Kovri ...
scoobybejesus's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Looking for an easy explanation about kovri

I still don't get what kovri actually is. Can anyone provide an easy explanation? I looked at YouTube for videos, but couldn't find any. Also other links didn't help. Does anyone know a picture ...
PowerFlower's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

After Kovri arrives will some full nodes need to remain on clearnet?

After Kovri arrives will some full nodes need to remain on clearnet? How would peer discovery work if all full nodes suddenly converted to I2P for both inbound and outbound connections? If most ...
seek adventure's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What use cases will Kovri have for Monero?

Kovri will be used for Monero wallets and nodes, but how else will Kovri benefit Monero in the future? I thought I heard Kovri could be used to safely access remote nodes for things like MiniNero in ...
thavu's user avatar
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7 votes
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What exactly is the relationship between Monero and I2P

I know they both compliment each other but I'm trying to figure exactly how they both work together. Is it used for the anonymity? Sorry for the newb question, I have just really been trying to figure ...
TBD's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

I2P Reseed servers

What is a reseed server ? There is this hard-coded list of url. Who are they ? Where does this list come from ?
Moroccan Engineer's user avatar